Posts Tagged ‘MN-06’

From The "Stupid Is As Stupid Does" Department…..

October 1, 2009

…well, could be filed in the ol’ republiCon “Do As We Say (Not As We Do)” Department, too…

Yesterday, over on Brodkorb’s Blog, Michael’s newest pseudonym “Contributor” tried – TRIED – to rip Tarryl Clark for the ghastly deed of “holding a fundraiser outside of the 6th District.” Now, this is funny for two reasons: 1) Michael’s newest pseudonym “Contributor” – Luke Hellier – used to work for Bachmann, so he surely knows about the many fundraisers Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive has held outside the 6th District, such as the infamous fundraiser D*ck (cheney)in’ Cheney held for Michele on Lake Minnetonka, and 2) Brodkorb knows – KNOWS – that GOPer Eva Ng recently held a fundraiser outside of the district bounaries where she’s running, ’cause not only did MudSlingerMike tweet about it, it’s on the official Mn GOP website, where the ol’ MudSlinger is the State Party Deputy Chair!!!

And Tony Sutton had to know about the fundraiser; it was held at FEC Tony’s taco shop.

That, gentle readers, certainly qualifies as “stupid is as stupid does.”

It’s things like this, and more, why I say – often – “Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP.”

Let’s look at a couple more examples:

In 2007, Mn GOP Party Chair republiCon Ron wouldn’t answer questions about his piss-poor “stewardship” of Party Finances, as documented in a June 2007 Strib story:

Party records show that money was withheld for employee retirement plans from September 2005 through May 2006, but Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reflect no deposits into the accounts during that period. In June 2006, the party made two makeup payments totaling $12,243 into the accounts.

The delay in depositing the money could have benefitted the party by giving it temporary access to the employees’ funds.

Carey didn’t explain why the retirement money wasn’t deposited promptly.

“There seemed to be some gray areas as to what was the requirement,” Carey said. Asked to explain the gray areas, he said, “I really would prefer not to get into the weeds on something like that.” (

Hmmm….”gray areas”….hmmm….”don’t want to get into the weeds”….

Where and what was republiCon Ron doing, during the summer of ’08? Ripping Al Franken over Franken’s paperwork problems, and demanding – DEMANDING! – that Franken answer questions!!!

Oh, and it needs to be pointed out that during the whole shoddy and sorry MnGOP PaperGate saga, FEC Tony was involved, except during his stint as Deputy to State Auditor Pat Anderson. And the shoddy and sorry saga apparently isn’t over…why, less than two weeks ago, the Mn GOP had to fix MORE of their (cheney)-ups:


The Following FEC Electronic Filings are Available:
Click on the form name to view it.
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433152
Period FROM 11/25/2008 through 12/31/2008
Report Type: YEAR-END
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433149
Period FROM 10/16/2008 through 11/24/2008
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433147
Period FROM 10/01/2008 through 10/15/2008
Report Type: PRE-GENERAL
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433140
Period FROM 09/01/2008 through 09/30/2008
Report Type: OCT MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433126
Period FROM 08/01/2008 through 08/31/2008
Report Type: SEP MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
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FEC Filing #: FEC-433122
Period FROM 07/01/2008 through 07/31/2008
Report Type: AUG MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433116
Period FROM 06/01/2008 through 06/30/2008
Report Type: JUL MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
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FEC Filing #: FEC-433113
Period FROM 05/01/2008 through 05/31/2008
Report Type: JUN MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
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FEC Filing #: FEC-433112
Period FROM 04/01/2008 through 04/30/2008
Report Type: MAY MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
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FEC Filing #: FEC-433107
Period FROM 03/01/2008 through 03/31/2008
Report Type: APR MONTHLY
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FEC Filing #: FEC-433104
Period FROM 02/01/2008 through 02/29/2008
Report Type: MAR MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433101
Period FROM 01/01/2008 through 01/31/2008
Report Type: FEB MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433099
Period FROM 12/01/2007 through 12/31/2007
Report Type: YEAR-END
Filed 09/21/2009
Form F3XA – 09/21/2009
FEC Filing #: FEC-433098
Period FROM 11/01/2007 through 11/30/2007
Report Type: DEC MONTHLY
Filed 09/21/2009
(Federal Election Commission)

Fourteen – FOURTEEN! – more “oops! We screwed up – AGAIN” amended reports??!?

Amending and re-amending and re-amending the re-amended is a long-standing pattern for Minnesota’s GreedOverPrinciples party. Amazing, when you consider GOPers like to consider themselves “The Party Of Fiscal Accountability”…

The last example I’ll use today is GOPer Governor-Candidate Marty Seifert – as explained by Dusty Trice:

Marty Seifert Gets Hit With His Own Slime!

Last Wednesday Marty Seifert held a press conference where he attacked several of his opponents by saying they might be using taxpayer money and their elected positions to gain publicity.

“I don’t know if they are doing that, but I want to throw it out there,” Seifert said. (MinnPost)

Looks like Marty Seifert combed over one very important detail. It turns out in the MN House Seifert is the chief offender!

MPR News checked, and it turns out it was Marty Seifert who claimed more money for expenses over the last four months than any other House member running for governor. (MPR via Blue Man)

Seifert has expensed $6,081 in travel, lodging and other expenses to the taxpayers since early June! (

There’s Pawlenty plenty more examples of GOP Hypocrisy, such as Republicans Believe In States Rights (Except When They Don’t), and we’ll be reviewing them often.



“Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP”

(cross-posted from MnProgressiveProject)

Hey, Michele! YOU go FIRST!!!

August 31, 2009

The Washington Independent just posted the latest quote from the Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive Tour, at a fundraiser in Colorado, talking about health care legislation:

“This cannot pass. What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass.” (


Why couldn’t she have said that, at Lake Elmo??!? I was THERE – with a CAMERA!!!

Then again, why didn’t she just hop on a plane to Jonestown, Guyana, and say it there?

Maybe she can take her pal, “Joe The Plumber”, with her….and speaking of “Joe The Plumber”, here’s another Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive episode that will live in infamy – let’s watch!!!

Matthews: How many Congresspeople, members of Congress are in that anti-American crowd you describe?

Bachmann: [Deer in the headlights]

Matthews: How many Congresspeople you serve with — I mean, there’s 435 members of Congress —

Bachmann: — well right now —

Matthews: — how many are anti-American in that Congress right now that you serve with?

Bachmann: You’d have to ask them, Chris, I’m focusing on Barack Obama and the people he’s been associated with —

Matthews: But do you suspect that a lot of the people you serve with —

Bachmann: — and I’m very worried about their anti-American nature.

Matthews: Well, he’s the United States Senator from Illinois, he’s one of the people you suspect as being anti-American. How many people in the Congress of the United States do you think are anti-American? You’ve already suspected Barack Obama. Is he alone, or are there others?

Bachmann: [Deer in the headlights]

Matthews: How many do you suspect of your colleagues do you suspect of being anti-American?

Bachmann: I would say, what I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look — I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America? I think the people would love to see an expose like that.

(transcript and commentary from

“I think the people would love to see an expose like that.”

I’d rather see Michele whip out a razor….

(originally published at

More On The Bachmann "Forum" At Lake Elmo

August 28, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, a lot will be written about Michele Bachmann’s Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive “Forum” yesterday at Lake Elmo – as well there should!

But, Political Muse and Dusty Trice got video!

First, Political Muse wrote a piece entitled “Bachmann Abandons 10th Amendment…”. Here’s a snippet:

One of the cruxes of the entire conservative movement, aside perhaps from an unhealthy obsession with the 2nd Amendment, is their purported adherence to the 10th Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Now I don’t necessarily share their passion for the 10th Amendment nor do I believe that it definitively proves their strict constructionist states rights beliefs but it is their belief none the less. Any true conservative will swear by the 10th Amendment and use it as a cudgel against any supposed deviation from the ideas of strict constructionism.

So, given that Bachmann is supposed to be a “rock ribbed conservative”, it would stand to reason that she too believes in this principle of strict constructionism and the 10th Amendment, right? WRONG. Today at her town hall forum on health care reform she completely tossed out the amendment even going so far as to suggest “erasing the boundaries” around each of the states in order to create so called competition in the health insurance industry. (

Bachmann’s “Big Eraser” plan apparently caught Political Muse’s attention, too. Political Muse has Bachmann’s “Big Eraser” plan on a YouTube; it’s the Bachmann quote I used earlier today. Except, Political Muse has it on a YouTube showing Bachmann used the “Big Eraser” fairy tale story TWICE. So, go look!

Dusty Trice was also at the “Forum” with a camera (big surprise there – NOT!!!) and has a whole bunch of footage – like 10 (count ’em – 10!) YouTubes of the “Forum.” As Dusty says: “You’re not going to want to miss her stupid Brett Favre joke!” So, go look!

(originally published at

Republicans Believe In States' Rights (Except When They Don't)

August 28, 2009

Some days, Republicans believe in a quaint notion called “state’s rights.” For instance, Texas Republicans believe in the primacy of state’s rights regarding the death penalty, even if it invovles executing the mentally retarded. Other days, not so much – like with California and medical marijuana, approved by California voters in 1996.

George W. Bush used to be the prime example of a Republican that believed in state’s rights (except when he didn’t). As Texas Governor, Dubya relished Texas’ sovereignty and eagerly affirmed each and every death penalty he could. As President, Dubya’s administration frequently ignored California’s sovereignty by frequently raiding medical marijuana distributors.

Then yesterday, along comes Michele Bachmann, giving the guy she “enjoys a great relationship” with, a run for his money on ignoring state’s rights. Here’s what Michele Bachmann said yesterday, at her Lake Elmo “Forum”:

“We could do this: there’s a law right now at the federal level that says that states can, in effect, draw boundaries around their state and insurance companies don’t have to compete with other companies outside of their state. This drives, this jacks the cost of healthcare way higher than what it would need to be. If we took a big eraser, and erased those lines, of each state’s boundaries, and allowed people to buy health care anywhere in the United States…in other words, if we, if we allowed more competition among insurance companies, rather than less competition, we would see more insurance products, cheaper prices, and people could buy what they want.” – Rep. Michele Bachmann, Lake Elmo, MN, August 27th, 2009

“If we took a big eraser, and erased those lines, of each state’s boundaries…”


What other issues does Michele Bachmann feel states shouldn’t control; other issues to pull out a “big eraser” and obliterate state borders?

And that’s before examining her claim of being consumer friendly…..

Let’s take what Bachmann said, replace “insurance” with “credit cards”, and see how it reads…although not an exact analogy, you’ll get the picture of how Bachmann’s “insurance” plan just might work out – for “insurance” guys like Billion Dollar Bill McGuire!

“We could do this: there’s a law right now at the federal level that says that states can, in effect, draw boundaries around their state and credit card companies don’t have to compete with other companies outside of their state. This drives, this jacks the cost of credit cards way higher than what it would need to be. If we took a big eraser, and erased those lines, of each state’s boundaries, and allowed people to get credit cards anywhere in the United States…in other words, if we, if we allowed more competition among credit card companies, rather than less competition, we would see more credit card products, cheaper prices, and people could buy what they want.”

Yeah, “right.”

Barry Goldwater has got to be spinning in his grave, over what Boy Blunder and Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive have done and said. And Michele Bachmann has once again proven that GOP does indeed stand for GreedOverPrinciples.

(originally published at

How To Deal With Today's "Right"WingNuts, or….

August 19, 2009

…you can’t argue with a sick mind.

Earlier today, I posted on Faux News’ “coverage” of Rep. Barney Frank’s Town Hall, which was the prelude to Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive’s intervew by Sean insHannity. Here’s some footage of Rep. Frank’s Town Hall you won’t see on Faux News – let’s look!

Rep. Barney Frank: When you ask me that question I’m going to revert to my ethnic heritage and answer your question with a question. On what planet do you spend most of your time?


You want me to answer the question? Yes. As you stand there with a picture of the President defaced to look like Hitler and compare the effort to increase health care to the Nazis, my answer to you is as I said before, it is a tribute to the First Amendment that this kind of vile, contemptible nonsense is so freely propagated. Ma’am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it.

Political Muse of Liberal in the Land of Conservative has the following on his blog’s masthead:

“I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends….that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.” -Adlai Stevenson (1952)

It’s even worse today; “conservatives” simply lie about everything.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Rep. Barney Frank is spot on: those people have no interest – NONE – in dealing with reality. Birthers and Deathers – sponsored by AstroTurfers – calling people socialists and communists and nazis, all orchestrated and approved of by GOP Party “leadership” – well, reasonable people simply cannot reasonably believe anything – ANYTHING – today’s GOP “leaders” say. As for the lemmings the GOP’s “leaders” lead astray?

Rep. Barney Frank sets a great example – call them out for the whack-jobs that they are.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

"the second most hated Republican woman"

August 13, 2009

Here’s how Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive starts her “poor, poor, pitiful me!” email:

Dear Friend:
Last month, I appeared on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News Channel. I was talking about the Democrats’ latest scheme to pick the taxpayer’s pocket to pay for a $1.5-billion slush fund for ACORN.

Before getting into the meat of this terrible new anti-taxpayer proposal, Sean Hannity said that he considers me “the second most hated Republican woman,” second only to Governor Sarah Palin.

Political Muse has the story; go there for the rest of the “poor, poor pitiful me!” sobfest – it’s worth your while.

In the meantime, remember – there’s a reason people pick on Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive – let’s look!

(h/t to

(update – Andy Birkey at has some fisk…)

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Breaking News: Bachmann Town Hall Scheduled for August 27th!

August 6, 2009

Breaking news! I just got off the phone with Rep. Michele Bachmann’s Woodbury office; the Town Hall is scheduled for August 27th!

I was told while the location and place were not confirmed, the date is, and to keep checking Bachmann’s website for details, or call the office – which is 651-731-5400.

Hat-tip to both Mark Brunswick at the Strib and Dusty Trice.

Stay tuned!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

"I'm DFL. And that's the line that I'll be on."

August 6, 2009

Actually, the whole quote is:

“I would not run on the IP line. I’m DFL. And that’s the line that I’ll be on.”

And the person making the quote is Dr. Maureen Reed, the congressional candidate in the 6th CD.

The quote was made to Eric Black at MinnPost.

Personally, I’m happy to see Dr. Reed make that quote; make the committment to the DFL Party and make the committment to helping Michelle Bachmann return to the profession Bachmann was trained in: tax law. Dr. Reed is a fine person and a wonderful candidate. She should be congratulated for standing up and standing tall!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive, Last Night

August 1, 2009

Some call it disinformation, some call it lying, but what ever it’s called, it certainly isn’t the truth. Keep in mind republiCon John Kline had to be pressured into holding his one and only “Town Hall” – and I use that term loosely, Erik Paulsen has shown no inclination to do any “Town Halls” despite his predecessor’s record of doing multiple – and legitimate – Town Hall meetings twice a year. As far as the ol’ MotorMouth herself, as far as I can tell Bachmann has never held a “Town Hall.” She did “host” a “Forum” earlier this year, but: she let a paid shill lawyer do the talking.

Fast forward to last night: wanting to see how long it took Sean insHanitty to say something stupid, I tuned to Faux News at the top of the hour and was not disappointed. Especially since he had Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive on, “right” away! Let’s look!

Everybody catch that? Let’s review:

(3:15) Hannity: “What do you make, I’m watching Barney Frank and it doesn’t really really surprise me, he’s got a very safe district, but you know, the arrogance, the condescention, you know, the battling with the voters – something’s changed and I can’t quite pinpoint what it is. I’ve never seen voters attacked this way, have you?”

Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive: “Well, the great thing is that Members of Congress are at home this August – they’re having an opportunity to be actually able to hear from normal Americans about how they feel about this health care proposal rather than the lobbyists that have been swirling through the halls of Congress. This is a wonderful thing – we’re actually seeing Democracy in action and it’ll be very difficult for members of congress to go back to Washington DC in September and clearly vote against their constituent’s interests. None of them can say now that they didn’t realize where the heartbeat of the American public is and we’ll soon see if the liberals in Congress are listening to regular Americans.”

So, here we have Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive talking about how “wonderful” Town Halls are, and she’s never had one. And lest we not forget, Kline had to be pressured into holding his one and only “Town Hall” and Paulsen shows no inclination to ever holding one.

Let’s watch what Minnesota GOP Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb said, concerning Town Halls:

Which brings us back to what I said, up at the top:

Some call it disinformation, some call it lying, but what ever it’s called, it certainly isn’t the truth.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

The Best Comic Strip From Last Week!

July 19, 2009

Well, ok – I missed it last Tuesday, but: I caught it on CrooksAndLiars today!

The title? “Sarah Palin!” on This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow, July 14th, 2009

Wait’ll ya get a load o’ the last panel….

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)