Archive for the ‘John McCain’ Category

republiCons Believe The Darndest Things

August 26, 2008

You have to wonder: does John McCain actually know what Daddy Yankee is singing?

McCain started talkin’ to Daddy Yankee about an endorsement in early August, according to FauxFox News (and since it’s Faux Fox News, ya know it’s true!), and brought out Daddy Yankee for the endorsement just the other day, in Phoenix.

Now, why anyone of color would want anything to do with the republiCon party is beyond me, but even more incredible is why anyone in the republiCon party – the “Party Of Family Values” would want Daddy Yankee’s endorsement is far beyond that.

Now, it’s not that I have any problem with what Daddy Yankee sings nor with the message Daddy Yankee sends. I got no problemo at all. I actually think it’s funny that McCain is takin’ this endorsement – after all, regular readers know the ol’ TwoPutter regulary points out hypocrisy in the GreedOverPrinciples party.

But, hey – it’s Daddy Yankee that’s gotta be laughin’ the hardest on this one! Here’s what Daddy Yankee said, about his song, at Bushy McSame’s campaign event:

The sound bite of the day came when the star (Daddy Yankee) was asked what his song “Gasolina” was about. Without hesitation he said, “Energy independence.”(Christian Science Monitor)

“energy independence”??!? ROFLMAO!!! I’ll bet Bushy bit on THAT one! Then again, Bushy McSame thought that the “Miss Buffalo Chip” contest he was gonna stick his wife in, was “a beauty pageant.”

republiCons believe the darndest things.

Here’s Daddy Yankee’s video – the lyrics follow.

shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,

Get ready, because whats coming is to give it to her, (hard!
Mamita, I know that you aren’t going to take away (hard!)
What I like is that you let yourself get taken away (hard!)
every weekend she goes out to have fun (hard!)
my cat doesn’t stop hanging out because

She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!)
How she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!) 2x

The turns on the turbine
she doesn’t discriminate
She doesn’t even miss a fancy dress dinner
She gets dressed up even to go to the corner store
She wears things so well that even shadow favors her
assasin, she dominates me
she hangs out in cars, motorcycles, and limousines,
she fills her tank with adrenaline,
when she listen to reggaeton in the kitchen

She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!)
How she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!) 2x

(me!) Here I’m one of the best
Don’t leave me
On the track they call us “the killers”
You make anyone fall in love
when you dance to the rhythm of the drums
this goes out to cats of all colors
for the older ones, for the younger ones,
for those who are more foxy (foxy = player) that the hunters
for the women who never turn off their engines

You and I have something coming
you owe me something and you know it
with me, she loses herself,
she doesn’t surrender explanations to anyone 2x

shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,

Get ready, because whats coming is to give it to her, (hard!
Mamita, I know that you aren’t going to take away (hard!)
What I like is that you let yourself get taken away (hard!)
every weekend she goes out to have fun (hard!)
my cat doesn’t stop hanging out because

She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!)
how she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!) 2x

(originally published at

republiCons Want It Both Ways

August 23, 2008

I just googled “biden plagiarsm” – because I knew it was coming. EVERYONE knew it was coming, because that’s the way republiCons are. Over forty years ago, but WT(C)? For republiCons, what’s forty years, when it’s an opportunity to trash the opposition? And I do mean it, when I entitled this post “republicons Want It Both Ways.” Remember when Cheney told Senator Leahy, in the senate, “Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) yourself!!!”? “felt good” and “needed to be said” was Cheney’s explanation, and republiCons – hypocritical bootlickers that they are – agreed. Fast forward, and now consider the attack on Franken’s “foul language” – “unfit for the senate!” is republiCon answer. Ladies and gentlemen, republiCons want it both ways.

So here’s the very first result upon googling “biden plagairsim” and then hitting “news”. That link appeared just 15 minutes ago, and here’s what it looks like:

August 23, 2008
Joe Biden’s plagiarism problem
Thomas Lifson(American Thinker)

“American Thinker” my (backside). “American Bootlicker” is more like it. These bootlickers are claiming that an alleged plagiarism incident from 1965 – FORTY-THREE (cheney)IN’ YEARS AGO – is a problem??!?

And here’s the “republiCons want it both ways” on this one, about an issue THIRTY years ago: McCain’s serial aduterous behavior needs no explanation, because – according to McCain – that was 30 years ago.

According to republiCons, plagiarism is a deep character flaw, but serial adultery by todays’ standard bearer for “The Party Of Family Values” is no problemo; an incident 43 years ago is worthy of discussion but 30 years ago is way in the past.

Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t fall for that pile of republiCon horse(apples).

From here on out, the first two words in Bushy McSame’s name is “Serial Adulterer.”

As in “Serial Adulterer Bushy McSame spoke last night at…” or as in “Serial Adulterer John McCain was on Fox News and…”

Ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s distasteful to stoop to the level republiCons thrive in, but serious times demand serious action. If you want to make the republiCons stop swimming in the sewer, you have to make it hurt – you have to make them feel the pain of trying to have it both ways. You have to hit back, and hit back hard.

To clearly demonstrate Bushy McSame’s Serial Adultery, watch this:

And then remember that to every one you talk to, it’s “Serial Adulterer John McCain did/said/etc….”

(originally published at

T Minus 154 – Pawlenty Of The Requisite Mendacity

August 18, 2008

“And again, General David Petraeus said summarily and arbitrarily taking our troops out of there as Senator Obama has proposed is not in the best interests of the United States, could potentially be destabilizing and put at risk all of the great work and valor and sacrifice and blood and treasure our country has put into that country.” – Gov. Tim Pawlenty, on Face The Nation, August 17th, 2008

OK, it’s not really a Bushism, but: it’s (cheney)in’ stupid, on several levels. And by saying it, on national TV, T-Paw is showing that he’s either in over his head because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or he’s showing he’d be a willing and pliable tool for those who would make Bushy McSame king president. Of course, “both” is a distinct probablity, also.

Think about it: under the US Constitution, civilian leadership determines natonal interests and sets foreign policy, not the military, and certainly not a theater commander, such as General Petraeus. And for those that actually believing in following the law, which, of course, excludes bootlickin’ republiCons, Title 10 of the U.S. Code clearly states that it’s the Joint Chiefs of Staff that advises The President in formation of policy, NOT theater commanders.

Clearly, General Petraeus is not authorized, nor is any General, to determine America’s national interests nor create foreign policy. Furthermore, did General Petraeus actually say what Gov. Pawlenty claimed General Petaeus said?

Of course not. Which is why January 21st, 2009 would be The Beginning Of A New Error if Bushy McSame assumes the office of the Presidency – especially if Gov. Pawlenty is part of the ticket.

(originally published at