Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

What The Jack Abramoff Scandal Is All About

October 13, 2009

The Associated Press is reporting the jury has reached a verdict in one count in the Jack Abramoff related trial of former Abramoff lobbying associate Kevin Ring. Ring “served” as Chief of Staff for former Rep. John Doolittle and as a Senate Judiciary subcommittee aide to Sen. John Ashcroft. Both Doolittle and Ashcroft are GOPers, as in GreedOverPrinciples types.

Here, in a short segment, Bill Moyers explains in general terms what the Abramoff Scandal is all about; and why – IMNSHO – GOP today stands for GreedOverPrinciples. Let’s look!!!

“Bill Moyers: In Washington, Revolving Doors are Bad for Your Health”

(crossposted and comments welcome at MnProgressiveProject)

TwoPuttTommy On Your Radio – Today, Friday, October 9th!

October 9, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, yours truly – the ol’ TwoPutter – is hosting the Friday Edition of “Minnesota Matters” on AM-950 KTNF, The Voice of Minnesota! The Friday Edition runs from 6:00 to 7pm. So, tune in your radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here. Joining in-studio will be Democratic Speech Writer and fellow blogger Brian Falldin along with field reporter/intrepid blogger Dusty Trice.

Topics we might be talking about include the continuing Jack Abramoff Scandal – closing arguments are over in the Kevin Ring Trial and the case is in the hands of the jury; Brian Falldin’s Challenge to Bachmann supporters; and a couple of blog stories we found the most interesting this week – and why! Plus, Coleen Rowley, Time Magazine’s 2002 Person Of The Year, will be calling in with an update on upcoming Peace Movement events!

We’ll definitely play “False Or False Witness!” where one lucky caller will have to correctly identify if a quote I read was actually uttered by Michele Bachmann (answer “False Witness!”) or if yours truly, the ol’ TwoPutter, simply made it up (answer “false”). The fabulous prize awarded is one copy of Bill Prendergast’s exceptional comic book: False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story (Part 1).

So, again, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here.

Oh, and about our “False, or False Witness!” game? There’s a hint in the following YouTube – let’s look!!!

(crossposted from, and comments welcome, at MnProgressiveProject)

Veterans Protest the Minnesota GOP Last Saturday

October 7, 2009

That was the scene at the entrance to last Saturday’s MnGOP Convention. Dusty Trice, noted and intrepid blogger and my “go to” in-the-field reporter for my radio show, has video – it’s beyond the fold.

A little background (as I’ve written about here and here and here):

Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya was so disgusted by the (s)election of FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike (a/k/a, “The MSM”), that he published an op/ed in the PiPress on the reasons he was leaving the Republican Party, now led by FEC Tony and MudSlinger Mike (a/k/a, “The MSM”). While that Op/Ed is no longer available on the PiPress website, comments on that Op/Ed are. Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, did comment – here’s what he had to say:

I am Deputy Chair of the Fourth Congressional District and one of the newer anti-war Republican activists. It’s difficult for words to describe how happy I am that you are leaving our Party. The roots of your “neconservative” philosophy lie in Straussian Trotzkyite Communism. “Corporate money” influencing our Party? Nothing compared to the damage your military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) has wreaked on our Party and our Country.

I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists. Your days of endless illegal wars and military industrial complex domination of our party are over.
Obama is ramping up his War in Afghanistan and continues to illegally bomb Pakistan. Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust. (emphasis added) (PiPress)

That’s comment number 15 from the link, above.

Well, there’s a lot – a LOT – of veterans of the Viet Nam War that remember being greeted none-to-nicely, upon arriving “home.” Some of ’em remember bein’ spit on – yes, literally SPIT ON – upon arriving home from rice paddys. And Nathan Hansen’s comments reminded them exactly of that – reminded them of bein’ SPIT ON.

As written before, how did ol’ FEC Tony handle Nathan Hansen figuratively spitting on Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya in particular, and all – ALL – veterans in general?

Well, again – as I wrote: GOPer Party Official Trashes Veteran Joe Repya And Is Rewarded.

And that “reward” was a prestigeous committee chair assignment at last Saturday’s GOP Convention.

Now, to be fair, it should be noted that prior to the GOP Convention, Nathan Hansen did a non-apology apology.

Yeah, “right.”

That “Me-a Not-a Culpa” was B as in “Bull” and S as in “(stuff)” then and it still is now. Nathan Hansen may have apologized to veterans at the GOP Convention, but as of this writing, he still hasn’t apologized to Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya, and he still has his B as in “Bull” and S as in “(stuff)” law suits going against veterans Joe Salmon and Richard Glasgow.

Which, of course, leads to the following conclusion: somehow, I don’t think Nathan Hansen’s ties to FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike (a/k/a “The MSM”) are going to be forgotten anytime soon.

Oh – and Dusty Trice’s video, of the Veterans protesting the MN GOP? Let’s look!!!

Say, Michael? You never served, nor did Nathan. Well, neither did ol’ FEC Tony, neither. Here’s something y’all should know: veterans got long memories.

(crossposted and comments welcome at

TwoPuttTommy On Your Radio – Today, Friday, October 2nd!

October 2, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, yours truly – the ol’ TwoPutter – is hosting the Friday Edition of “Minnesota Matters” on AM-950 KTNF, The Voice of Minnesota! So, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here. The Friday Edition runs from 6:00pm to 7:00. Joining in-studio will be fellow blogger Brian Falldin. Dusty Trice will be calling in and reporting from the GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Debate.

We’ve got a great show lined up! Major Baker from the Minnesota National Guard will be giving an update on where our Guard Members are serving overseas, and we’ll touch on communications in this digital age. Major Baker has earned a LOT of medals, including the Combat Action Badge; she is an American Hero.

Javier Morillo of SEIU’s Minnesota State Council will be joining us in-studio; somehow, I think the subject in the YouTube below will be part of our discussion!

Topics we might be talking about include the continuing Jack Abramoff Scandal – testimony is over in the Kevin Ring Trial and closing arguments are expected to begin Monday; Brian Falldin’s Challenge to Bachmann supporters; and the Military Veterans Rally tomorrow at the MnGOP Convention. As I understand it, anyone that supports our veterans are welcome to attend – but, if you only want to go for partisan political reasons, DON’T — support for those now serving and those who have served should be non-partisan, and that’s exactly what tomorrow’s rally is. I’ll be there to support as well as cover the event.

We’re definitely taking phone calls — the studio call-in number is 952-946-6205 — and we’ll probably play “False Or False Witness!” where one lucky caller will have to correctly identify if a quote I read was actually uttered by Michele Bachmann (answer “False Witness!”) or if yours truly, the ol’ TwoPutter, simply made it up (answer “false”). The fabulous prize awarded is one copy of Bill Prendergast’s exceptional comic book: False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story (Part 1).

So, again, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here.

And here’s that YouTube – let’s look!!!

(crossposted at MnProgressiveProject)

"Look Up To The Heavens, like you, you curse GOD!"

October 2, 2009


Was that “Vick’s VapoRub” that she applied under Glen Beck’s eyes??!? Let’s look!!!

And at the 2:17 mark: “Look Up To The Heavens, like you, you curse GOD!”


Ya know what else is funny? Back in February, GOP National Chair Michael Steele told Glenn Beck, on Beck’s show:

“You have absolutely no reason – none – to trust our words or our actions at this point.”

You Couldn’t Trust The GOP Then, You Still Can’t Now, And Tomorrow Won’t Be Any Different

(cross-posted at MnProgressiveProject)

Ron Paul At Northrup Auditorium: "They (the GOP) want my money."

September 28, 2009

Dusty Trice got the scoop! Here’s what Dusty has to say about his video, as posted on YouTube:

EXCLUSIVE: Ron Paul explains why the MN GOP suddenly needs his help: “They Want My Money.”

The MN GOP blocked Ron Paul from speaking at their 2008 convention in Rochester, MN. But on Sept. 25, 2009 the MN GOP sponsored an appearance by Dr. Paul at Northrup Auditorium in what was billed as a joint town hall with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

What’s behind the MN GOP’s sudden change of heart? According to Ron Paul, “They want my money. They want to get a little bit of influence from our supporters, too.”

I think this says a lot about Ron Paul, who’s been a consistent voice for what he believes in, so much so that he was willing to forget the past troubles with the MN GOP.

I also thinks this speaks volumes about the MN GOP. Their leadership realizes that they have alienated roughly 15% of their party. Now they realize that Michele Bachmann is actually in trouble and the only way to save her is to turn to the person they publicly shunned and beg for his money and help.

The MN GOP is exploiting Ron Paul because they are terrified without his support they will lose and lose big.

On a side note, I’d like to thank Congressman Paul for taking moment to speak with me. (DustyTrice)

Let’s watch!!!

I’ll have my own thoughts about Dusty’s breaking story later, for now, link here for Mary Lahammer’s May 30th, 2008 report from the 2008 MnGOP State Convention – the footage of the floor scuffle between a Ron Paul supporter and a McCain suporter is “must see TV” – great job by Mary Lahammer and the Twin Cities Public Television team!!!

(cross-posted from MnProgressiveProject)

TwoPuttTommy On Your Radio – Today, Friday, Sept 19th!

September 18, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, yours truly – the ol’ TwoPutter – is hosting the Friday Edition of “Minnesota Matters” on AM-950 KTNF, The Voice of Minnesota! So, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here. The Friday Edition runs from 6:00pm to 7:00. Joining in-studio will be fellow blogger Brian Falldin. Dusty Trice will be calling in from GOPer John Kline’s Town Farce Hall. Since David Day knows the studio call-in line, I’m sure we’ll hear about the Anoka County DFL’s 6th Annual Beast Feast, but: that’s just a guess.

In 2003, the Minnesota House was controlled by the GOP (Erik Paulsen was the GOP Majority Leader). Matt Entenza’s collegues then chose him to be House DFL leader – and now the DFL has an almost veto-proof majority. Matt is now running for governor and will call in around 6:30.

We’ll also be talking about the continuing Jack Abramoff Scandal, and we’re definitely taking phone calls – the studio call-in number is 952-946-6205 — and we will be giving away one copy of Bill Prendergast’s exceptional comic book: False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story (Part 1).

So, again, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here.

And here’s three YouTubes you’re not going to want to miss!

AM950 Radio owner Janet Robert talks about the success of her progressive talk radio station in a format universe that had been dominated by right wing local and national radio talk programs. Blogger Tommy Johnson joins Ms. Robert to weigh in on talk readio and the new media.

State Public Defender John Stuart talks about the challenges confronting Minnesota’s court system prompted by cuts to the number of public defenders serving the poor.

This video memoriam honors the 10th anniversary of the death of state legislator Willard Munger, Minnesota’s “Mr. Environment.” The segment features scenes from a documentary-in-progress about Mr. Munger.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

How To Deal With Today's "Right"WingNuts, or….

August 19, 2009

…you can’t argue with a sick mind.

Earlier today, I posted on Faux News’ “coverage” of Rep. Barney Frank’s Town Hall, which was the prelude to Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive’s intervew by Sean insHannity. Here’s some footage of Rep. Frank’s Town Hall you won’t see on Faux News – let’s look!

Rep. Barney Frank: When you ask me that question I’m going to revert to my ethnic heritage and answer your question with a question. On what planet do you spend most of your time?


You want me to answer the question? Yes. As you stand there with a picture of the President defaced to look like Hitler and compare the effort to increase health care to the Nazis, my answer to you is as I said before, it is a tribute to the First Amendment that this kind of vile, contemptible nonsense is so freely propagated. Ma’am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it.

Political Muse of Liberal in the Land of Conservative has the following on his blog’s masthead:

“I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends….that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.” -Adlai Stevenson (1952)

It’s even worse today; “conservatives” simply lie about everything.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Rep. Barney Frank is spot on: those people have no interest – NONE – in dealing with reality. Birthers and Deathers – sponsored by AstroTurfers – calling people socialists and communists and nazis, all orchestrated and approved of by GOP Party “leadership” – well, reasonable people simply cannot reasonably believe anything – ANYTHING – today’s GOP “leaders” say. As for the lemmings the GOP’s “leaders” lead astray?

Rep. Barney Frank sets a great example – call them out for the whack-jobs that they are.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Why Does Puppet Paulsen Act The Way He Does?

August 18, 2009

Molly Ivins said that a definition of an honest politician in Texas is one that once bought, stays bought. Look no further than John Kline for proof of that, in a Texas politician. And Freshman GOPer Erik Paulsen sure seems to be following John Kline’s lead! Let’s look!

(hat tip to

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

"Has enough kerosene been poured on the flames?"

August 14, 2009

That’s a question that should be asked, if – IF – Kline and Paulsen actually schedule, and Bachmann actually follows through, with Town Hall Meetings.

The question should also be asked of GOP State Chair Tony Sutton, and GOP State Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb.

There’s a powder keg out there, with a short fuse. And today’s GOP leadership is sending out sparks. If one of those sparks catches, well……you can be sure, the GOP will blame it on anybody and everybody but themselves.

Here’s Rachel Maddow:

And speaking of the “MOB” – I noted this:

Moving The MOB
August 13th, 2009 by Mitch Berg
Well, the verdict (throwing out all the votest for “crashing Drinking Liberally”) was pretty decisive. People want the MOB Summer Party moved to September 12.

So moved it shall be!

Location to be officially announced later.

Who knows? Might be a real barnburner….

(h/t to

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)