Archive for August, 2008

Paulsen Admits It – He's a republiCon

August 26, 2008

Yesterday, Paulsen told the Associated Press he wasn’t sure if he’d accept an invitation make a speech at the Republican National Convention; today he tells the Associated Press he will.

Now, with as much time as Paulsen’s spent running from the republiCon brand, stepping in front of a microphone at the RNC is a big step for Paulsen.

I just checked Paulsen’s website, and used the search feature for the term “Republican.” On Paulsen’s website, the term “Republican” exists exactly 7 times. Not on the home page; not on any of the sub-pages; but buried in 4 stories (three of which were about GOP endorsement conventions) and 3 documents.

After a political career that includes Majority Leader for the Republican Party, Paulsen is certainly hiding the brand. It’s not on his campaign signage, nor literature, either.

But there’s a lot of things Paulsen doesn’t like to talk about; his being a republiCon is only one. Erik Paulsen, Republican-Endorsed candidate, has no position on Iraq. His website is pretty much bereft of any content, and has been since I posted this way back in January. Then, as is now, this picture is worth a thousand words:

(originally published at

republiCons Believe The Darndest Things

August 26, 2008

You have to wonder: does John McCain actually know what Daddy Yankee is singing?

McCain started talkin’ to Daddy Yankee about an endorsement in early August, according to FauxFox News (and since it’s Faux Fox News, ya know it’s true!), and brought out Daddy Yankee for the endorsement just the other day, in Phoenix.

Now, why anyone of color would want anything to do with the republiCon party is beyond me, but even more incredible is why anyone in the republiCon party – the “Party Of Family Values” would want Daddy Yankee’s endorsement is far beyond that.

Now, it’s not that I have any problem with what Daddy Yankee sings nor with the message Daddy Yankee sends. I got no problemo at all. I actually think it’s funny that McCain is takin’ this endorsement – after all, regular readers know the ol’ TwoPutter regulary points out hypocrisy in the GreedOverPrinciples party.

But, hey – it’s Daddy Yankee that’s gotta be laughin’ the hardest on this one! Here’s what Daddy Yankee said, about his song, at Bushy McSame’s campaign event:

The sound bite of the day came when the star (Daddy Yankee) was asked what his song “Gasolina” was about. Without hesitation he said, “Energy independence.”(Christian Science Monitor)

“energy independence”??!? ROFLMAO!!! I’ll bet Bushy bit on THAT one! Then again, Bushy McSame thought that the “Miss Buffalo Chip” contest he was gonna stick his wife in, was “a beauty pageant.”

republiCons believe the darndest things.

Here’s Daddy Yankee’s video – the lyrics follow.

shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,

Get ready, because whats coming is to give it to her, (hard!
Mamita, I know that you aren’t going to take away (hard!)
What I like is that you let yourself get taken away (hard!)
every weekend she goes out to have fun (hard!)
my cat doesn’t stop hanging out because

She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!)
How she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!) 2x

The turns on the turbine
she doesn’t discriminate
She doesn’t even miss a fancy dress dinner
She gets dressed up even to go to the corner store
She wears things so well that even shadow favors her
assasin, she dominates me
she hangs out in cars, motorcycles, and limousines,
she fills her tank with adrenaline,
when she listen to reggaeton in the kitchen

She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!)
How she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!) 2x

(me!) Here I’m one of the best
Don’t leave me
On the track they call us “the killers”
You make anyone fall in love
when you dance to the rhythm of the drums
this goes out to cats of all colors
for the older ones, for the younger ones,
for those who are more foxy (foxy = player) that the hunters
for the women who never turn off their engines

You and I have something coming
you owe me something and you know it
with me, she loses herself,
she doesn’t surrender explanations to anyone 2x

shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,
shake it mambo so that my cat can turn on the engine,

Get ready, because whats coming is to give it to her, (hard!
Mamita, I know that you aren’t going to take away (hard!)
What I like is that you let yourself get taken away (hard!)
every weekend she goes out to have fun (hard!)
my cat doesn’t stop hanging out because

She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!)
how she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!) 2x

(originally published at

T Minus 146 – Another Orwellian Bushism

August 26, 2008

“The solution to Iraq — an Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself — is more than a military mission. Precisely the reason why I sent more troops into Baghdad.” — George orWell Bush, Washington, D.C., April 3, 2007 (The White House)

Just another “up is down, war is peace” Orwellian Bushism we’ve come to expect from Boy Blunder. What is disturbing, but predictable, are the “McCain Moments” coming out of the Bushy McSame Campaign.

While clearly January 20th, 2009 will be The End Of An Error, if Bushy McSame is elected January 21st, 2009 will be The Start Of Another.

(originally published at

T Minus 147 – Dumbya Explains Why

August 25, 2008

“When I picked the Secretary of Education I wanted somebody who knew something about public education.” George orWell Bush, April 30th, 2003 (The White House)

Amazing, isn’t it? Bush The Lesser goes deep (for him) on why he made the pick for Secretary of Education, at a White House Ceremony honoring the 2003 “National Teacher Of The Year.” I’m sure the Honoree and runners-up needed THAT explanation. So, ya hafta wonder if there are any other Boy Blunderisms in this gathering to honor American Education, doncha?

Well, Boy Blunder isn’t to be misunderestimated!

From that speech:

“In 2001, we passed what’s called The No Child Left Behind legislation. I love that phrase, because it’s a commitment of our nation to make sure that not only does every child excel, but no child gets left behind.”

Gee – does Dumbya think some of those that excell get left behind? Possibly – very possibly. After all, his own world experience is those in his world that (cheney) up do just fine, but then again, he was born with a silver coke-spoon in his nose. And what’s a little insider stock trading, when your daddy – Bush The Elder – is president?

Boy Blunder’s misAdmininstration is littered with people that not only shouldn’t have been hired (“Brownie, you’re doin’ a heckuva job” immediately comes to mind) but should have been fired for blatant incompetence – such as Doug Feith, whom General Tommy Franks called “The dumbest mother(cheney)er on the planet.”

Paul Wolfowitz as Rumsfeld’s Deputy was wrong about everything; from how much it would cost to how many troops it would take to how long it would last. For Wolfowitz’ comedy tragedy of errors, he was rewarded with a promotion.

George orWell Bush will ultimately get his just rewards, and January 20th 2009 will be The End Of An Error.

(originally published at

T Minus 148 – Up Is Down All Around

August 24, 2008

“I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we’re really talking about peace.” — George orWell Bush, Washington, D.C. June 18th, 2002

Well, all “right” then! That explains these!

“Iraq is a very wealthy country. Enormous oil reserves. They can finance, largely finance the reconstruction of their own country. And I have no doubt that they will.” – Richard Perle, Chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, July 11th, 2002

“Ladies and gentlemen, these are not assertions. These are facts, corroborated by many sources, some of them sources of the intelligence services of other countries.” –Secretary of State Colin Powell, testifying about Iraq’s chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons capabilities before the United Nations Security Council, February 5th, 2003

“It’s hard to conceive that it would take more forces to provide stability in post-Saddam Iraq than it would take to conduct the war itself and to secure the surrender of Saddam’s security forces and his army. Hard to imagine.” –Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, testifying before the House Budget Committee prior to the Iraq war, February 27th, 2003

“My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” –Vice President Dick Cheney, “Meet the Press,” March 16th, 2003

“There is a lot of money to pay for this that doesn’t have to be U.S. taxpayer money, and it starts with the assets of the Iraqi people. We are talking about a country that can really finance its own reconstruction and relatively soon.” – Paul Wolfowitz, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, testifying before the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, March 27th, 2003

“The United States is committed to helping Iraq recover from the conflict, but Iraq will not require sustained aid.” – Mitchell Daniels, Director, White House Office of Management and Budget, April 21st, 2003

“Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.” – George orWell Bush, standing under a “Mission Accomplished” banner on the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier, May 2nd, 2003

“I think they’re in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.” –Vice President Dick Cheney, on the Iraq insurgency, June 20th, 2005

This one just in, 4 hours ago:

Baghdad bombs kill 4, wound 15, Iraqi police say
Sunday, August 24, 2008; 5:03 AM

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Two roadside bombs exploding in quick succession killed four people and wounded 15 in central Baghdad’s Nahda district on Sunday, police said.

The first bomb apparently targeted a police patrol in the busy neighborhood. When bystanders rushed to the scene to tend to the wounded, a second bomb exploded, police said. (Washington Post)

I think that the above clearly demonstrates that:

1 – reasonable people cannot reasonably trust republiCons to tell the truth, and

2 – January 20, 2009 will be The End Of An Error.

(originally published at

republiCons Want It Both Ways

August 23, 2008

I just googled “biden plagiarsm” – because I knew it was coming. EVERYONE knew it was coming, because that’s the way republiCons are. Over forty years ago, but WT(C)? For republiCons, what’s forty years, when it’s an opportunity to trash the opposition? And I do mean it, when I entitled this post “republicons Want It Both Ways.” Remember when Cheney told Senator Leahy, in the senate, “Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) yourself!!!”? “felt good” and “needed to be said” was Cheney’s explanation, and republiCons – hypocritical bootlickers that they are – agreed. Fast forward, and now consider the attack on Franken’s “foul language” – “unfit for the senate!” is republiCon answer. Ladies and gentlemen, republiCons want it both ways.

So here’s the very first result upon googling “biden plagairsim” and then hitting “news”. That link appeared just 15 minutes ago, and here’s what it looks like:

August 23, 2008
Joe Biden’s plagiarism problem
Thomas Lifson(American Thinker)

“American Thinker” my (backside). “American Bootlicker” is more like it. These bootlickers are claiming that an alleged plagiarism incident from 1965 – FORTY-THREE (cheney)IN’ YEARS AGO – is a problem??!?

And here’s the “republiCons want it both ways” on this one, about an issue THIRTY years ago: McCain’s serial aduterous behavior needs no explanation, because – according to McCain – that was 30 years ago.

According to republiCons, plagiarism is a deep character flaw, but serial adultery by todays’ standard bearer for “The Party Of Family Values” is no problemo; an incident 43 years ago is worthy of discussion but 30 years ago is way in the past.

Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t fall for that pile of republiCon horse(apples).

From here on out, the first two words in Bushy McSame’s name is “Serial Adulterer.”

As in “Serial Adulterer Bushy McSame spoke last night at…” or as in “Serial Adulterer John McCain was on Fox News and…”

Ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s distasteful to stoop to the level republiCons thrive in, but serious times demand serious action. If you want to make the republiCons stop swimming in the sewer, you have to make it hurt – you have to make them feel the pain of trying to have it both ways. You have to hit back, and hit back hard.

To clearly demonstrate Bushy McSame’s Serial Adultery, watch this:

And then remember that to every one you talk to, it’s “Serial Adulterer John McCain did/said/etc….”

(originally published at

Another Example Of republiCons Behaving Poorly

August 23, 2008

With it still morning on the day Biden is announced, the RightWingSmearMachine is already thrashing in the gutter. And Lead Bootlicker Gary Gross is living up to his name. In his character assassinating hit-piece, Gross sets up the attack by saying: “Joe Biden is God’s gift to Republicans. First, let’s stipulate that Sen. Biden is one of the true gentlemen in Washington.”

A mere six sentences later, Gross lives up to his name with this attack: “It’s also extremely arrogant. Let’s also understand that Sen. Biden is afflicted with diarhea(sic) of the mouth. The more he talks, the more manure that’s spread. (emphasis added)

NRO already has the material for the ads that the RNC and the McCain campaign can run ridiculing Sen. Biden. It’s an embarrassment of riches. (complete post, here)

Gross and his ilk are giddy that Biden is a gentleman because they know that they are not. They like hitting below the belt because they know gentlemen won’t.

What is an embarrassment is bootlickin’ republiCons like Gross, that’s caused civilized society to hold it’s nose because of Gross and his ilk’s stench.

While I fully support bi-partisanship and reaching across the aisle, these days require that good and decent Democrats take the gloves are off and smack those GOPers that are Gross. Smack ’em, smack ’em hard, and smack ’em often, for the old-fashioned reason – they’ve EARNED it.

republiCons are in charge of the once-proud Grand Old Party; these days GOP stands for Greed Over Principles; the Gross are the inmates in charge of that asylum; and the Gross are happily taking this campaign down and dirty and into the sewer.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s still morning and the GreedOverPrinciples party’s gloves are off. There are times even gentlemen take their gloves off – this is one. Hit back, hit hard, and hit often.

(originally published at

T Minus 149 – More Tough Answers

August 23, 2008

“I think the world watches America. We’re an influential nation, and everybody watches what we say. And I think it’s very important for the American President to mean what he says. That’s why I understand that the enemy could misread what I say. That’s why I try to be as clearly I can. I don’t want them to be emboldened by any confusion or doubt.” — George orWell Bush in a Washington, D.C. Press Conference, Sep. 23, 2004

Anybody “watching” what Dumbya says isn’t confused at all; there isn’t any doubt about the job Bush The Lesser has done. About half the world now has a negative opinion of the United States, while here in the land of the free and home of the brave, about 2/3 disapprove of Boy Blunder.

Clearly, there is no confusion or doubt that January 20th, 2009 will be The End Of An Error.

(originally published at

T Minus 150 – "Answering The Tough Questions"

August 22, 2008

Yes, Peter.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Sir, we’ve now learned through sworn testimony that at least three members of your administration, other than Scooter Libby, leaked Valerie Plame’s identity to the media. None of these three is known to be under investigation. Without commenting on the Libby trial, then, can you tell us whether you authorized any of these three to do that, or were they authorized without your permission?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, thanks, Pete. I’m not going to talk about any of it.

Q They’re not under investigation, though?

THE PRESIDENT: Peter, I’m not going to talk about any of it.

Q How about pardons, sir? Many people are asking whether you might pardon —

THE PRESIDENT: Not going to talk about it, Peter. (Laughter.) Would you like to think of another question? Being the kind man that I am, I will recycle you. (Laughter.)


Q Thank you —

THE PRESIDENT: You like that one? “Recycling” him. (Laughter.)

Q That took care of one of my questions, as well, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: If that’s the case, sit down. Next question. (Laughter.) (White House Press Conference, Feb. 14th, 2007)

Yep – Boy Blunder knows how to handle the tough ones. And here’s a li’l ol’ video, about a guy that used to toss softballs to Boy Blunder (and watch closely for the question at the 4:12 mark):

Jeff Gannon, and Talon “News” – one more reason why January 20th, 2009 will be The End Of An Error

(originally published at

T Minus 151 – "Spectacular"

August 21, 2008

“I would guess, I would surmise that some of the more spectacular bombings are done by al Qaeda suiciders.” — George aWol Bush, on violence in Iraq, Washington, D.C., Aug. 21, 2006

“Spectacular”?!? “SPECTACULAR”??!?

As apposed to, say, “tragic”?

That’s what Bush The Lesser said two years ago, to the day. This one is just in, today:

3 Canadian soldiers killed in Kandahar
Scott Deveau , Canwest News Service
Published: Thursday, August 21, 2008

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Three Canadian soldiers were killed and one was seriously injured early Wednesday morning when their convoy hit an improvised explosive device on the main highway outside Kandahar City.

Another Canadian soldier was wounded in the strike and was transported to hospital, where he is listed as being in serious but stable condition.

There was a daylong embargo on the news while the families of the three soldiers were contacted. The news was announced Thursday morning by Brig.-Gen. Denis Thompson, Commander of Task Force Kandahar.

The attack, which brings to 93 the total number of Canadian soldiers killed while serving in Afghanistan, occurred at 10:30 a.m. local time in Zhari district, about 40 kilometres west of Kandahar Airfield.

One of the soldiers was identified as Sgt. Shawn Eades, but the names of the other two soldiers who died in the attack have been withheld for now at the request of the families. It is Canadian Forces policy not to release the names of injured soldiers.

The three slain soldiers were combat engineers with 12 Field Squadron, 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, which is based out of Edmonton. While in Kandahar, they were attached to the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry battle group.

Insurgents routinely use IED attacks along the dangerous strip of highway outside of Kandahar, and across the country, as a means of ambushing NATO and International Security Assistance Forces. (emphasis added)

Supply convoys and patrols are commonly targeted in such attacks, making travel by land not only difficult, but dangerous.

A Canadian diplomat and two aid workers have also been killed since Canada’s military and developmental assistance mission in that war-torn country began in 2002. Including the aid workers – Jacqueline Kirk of Outremont, Que, and Shirley Case from Williams Lake, B.C., who were ambushed on Aug. 13 – seven Canadians have died in Afghanistan this month alone. (emphasis added) (more at

Six years of The RumsFailed Doctrine’s “War On The Cheap” and convoys are still being blown up; routes are still considered “…not only difficult, but dangerous.”

This one is also just in, just a few minutes before the above story about Canadians dying as a result of the failed polices of Boy Blunder And The Plunderers:

France pays tribute to 10 fallen soldiers in Paris ceremony
Last Updated: Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 7:00 AM ET 4CBC News

France held a commemoration ceremony on Thursday to honour 10 French soldiers killed in a gun battle with insurgents earlier this week in eastern Afghanistan, as questions are being raised over the official account of how the soldiers died.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy joined dignitaries and the soldiers’ families inside Paris’s Invalides palace, where France’s war dead are honoured, as lines of uniformed men and women filled the boulevard outside the iconic building.

Under the great dome of the Napoleonic institution rested 10 identical coffins bearing the bodies of the soldiers, whose deaths mark the largest single loss of life for any of the international forces engaged in combat in Afghanistan in more than three years.

The solemn ceremony is an effort to soothe not just grieving families, but appease an increasingly wary nation at war, the CBC’s David Common reported.

A majority of the French are opposed to the mission in Afghanistan, and the opposition Socialists are demanding a parliamentary committee meet to examine this week’s battle.(more at

Ladies and Gentlemen, that Al queda “suiciders” are still occuring in Iraq; that soldiers are still dying from IEDs in Afghanistan; that soldiers are dying as insurgents attack coalition fortifications; is certainly not “spectacular”.

What will be spectacular, is Boy Blunder And The Plunderers being removed from power in 151 days, which will be The End Of An Error.

(originally published at