Archive for June, 2009

Republican Party of Minnesota – Sore Losers.

June 30, 2009

Incredible. At the same time Norm Coleman played the “gracious concession” act, the State Republican Party showed their true colors with their official press release:

St. Paul- Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman-elect Tony Sutton today issued the following statement regarding the Minnesota Supreme Court’s ruling in the U.S. Senate race.

“Today’s ruling wrongly disenfranchised thousands of Minnesotans who deserve to have their votes counted. Alongside Senator Coleman, the Republican Party of Minnesota has fought to make sure every vote counts and all voters are treated fairly and uniformly. As we move forward, our deeply flawed election system must be dramatically improved to ensure our state’s elections are fair, accurate and reliable.” (Republican Party of Minnesota)

In other words, “Norm wuz robbed.”


That’s the way the state GOP Party was under former Chairman Ron Carey; that’s the way it will remain under new Chairman Tony Sutton.

(crossposted from <a href=";MnProgressiveProject)

State GOP Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb Thinks GOP CD-04 Deputy Chair Nathan Hansen Is …..

June 30, 2009

a must-read. And that guy State GOP Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb thinks is a must-read, recently called Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Joe Repya a communist. A communist!!!

In a way, it’s quite of reminiscent of an elected GOPer – Michele Bachmann – questioning the patriotism of duly elected US Senators and Congressmen.

And it’s part of a pattern; today’s GOP has a habit of trashing those they disagree with. Especially Colonel Repya; last year republiCon Ron essentially called Colonel Repya an enemy of the party for having the audacity – AUDACITY! – to suggest the party might have a few paperwork problems.

Since it’s been established that the established GOP Party Leadership doesn’t much like The Good Colonel, and it’s been established the State GOP Deputy Chair thinks the CD-04 Deputy Chair is a must-read, and since it’s well-established the CD-04 Deputy Chair thinks The Good Colonel is a commie, doesn’t that beg the question: does State GOP Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb think that that Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Joe Repya is a commie, too??!?

Well I thought so, so I asked! Here’s exactly what I asked, in an e-mailed entitled “A Question For Deputy Chair Brodkorb:

Dear Deputy Chair (Elect) Brodkorb,

I’m looking into CD-4 Deputy Chair Nathan Hansen’s recent comments in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and I have a question for State Deputy Chair (Elect) Brodkorb:

Mr. Deputy Chair (Elect) Brodkorb, do you agree with CD-4 Deputy Chair Hansen’s assertion that LTC (Retired) Joe Repya is a communist?

A “Yes” or “No” answer will suffice; an explanation would be appreciated.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Tommy Johnson

State GOP Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb declined to respond for the record.

With elected office holders like Michele Bachmann and Laura Brod, and elected party officers like Nathan Hansen, State GOP Deputy Chair Michal Brodkorb likely will be ducking a lot of questions.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive – "Worst Person In The World!"

June 27, 2009

June 10th, 2009:

(h/t to

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject) "And Bachmann is flat wrong…"

June 26, 2009

This will come as no surprise, but: just debunked a whole bunch of what Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive recently claimed. Let’s look!

Q – Is ACORN providing workers for the 2010 census?

Did the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) sign on as a “national partner” with the U.S. Census Bureau to sign up over 1 million temporary workers to help with the 2010 census?

A – No. ACORN employees will not be taking the census. The group is one of more than 30,000 “partners” that will help publicize the event.

That’s the short of the most recent debunking Machmann MotorMouth Overdrive. Not that that will stop her from continuing to repeat debunked stuff; after all – she’s a republiCon.

Here’s some of the long, from’s analysis:

ACORN “will be in charge of going door-to-door and collecting data from the American public,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann in mid-June. “This is very concerning.” Saying she was worried about ACORN’s supposed involvement in gathering census data, the Minnesota Republican announced that she won’t participate in the census beyond answering how many individuals reside in her household, “because,” she maintained, “the Constitution doesn’t require any information beyond that.” Actually, the Constitution, under Article 1, Section 2, simply requires that an “enumeration” be done every 10 years to apportion the members of the House, but that it be done “in such manner” as Congress “shall by law direct.” And Congress has seen fit to require everyone to answer truthfully whatever census questions they are asked, under threat of a $100 penalty for failure to answer and $500 for lying.

And Bachmann is flat wrong about ACORN going door-to-door and gathering data. Being “partners” with the Census Bureau doesn’t entail as close a relationship as one might think.

OK, Bachmann bein’ bein’ psycho-stupid and “flat out wrong” isn’t “news” to most folk reading this. What IS news, is:

Tonight, on AM-950 KTNF radio, Big E and yours truly (the ol’ TwoPutter) are Guest Hosting The Mark Heaney Show.

OK, that’s not “new” – Big E posted that yesterday.

What is “new” is that one of our guests will be Ken Avidor, cover artist for the new comic book “False Witness! – the Michele Bachmann story (vol. 1)” – and we’ll be giving away a signed copy of said comic book to one (maybe even two!) lucky listeners that call in!!!

Not only is this comic book funny, it has the added benefit of bein’ true.

Bill Predergast actually wrote it, but it’s our understanding Bill is out of town and unavailable, so we’ll be discussing this comic with Avidor, who is quite familiar with Little Miss Hiding In The Weeds due to his work over at

So, listen in to AM-950 KTNF radio between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm for your chance to win this fabulous prize!

Oh – and you can order it online, here.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same, or…

June 24, 2009

…how Zellers’ election demonstrates – once again – that GOP still stands for GreedOverPrinciples.

GOPers are always claiming to be “the party of fiscal responsibilty.” Are they? Let’s take a quick look!

First up, Governor T-Bag:

I’d always heard that Governor T-Bag racked up the largest fines of any Minnesota politician, EVER. Well, I don’t know if that’s true or not, but a quick google search – a REAL quick Google search (tim + pawlenty + campaign + finance + violations) – turned up this one, in second place on the first page!

In the Matter of the (Tim) Pawlenty for Governor Committee, 15475

Hmmm…. second spot, first page….website of the Campaign Finance Board….let’s look!

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

1. The Pawlenty Committee agrees to pay a civil penalty of $100,000.00 to be paid to the Campaign Board and deposited in the General Fund of the State. The Campaign Board acknowledges receipt of the fine from the Pawlenty Committee. It is agreed that the civil penalty is deemed a noncampaign expenditure and shall not be assessed against Tim Pawlenty individually. (emphasis added) (Mn Campaign Finance Board)

WOW!!! T-Bag got smacked for a hunnerd-thousand smackers in fines, and T-Bag AGREED to it!!!!

And who knows? That might not be the biggest fine T-Bag paid….that was just the second hit on the first page!!!

OK, now let’s take a look at the newly elected Chair of Minnesota’s GreedOverPrinciples Party, Tony “Lost Credibility” Sutton!

From Mr. Lost Credibility’s website:

Dear Fellow Republicans,

Like many of you, I am not happy about the direction our Republican Party has taken the last few election cycles. I have been frustrated by the philosophical and ideology drift our party has experienced in recent years.

What was the party of fiscal responsibility doing? Spending money like drunken sailors in Washington.


Here you got Mr. Lost Accountability* rippin’ on the folks in D.C. when this guy was the Secretary And Treasurer of the State Party while it was leading the nation – yes, leading the nation – in screwed up FEC Reports! While them republiCons were “spending” money like drunken sailors in D.C., Tony an’ the gang were “typing” FEC reports like drunken sailors here at home!!! As noted last May at Mn Blue:

“And we anticipate filing some amendments…”

…is an exact quote from a July 20th, 2007 letter from the Republican Party of Minnesota to the Federal Elections Commission.

“SOME” amendments?

How about SEVENTY amendments!!!

One for each month of 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and the months of January through November of 2007.

Is that “some”?

Ladies and Gentlemen, under Ron Carey’s “stewardship” in leadership roles, the RepubliCan Party of Minnesota has been paying fines to the FEC, going back to 2001 and a fine of $16,000. Since 2002, the FEC has repeatedly and continually asked for clarification of those monthly reports because, well, they simply don’t add up nor make sense.

And they STILL don’t make sense; just last month they had to amend their 2008 Year End FEC Filing. Tony “Lost Credibility” Sutton was Secretary/Treasurer when that was written; Tony “Lost Credibility” Sutton has been involved with the State GOP going back a long ways – he became Executive Director way back when, in 1998. And, one might wonder, what happened way back when, when Tony was Executive Director?

Well, fines! Yep – $16,000 of ’em!

So, what is one reason not to be surprised that Kurt Zeller was just elected by the GreedOverPrinciples party?


Yep – “right” after Zeller was elected, I saw the tweet from Dusty Trice:

4. The parties agree that the Volunteers for Kurt Zellers Committee accepted excessive contributions from special sources resulting in an inadvertent violation of Minn. Stat. §10A. 27, subd. 11, in calendar year 2004.

Thanks for the tweet, Dusty! I’m sure the new Minority Leader appreciates it!!!

Now, what I found interesting, while googling to verify Dusty’s “fine” find, was this!

Click to access Zellers_Kurt_060127.pdf

IOW – the “fine” find Dusty found, was NOT the only fine!

So, it seems the “Party Of Fiscal unAccountability”, by electing Zellers to a leadership position, is merely continuing the legacy of T-Bag and Sutton. Oh – it also ensures that GOP continues to stand for GreedOverPrinciples.

Stay tuned!

* “Going forward we must be unashamed and unabashed liberty-loving conservatives – we must have confidence in our ideas and agenda and promote them loudly and boldly. Only then will we regain the confidence of the voters with whom we have lost credibility over the last few years.” — Tony “Lost Credibility” Sutton, State Chair of Minnesota’s GreedOverPrinciples Party.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

"Hikin' the ol' Appalachian Trail!" and other current misdeeds of….

June 24, 2009

…today’s GreedOverPrinciples party.

It’s been a tough day for the GOPers. Fortunately for Kurt Zellers, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford – who turned down Federal Stimulus – got caught gettin’ some international stimulus:

Chris Cillizza Political Blogger
Wednesday, June 24, 2009; 3:30 PM

Gov. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) admitted in a press conference in Washington today that he had an extramarital affair with a woman in Argentina and that he will resign his position as president of the Republican Governors Assocation. (Washington Post)

Yep – a “Family Values” republiCon, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, wasn’t “hiking the Appalachian Trail” as aides first claimed; he was down in Argentina – “catching up on foreign affairs”.

Which is good for Zellers; that diverts attention away from his history of campaign finance screwups. Well, and the video Dusty Trice found and posted today – the video of Zeller trashing former Governor Arne Carlson just last May. Let’s look!

That’s Kurt Zellers, trashing former two-term Governor Arne Carlson. Way to make the small tent smaller, Kurt!

And speakin’ o’ the Small Tent Party, Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya split ranks from the likes of Zellers, Sutton, Brodkorb, et al. In today’s Pioneer Press, Colonel Repya explains why:

“Over the years I have raised tens of thousands of dollars for GOP coffers, donated many thousands of dollars to local and national GOP candidates, worked many hours at the grass-roots level and been asked repeatedly to run for state or federal office by Minnesota GOP officeholders. So why on Earth have I decided to leave the Minnesota GOP?

Simple: When a political party becomes so dysfunctional that it no longer can operate without tyrannical domination over the grass-roots, it is time to stop enabling bad behavior from that party. I have come to the conclusion that a majority of Minnesotans and many Republicans no longer trust the message of the Minnesota GOP.

After years of ineffective party leadership resulting in a record number of defeats, lack of transparency in party dealings, alleged financial impropriety by former party employees, and numerous Federal Election Commission problems, can you really blame the electorate for abandoning the Minnesota GOP?”

OK, now I’ll surmise that the “…alleged financial impropriety by former party employees,…” has something to do with this:

Read the “confidential memo” from the Minnesota Republican Party that is the basis of CREW’s FEC complaint

(Submitted by crew on 16 July 2007 – 1:26pm. FEC Minnesota Republican Party)

CREW filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint today against the Republican Party of Minnesota and its former treasurer, Marina Taubenberger, alleging multiple egregious violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) and FEC regulations. The complaint is based primarily upon a February 15, 2007 confidential memorandum from former Republican Party of Minnesota finance director Dwight Tostenson to the Party’s Executive Committee. You really have to read that memo. Here it is:

OK, so what happened when Colonel Repya tried to ask about the alleged financial impropriety” at the state convention? Let’s watch!!!

Way to go, Tony Sutton, a/k/a “Mr. Lost Credibility”!!! Oh, and in the comments section, of the PiPress? A guy by the name of Nathan Hansen has this to say:

I am Deputy Chair of the Fourth Congressional District and one of the newer anti-war Republican activists. It’s difficult for words to describe how happy I am that you are leaving our Party. The roots of your “neconservative” philosophy lie in Straussian Trotzkyite Communism. “Corporate money” influencing our Party? Nothing compared to the damage your military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) has wreaked on our Party and our Country.
I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists. Your days of endless illegal wars and military industrial complex domination of our party are over.
Obama is ramping up his War in Afghanistan and continues to illegally bomb Pakistan. Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust. (emphasis added)

ROFLMAO!!! The Deputy Chair of the GOP’s CD-4 not only told Colonel Repya “don’t let the door smack ya on yer arse” — he called Joe a “commie”, too!!!

Ya really gotta admire how those in current GOPer party leadership positions honor the troops, doncha??!?

Ever hear that those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it? Well, an astute Regular Reader (thanks, Ricardo!) sent me a link demonstrating how today’s GreedOverPrinciples party’s leaders are doing just that, in an e-mail entitled “The Current State of the GOP Party”! Let’s watch!!!

Oh, and think today was bad for the local GOPers? Watch what happens if ol’ Smokescreen gets his walking papers tomorrow!

Stay tuned!!!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Mockery, Ridicule, and Scorn

June 22, 2009

Mockery. Ridicule. Scorn. They’re used all of the time; they’re actually tools of the trade. Matter o’ fact, take them three, add “satire” and some professional writers, and viola! You got a potential “Daily Show”, or “Colbert Report”! Sometimes, mockery, ridicule and scorn are the best ways to make points about folk like Little Miss Hiding In The Bushes, the unthinking unsinkable Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive. And to make a point about ol’ Smokescreen himself, Norm “If I were Al, I’d concede” Coleman. Not to mention, but I will, George aWol Bush. Of course, there’s his misAdministration – you know, Boy Blunder And The Plunderers? And even though he won’t be around to mock, ridicule, and scorn anymore, who can forget about republiCon Ron Carey, outgoing Chair of Minnesota’s GreedOverPrinciples party? As noted a little over a year ago, by the ol’ TwoPutter:

One reason republiCon Ron still has his job, is he’s good at asking AND he’s good at ducking. It’s the GreedOverPrinciples Party’s Golden Rule: “Do Unto Others But Don’t Let Them Do Unto You.”

I bring this up, because so many of us on the left side o’ the aisle have a tendency to enjoy – if not laugh uproariously – when some brain-dead bootlicker in the “Family Values” party (they’re called the “Family Values” party because they have so many of them; for instance, in the last presidential election the only candidate that had only been married once was the Mormon – go figure) does something incredibly hypocritical – such as David Vitter replacing the disgraced Bob Livingston in Congress, and Vitter later getting caught in figuratively if not literally the exact same (cheney)in’ kind of scandal.

Well, since morckery, ridicule and scorn are heaped upon those on the right for the old-fashioned reason – they’ve EARNED it, it only seems fair to rip those on the left side of the aisle when they’ve done something incredibly hypocritical. It seems that they too should be roasted and toasted with the same types of mockery,ridicule, and scorn. And I was going to do just that, today, to an organization known as Parkwatch – but, I’m tracking down more information on them that’s recently come in — so that’s going to have to wait for another day.

In the meantime, and to whet the whistle o’ the Regular Readers, I’ll end with a couple of thoughts. First, let’s review what it says on the “About Us” page at ParkWatch:

Minneapolis Park Watch is not affiliated with any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Yeah, “right.”

Right there, on ParkWatch homepage, is this:

Posted by Liz Wielinski on Thu, 06/18/2009

Well, I guess technically that might be true, depending on what your definition of “is” is, because they could argue that “ParkWatch isn’t ‘affiliated’ with Park Board Candidate Liz Wielinski; it IS Park Board Candidate Liz Wielinski, along with a bunch of her pals.

And, it also says this on that ParkWatch “About Us” page:

Openness and Accountability

We are advocates for openness and accountability in all of the Park Board’s fiscal and administrative activities.

So, they advocate for openness and accountability of others? Where’s the disclosure and openness from them; the acknowledgement that Liz is a candidate for the very organization their website likes to trash?

This one, on that same page, made me ROFLMAO!

Observing Meetings

As a watch dog organization, members of Park Watch attend Park Board meetings on a regular basis to observe first-hand official Park Board business being conducted. Park Watch also reviews various Park Board documents. (emphasis added)

“…various documents.“??!?

How’ bout dam near EVERY piece of paper that the Park Board generates?

As noted here:

Seems like these days, a lot of people are taking shots at the Park Board. In the course of investigating the Crown Hydro Project, one group that seems to especially get in the Park Board’s face*, is a group called, who’s whole schtick seems to be “the Park and Rec Board is filled with incompetents, liars, and thieves and you can’t trust them or believe anything they say – EXCEPT when it comes to Crown Hydro.”

And I couldn’t believe the amount of paperwork demands. I asked for information regarding data requests from the Park Board; I simply couldn’t believe what wanted. Let’s look!

Well, you can go here and look, but if you don’t want to, I’ll leave it at this: ParkWatch wants copies of so much stuff, that it’s fair to say the Park Board had to add a full-time staffer just to keep up with their demands.

Which is why ParkWatch reminds me of republiCon Ron – it seems the things they accuse others of are the exact same things they do themselves.

Stay tuned!

Oh – and keep those tips coming in!!!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Protecting A Parking Lot, or….

June 19, 2009

“Information? We don’t need no stinkin’ information.”

It’s important to note that after all their “due diligence” – according to them – the Sierra Club decided to oppose the Crown Hydro project on the basis that “a fifty year lease (of a parking lot) isn’t really a ‘lease’ – it’s a ‘sale’.”

Here’s the money quote from the Chapter’s State Director, Maragret Levin:

“After careful consideration, the Sierra Club is opposing the Crown Hydro project due to what amounts to, legally, as a “sale” of public parkland (the proposed 50-year lease, with a right to renew for an additional 50 years). The Sierra Club North Star Chapter has long expressed concern about the sale of public park land to a private enterprise.”

Now, one way to look at that opposition is this: since after all that “careful consideration” the only – ONLY – reason the Sierra Club opposes the project is the length of the lease, it must be a pretty dam(n) good project.

But, what did ParkWatch testify to the Minneapolis Park Board, just the other night? Let’s look!

Protecting Parkland

The following speech in opposition to Crown Hydro’s proposed hydropower project on park land was given at the June 17, 2009 Park Board meeting during Open Time.

June 17, 2009


First I would like to thank you for your previous decisions not to spend any further time or resources on the Crown Hydro project. Now, Crown is back with a renewed request for environmental review of its proposal. Nothing material has changed, and I urge you reject this project once and for all.

On its face, an EAW may sound appealing. Why not support a fact-finding exercise? Well, there are many reasons, and the main one is that you already have more than enough information to make a decision on this proposal.

1. We know that the Park Board mission is to “permanently preserve, protect, maintain, improve and enhance its natural resources, parkland, and recreational opportunities for current and future generations.”

2. We know that the public will lose control over St. Anthony Falls to a private developer and the FERC. No one can predict water flows over the next 50 to 100 years, and an EAW will not enlighten you on this topic. The FERC will have the authority to let the Falls run dry in order to produce energy.

3. We know that a FERC hydropower license will preempt local control of historic preservation issues.

4. We know from experience that this particular developer is willing to breach agreements when it serves its interests.

While it’s true the DNR concluded that there are two mandatory EAW categories that could apply to this project, the DNR did not conclude that an EAW must be done. If there is no project, then there is no need for an EAW.

I urge you to stand by your earlier decisions and follow your mission: say no to Crown Hydro. Protect the Falls and this parkland for future generations.


Arlene Fried Co-founder of Park Watch

Posted by Liz Wielinski on Thu, 06/18/2009 – 10:55pm

I can fisk this at great length, and will.

And I’ll do it on Monday; I got stuff to do today, such as attend the send-off ceremony for the Minnesota troops of Alpha Company 452nd Combat Support Hospital – they’re being deployed to Afghanistan.

For those interested, it starts at 10 in Building 505 at Fort Snelling.

Come Monday, though, it’ll be time to rip Parkwatch a new one.

And why will the ol’ TwoPutter rip ’em a new one?

The old-fashioned reason, Ladies and Gents: they’ve EARNED it.

For now, though, consider this, from the extremists at Parkwatch: They’re agitating to save a parking lot, and they claim, above, several times that: “we know….”

No, they DON’T know – and they don’t need no stinkin’ facts that an EAW would determine.

Actually, they don’t WANT facts.

The funniest/saddest thing about that ParkWatch post, on the ParkWatch website?

That “we don’t need no stinkin’ information” is just below this post:

Mprb Unalloted $2.5 Million For 2010 Budget

During the MPRB meeting of June 17th as part of the Superintendent’s budget wrap up for 2008 he discussed the expected LGA ( Local Government Aid) unallotment allocations for the MPRB for 2009 and 2010 based on the current plan proposed by the governor.

Posted by Liz Wielinski on Thu, 06/18/2009 – 11:21pm

For you Minneapolis voters, remember next November that Liz Wielinski is a candidate for Park Board. And perhaps you might want to ask her, why roughly $300,000 per year from Crown Hydro – for rent of a parking lot – is such a “bad thing” when Governor T-Bag is looking to cut the Park Board’s budget by $2,500,000?

Here’s Liz’s website:

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive – "Normie wuz robbed!!!"

June 18, 2009 got the recording of Princess SparklePony on The Moonie Times’ radio “show”:

What Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive said, BEFORE she said she was gonna break the law, is worth repeating. Here’s the transcript:

(0:25) I come from Minnesota. We’re still in a recount with our Senate race between Senator Norm Coleman and the challenger, Al Franken. Senator Coleman won the race on Election Day but that was challenged repeatedly over and over with what we feel may be fraudulent votes and very concerned about what goes forward.

“fradulent votes”, eh? That’s what you “think”, Michele?

Why, just the other day (June 1st, to be exact) Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Christopher Dietzen said he saw “no evidence or fraud or misconduct.” And Justice Dietzen said that in court.

That same day, in that same court, another Minnesota Supreme Court Justice asked Norm Coleman’s attorney, Joe Friedberg, very pointedly if their were any instances of fraud. Norm Coleman’s attorney – NORM COLEMAN’S ATTORNEY – answered emphatically “absolutely not” and added that there was no fraud of any kind; election, voter or otherwise.

But, hey – today’s GOP playbook is ignore the debunking and repeat, Repeat, and REPEAT the debunked stuff over and Over and OVER, as Bachmann just did: the “fraudulent vote (debunked) theory.”

In the rightwingworld, Norm “Smokescreen” Coleman “wuz robbed.” That’s their story, and they’re stickin’ to it.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

"False Witness! – The Michele Bachmann Story (Vol. 1)"

June 17, 2009

Well, I would have called it “The misAdventures Bachmann MotorMouth OverDrive – The Early Years” but: they didn’t ask me. At any rate, “False Witness! is now out and available. I placed the order for mine – and if you act quickly, you can too!!! Link on over to and get your copy of “False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story (Vol. 1)”!

Here’s part of what the entrepid Bill Prendergast has to say about his entrepenueral offering:

The first issue is about how she got started in politics. Twenty four pages of electrifying black and white comics that have never been printed before. (DumpBachmann)

All that, for a measely $4.95 with shipping included! That link, again: – go order your copy now!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)