Archive for the ‘Veterans’ Category

Veterans Protest the Minnesota GOP Last Saturday

October 7, 2009

That was the scene at the entrance to last Saturday’s MnGOP Convention. Dusty Trice, noted and intrepid blogger and my “go to” in-the-field reporter for my radio show, has video – it’s beyond the fold.

A little background (as I’ve written about here and here and here):

Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya was so disgusted by the (s)election of FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike (a/k/a, “The MSM”), that he published an op/ed in the PiPress on the reasons he was leaving the Republican Party, now led by FEC Tony and MudSlinger Mike (a/k/a, “The MSM”). While that Op/Ed is no longer available on the PiPress website, comments on that Op/Ed are. Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, did comment – here’s what he had to say:

I am Deputy Chair of the Fourth Congressional District and one of the newer anti-war Republican activists. It’s difficult for words to describe how happy I am that you are leaving our Party. The roots of your “neconservative” philosophy lie in Straussian Trotzkyite Communism. “Corporate money” influencing our Party? Nothing compared to the damage your military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) has wreaked on our Party and our Country.

I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists. Your days of endless illegal wars and military industrial complex domination of our party are over.
Obama is ramping up his War in Afghanistan and continues to illegally bomb Pakistan. Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust. (emphasis added) (PiPress)

That’s comment number 15 from the link, above.

Well, there’s a lot – a LOT – of veterans of the Viet Nam War that remember being greeted none-to-nicely, upon arriving “home.” Some of ’em remember bein’ spit on – yes, literally SPIT ON – upon arriving home from rice paddys. And Nathan Hansen’s comments reminded them exactly of that – reminded them of bein’ SPIT ON.

As written before, how did ol’ FEC Tony handle Nathan Hansen figuratively spitting on Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya in particular, and all – ALL – veterans in general?

Well, again – as I wrote: GOPer Party Official Trashes Veteran Joe Repya And Is Rewarded.

And that “reward” was a prestigeous committee chair assignment at last Saturday’s GOP Convention.

Now, to be fair, it should be noted that prior to the GOP Convention, Nathan Hansen did a non-apology apology.

Yeah, “right.”

That “Me-a Not-a Culpa” was B as in “Bull” and S as in “(stuff)” then and it still is now. Nathan Hansen may have apologized to veterans at the GOP Convention, but as of this writing, he still hasn’t apologized to Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya, and he still has his B as in “Bull” and S as in “(stuff)” law suits going against veterans Joe Salmon and Richard Glasgow.

Which, of course, leads to the following conclusion: somehow, I don’t think Nathan Hansen’s ties to FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike (a/k/a “The MSM”) are going to be forgotten anytime soon.

Oh – and Dusty Trice’s video, of the Veterans protesting the MN GOP? Let’s look!!!

Say, Michael? You never served, nor did Nathan. Well, neither did ol’ FEC Tony, neither. Here’s something y’all should know: veterans got long memories.

(crossposted and comments welcome at

TwoPuttTommy On Your Radio – Today, Friday, October 2nd!

October 2, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, yours truly – the ol’ TwoPutter – is hosting the Friday Edition of “Minnesota Matters” on AM-950 KTNF, The Voice of Minnesota! So, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here. The Friday Edition runs from 6:00pm to 7:00. Joining in-studio will be fellow blogger Brian Falldin. Dusty Trice will be calling in and reporting from the GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Debate.

We’ve got a great show lined up! Major Baker from the Minnesota National Guard will be giving an update on where our Guard Members are serving overseas, and we’ll touch on communications in this digital age. Major Baker has earned a LOT of medals, including the Combat Action Badge; she is an American Hero.

Javier Morillo of SEIU’s Minnesota State Council will be joining us in-studio; somehow, I think the subject in the YouTube below will be part of our discussion!

Topics we might be talking about include the continuing Jack Abramoff Scandal – testimony is over in the Kevin Ring Trial and closing arguments are expected to begin Monday; Brian Falldin’s Challenge to Bachmann supporters; and the Military Veterans Rally tomorrow at the MnGOP Convention. As I understand it, anyone that supports our veterans are welcome to attend – but, if you only want to go for partisan political reasons, DON’T — support for those now serving and those who have served should be non-partisan, and that’s exactly what tomorrow’s rally is. I’ll be there to support as well as cover the event.

We’re definitely taking phone calls — the studio call-in number is 952-946-6205 — and we’ll probably play “False Or False Witness!” where one lucky caller will have to correctly identify if a quote I read was actually uttered by Michele Bachmann (answer “False Witness!”) or if yours truly, the ol’ TwoPutter, simply made it up (answer “false”). The fabulous prize awarded is one copy of Bill Prendergast’s exceptional comic book: False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story (Part 1).

So, again, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here.

And here’s that YouTube – let’s look!!!

(crossposted at MnProgressiveProject)

Veterans And Other Concerned Citizens Set To Protest Saturday's MnGOP Convention

September 30, 2009

Richard Glasgow is an American Patriot that has taken honoring Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines to a higher level. At this moment, I’m looking at a business-sized card that on one side says:

Dear American Hero,

I am not certain as to how to express my gratitude for all you have done to secure my freedoms. Please accept this simple card as a small token of my appreciation.

A grateful American citizen.

It was handed to me by someone while shopping; he noticed the hat I usually wear. I keep the card on my desk, where I’m writing this.

Richard’s website is called Dear American Hero, have your speakers turned down before you link. I talked to Richard earlier this week after receiving this Press Release:

GOP Party Leader Abuses Position to Trash Veterans, Receives Promotion

St Paul, MN – A ranking leader within the Republican Party of Minnesota used his elected capacity to openly attack veterans in a response letter to the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Nathan Hansen, Deputy Chair of the 4th Congressional District GOP, abused his leadership role to promote his personal antiwar agenda, proclaiming veterans to be “Communists”. Hansen’s response came to Lt. Col. Joe Repya’s June 2009 article, “Why I am Leaving the Minnesota GOP”. Hansen used his leverage as visible leader within the MN GOP to openly show disrespect for GOP members, American history and veterans’ service to America.

Repeated attempts to resolve this matter with the Minnesota GOP, regarding censorship and/or removal of Hansen, has resulted in little action. Furthermore, Hansen was subsequently appointed to a highly visible position within the state GOP leadership structure.

In response to this disparaging letter, veterans and other concerned citizens will be raising awareness of this issue at the Minnesota GOP Convention October 3, 2009, at the River Center in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. This gathering of Patriots will begin at 7am and will last until Noon.

# # #

For complete information on this important issue please visit

I’ve written about LTC Joe Repya before, most notably here:

GOPer Party Official Trashes Veteran Joe Repya And Is Rewarded
by: TwoPuttTommy
Tue Jul 28, 2009 at 11:15:18 AM CDT

and here:

I Wrote The Post; Somebody ELSE Got Sued??!?
by: TwoPuttTommy
Mon Sep 14, 2009 at 11:39:58 AM CDT

In talking to Richard Glasgow, I not only found out he’s making 4 million – MILLION – more of those “Dear American Hero” cards, he, too, was served with legal papers by a guy MnGOP Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb thinks is a “must read.”

Well, I guess when Nathan Hansen serves ya with legal papers, indeed that’s a “must read.” I’d go off about the GOP is constantly wailing and gnashing their teeth over “frivolous lawsuits” but Nathan Hansen, an elected GOP Party Official goes off and serves up what I’d call a frivolous lawsuit (a leagle beagle pal o’ mine read it and said technically it’s not “frivolous” – it’s “completely without merit”), but: that would be a tangent. Well, possibly a future blogpost, too…

Anyway, I also found out what I expected, that Dear American Hero is NON-partisan, even though Richard Glasgow is a Republican (and note I say “Republican”). Very simply, he is appalled that someone like Nathan Hansen, whom I gather to be a RonPaulRepublican, can not only trash a true American Hero like Joe Repya, but be rewarded by the likes of Michael Brodkorb and Tony Sutton. And Richard Glasgow told me anyone – ANYONE – that supports our troops and our veterans is welcome to attend.

I’ll be there; I’m going to talk a little about this on “Minnesota Matters” this Friday nite on AM-950 radio and then go cover it on Saturday morning, bright and early.

If you go (and if you support the troops and support our veterans and can go, you should go), look for me – I’ll be wearing the same hat I was when that kind gentleman handed me a card that read:

“Dear American Hero”

(cross-posted from MnProgressiveProject)

So, What Kind Of Guy Is Joe Wilson?

September 15, 2009

Everyone knows that Joe Wilson did what no one else has ever done before – call the President of the United States, in a Joint Session of Congress, a liar. My personal experience has been that today’s GOP “leadership” frequently exhibit psychological projection — attributing to others what they, themselves, are doing. Joe Wilson calling President Obama a liar appears to be exactly that, in it’s crudest form. Michele Bachmann, R=Planet Denial, often acts in the same manner. Dusty Trice has Bachmann on film at last Saturday’s T-Bag Party in St. Cloud defending Wilson; here’s what Bachmann said:

“And thank God for Joe Wilson – thank God! He looked into the camera, Joe Wilson is my friend. He’s the last person I talked to before I left Washington, D.C. He is the sweetest, most mild-mannered loving guy you’ve ever seen; such a huge heart, and, uhhh, he apologized for violating the rules of decorum in the House and that’s right, we don’t do that in the House. But Joe didn’t back down from his assertion because Joe was right.”(Bachmann, 9-12-09)

Was Wilson, as Bachmann proclaimed, “right”? Not a chance. Furthermore, about Wilson being “the sweetest, most mild-mannered loving guy” – well, Blue Man not only blows a hole in that one, but demonstrates Wilson is a liar – with regards to his denial that the good ol’ USofA, during Uncle Ronnie’s Administration, supplied Saddam with chemical weapons. Let’s watch!!!

And there’s neither time nor space to list the lies Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive has told over the years; while she has every right to expect her Lord and Savior to forgive her for those lies, there’s no reason the voters should. But, that’s a tangent; back to Joe Wilson.

Jon Soltz was an Army Captain in Iraq, serving with the 1st Armored Division. He co-founded as is chair of – leading the charge on military and veterans issues. I read Jon’s piece on Wilson yesterday, and contacted them for permission to repost Jon’s piece in it’s entirety, permission graciously granted.

The Erratic Joe Wilson’s Shameful Record on Troops and Veterans Care
by: Jon Soltz
Mon Sep 14, 2009 at 13:19:51 PM EDT

The only thing more “out there” than Joe Wilson’s disrespectful display during the President’s speech to Congress on Health Care is Representative Wilson’s all over the place take on two of the largest government-run health systems there are – the ones that benefit our troops and veterans.
Wilson has railed against health care reform, warning that offering more choice to people amounts to a government takeover of health insurance. To him, it’s an evil that has to be defeated.

Yet, at the same time, Wilson hasn’t said whether he’s opted into TRICARE for Life. The completely government-run health insurance system for certain military retirees is available to Wilson, as he’s a 31-year Guard and Reserve veteran (though he joined after getting out of Vietnam). If he’s not, of course, then he’s taking insurance from the government-run pool offered to Congressmen. Then, there’s all of our active duty service members who are on TRICARE – stuck in an evil government system that must have turned them into Communists by now.

Wilson has saved them and gotten them out of TRICARE, right?


“TRICARE provides world class health care,” said Wilson in a press release. “I believe TRICARE is one part of our health care system that’s working.”

What?! Joe Wilson is all for this horrible fascist system of government care?

Well, maybe not. Despite being against government health care, and then paying lip service about the awesomeness of government-run TRICARE, Wilson’s voted to underfund it.

In 2007, Wilson was against $1.9 billion for military medical care (including funds for Walter Reed) and in 2005 voted against expanding TRICARE eligibility for our Guard and Reserve components, despite the fact that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has them fighting alongside the active component more than ever before.

OK, so Wilson suffers from split personality disorder when it comes to government health care for troops. But, he must be against the Department of Veterans Affairs, another bastion of Marxist thought, turning generations of American veterans into pinkos.

“With a growing number of servicemembers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, we must go to great measures to ensure our veterans receive the best care possible. That means greater oversight of the facilities, hospitals, and clinics that care for our veterans. They deserve access to the highest quality medical technology and a health care system that is responsive to their immediate and long-term needs. Their sacrifice and commitment to this nation deserves nothing less,” said Wilson on his campaign site.

Gosh, that sounds just like Hitler, doesn’t it?

Oh, but thank heaven, Joe Wilson voted repeatedly to cut veterans care, and save us from modern day Leninism. He voted for a $14 million cut in 2003, against $1.6 billion for the agency in 2005, $2.9 billion again in 2005, for a $13.5 billion cut in 2005, against $1.8 billion in 2003, and millions and millions more.

Maybe it’s asking too much for me to ask that Joe Wilson think like a rational human being, but I’ll ask anyway. He needs to decide whether offering citizens the option of getting the same kind of coverage we in the military gets is evil or not evil.

If it’s not – if military and veterans government-run insurance and care is not malevolent – then he needs to stop his shouting and properly fund TRICARE and the VA, and let everyone have the option of getting a public insurance plan.

But, if government-run care and insurance really is wicked, then he needs to stop lying about how he feels about TRICARE and Veterans Care. He should tell the truth about why he voted against funding for those programs – because he thinks troops and veterans should be left out in the cold and turned away in return for their service.

Until he’s honest about his position on Veterans Care, Military Care, and the Public Option, I can only say this: Representative Wilson, YOU LIE.

Jon Soltz :: The Erratic Joe Wilson’s Shameful Record on Troops and Veterans Care

Indeed – Congressman Wilson does indeed lie.

Projection, Ladies and Gentlemen; projection. The “leadership” of the GreedOverPrinciples party does it all the time.

(Originally published at

I Wrote The Post; Somebody ELSE Got Sued??!?

September 1, 2009

How did THAT Happen? The short story: Colonel Joe Repya has been a long-standing critic of republiCon Ron – and, by extension, FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike – over (among other things) the MN GOP’s apparent financial mismanagement. For said criticism, and mounting a challenge to Carey for the MN GOP party Chair position, Colonel Repya was essentially labeled an “enemy of the party” by republiCon Ron. After republiCon Ron stepped aside, and FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike were elected Chair and Deputy Chair, Colonel Repya had had enough: The Good Colonel announced in a PiPress Op/ed on 6/23/09 that he was leaving the Minnesota GOP – and why.

Here’s where it gets really, Really, REALLY interesting: in the comments section of said Op/Ed, Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, wrote, and I quote:

I am Deputy Chair of the Fourth Congressional District and one of the newer anti-war Republican activists. It’s difficult for words to describe how happy I am that you are leaving our Party. The roots of your “neconservative” philosophy lie in Straussian Trotzkyite Communism. “Corporate money” influencing our Party? Nothing compared to the damage your military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) has wreaked on our Party and our Country.

I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists. Your days of endless illegal wars and military industrial complex domination of our party are over.
Obama is ramping up his War in Afghanistan and continues to illegally bomb Pakistan. Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust. (emphasis added) (PiPress)

So, what was the MN GOP’s response to Nathan Hansen, speaking as GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, calling The Good Colonel a commie? Why, a plum Committee assignment in the MN GOP!!!

Some people within the MN GOP were outraged; Andy Aplikowski (who blogs at “Residual Forces”) being one:

Again, this is the Deputy Chair of the CD4 Republicans who is attacking a veteran, our military, and anyone who believes in a strong national defense. Sure there is room for debate on specifics, but that is not what Dep. Chair Hanson decided to do. Nope, he went right for the jugular and crossed a line as far as I am concerned.
A high level officer in the Republican party cannot do what Mr. Hanson did. He is entitled to his opinion, but what he gave was an opinion that had to come with his official title, hence, he has to go.(

Anoter person highly offended was Joe Salmon, Army Veteran and Chairman of the GOP’s SD56.

Joe Salmon started a blog about Nathan Hansen’s trashing of the military and veterans in general, and The Good Colonel in particular. At the very top, just under the masthead in the blog’s navigation bar, is a repost of what yours truly, the ol’ TwoPutter, wrote here, on the MnProgressiveProject. Here’s the link.

That’s the background. Now, apparently Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, got his undies in a bunch after seeing (more or less)”Dump Hansen” signs and buttons at the August 20th GOP picnic in Roseville.

So, what’s a “good” GOPer like Nathan Hansen to do?

File a lawsuit!!!

Yes, you heard “right” – attorney Nathan Hansen had a Summons and Complaint served upon Joe Salmon, over Salmon’s blog!!!

Now, in the Summons and Complaint, Hansen lists as Defendants “John Doe” and “Jane Roe” – a/k/a, anyone. So far, I haven’t been sued; nor – as of this date, according to his blog, has Andy Aplikowski. Here’s the meat of the suit:


5. On this website, the Defandants allege that “Nathan Hansen…Believes all veterans are Baby Killers and Communists.”

Based on what Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, wrote in the PiPress, and quoted in it’s entirety above, that’s EXACTLY what I would deduce!


9. Defendants have made a false and defamatory statement about the Plaintiff.

Again, based on what Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, wrote in the PiPress, and quoted in it’s entirety above, that doesn’t look false to me. Especially since, as far as I can tell, Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, has only issued what the self-described Minnesota Conservatives describe as “…a classic example of the non-apology apology.”

What strikes me, is that republiCons always make a big stink about “frivolous lawsuits. Keep that in mind while noting the following definition of a “Public Figures”:

public figure
n. in the law of defamation (libel and slander), a personage of great public interest or familiarity like a government official, politician, celebrity, business leader, movie star or sports hero. Incorrect harmful statements published about a public figure cannot be the basis of a lawsuit for defamation unless there is proof that the writer or publisher intentionally defamed the person with malice (hate).

See also: defamation libel slander

Hmmm…”Incorrect harmful statements”…”published”…”intentially defame”…”malice (hate)”…add to that: “… how happy I am that you are leaving our Party…” and “I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists” and “Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust.”…Hmmm…

Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, smears Joe Repya, but then gets his undies in a bunch when he feels smeared.

Dam – another Irony Meter, pegged to broken!!!

Rather than Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, perhaps the person that ouught to file a lawsuit would be The Good Colonel, Joe Repya?

I called Colonel Repya, and asked if he had considered filing a lawsuit against Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4.

“No, Tommy, I didn’t. Unfortunately, until today’s bitter political environment changes, reasonable people simply have to understand they are going to take unreasonable shots from unreasonable people.”

That about sums this one up, folks: an unreasonable lawyer publicly trashing one guy, but then unreasonably suing when held to account.

I can see the answer as “Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4” to the call-out on “Jeapardy!” someday:

“I’ll take “Frivoulous Lawsuits for $200, Alex…”

(orignially published at

"I'm not just trying to smear the guy…"

August 6, 2009

Yeah, “right.” Watch for yourself:

“I’m not just trying to smear the guy…”??!?

The first clue that the guy is a rightwing paid shill is the line that green jobs “kill manufacturing jobs.”

In the first place, since when has a GOPer complained about the loss of manufacturing jobs? Does “Free Trade” ring a bell?

And since when has a GOPer complained about creating “low wage jobs”??!? I mean, the lower the wages for the serfs “employees” – the bigger the take at the top! Just ask Bill McGuire, or, say, Wal-Mart about THAT one….

But, ya gotta love how these rightwingers call President Obama’s guy a commie.

Hmmm….don’t like the guy; call him a commie….don’t like the guy; call him a commie…hmmm….

Hey! Kinda like how they called another guy they don’t like a “commie” – Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Joe Repya!

It’s getting to the point that getting smeared by the rightwing extremists should get ya a badge of honor, or something….

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

GOPer Party Official Trashes Veteran Joe Repya And Is Rewarded

July 28, 2009

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Joe Repya is, by any standard, an American Hero. People may not like his conservative political philosophy, but few (if any) have served this great country with the courage, valor, integrity and distinction Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya has. Colonel Repya served in combat in Vietnam, the Gulf War in 1990, and in 2004 – at age 58 – came out of retirement to serve again in Iraq. How Colonel Repya missed The Balkans has to be an interesting story; a story I’d like to follow up on – but, that’s a tangent.

Colonel Repya challenged then-incumbent MN-GOP Party Chair Ron Carey in 2007, on a “reform the party” platform – because, clearly today’s GreedOverPrinciples party needs to be cleaned up. For this, Colonel Repya was essentially smeared called an “enemy of the party” by then-GOP Party Chair Ron Carey. An important point is Ron Carey’s campaign manager was current GOP State Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb.

Everybody got that? Challenge the party chair’s “stewardship” and get trashed as essentially an “enemy of the party”, by the guy (Ron Carey) who’s campaign Michael Brodkorb ran.

Fast forward, to last month. Tony Sutton, the GOP party’s Treasurer under Carey, is elected Party Chair. Sutton was “the man” while a whole bunch of the GOP Party’s FEC problems were unfolding – link here to read the Tostenson Memo. Michael Brodkorb, who’s plotical tactics Joe Repya has condemened, is elected GOP State Party Deputy Chair.

So, when FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike were elected Chair and Deputy Chair, Colonel Repya had had enough – he wrote an Op/Ed in the Pioneer Press titled “Why I’m leaving the Minnesota GOP.” While that Op/Ed is no longer available on the PiPress website, comments on that Op/Ed are. Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, did comment – here’s what he had to say:

I am Deputy Chair of the Fourth Congressional District and one of the newer anti-war Republican activists. It’s difficult for words to describe how happy I am that you are leaving our Party. The roots of your “neconservative” philosophy lie in Straussian Trotzkyite Communism. “Corporate money” influencing our Party? Nothing compared to the damage your military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) has wreaked on our Party and our Country.

I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists. Your days of endless illegal wars and military industrial complex domination of our party are over.
Obama is ramping up his War in Afghanistan and continues to illegally bomb Pakistan. Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust. (emphasis added) (PiPress)

Lieutenant Colenel (Retired) Joe Repya a communist??!? A neo-con??!? “…satiate bloodlust…” – WT(C)? Colonel Repya is a warmonger, too??!?

So, one might wonder how the new regime of FEC Tony and MudlsingerMike responded to an elected GOP Party Official – Deputy Chair of the 4th CD – trashing a bona fide American military hero? How did FEC Tony and MudslingerMike respond to an elected GOP Party Official essentially spitting on Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Joe Repya?

By rewarding GOP CD-4 Deputy Chair Nathan Hansen with a plum assignment within the State GOP.

Which really isn’t surprising, when you think about it – it’s a page “right” out of the GOP Playbook.

In today’s GreedOverPrinciples Party, “led” locally by Tony Sutton and Michael Brodkorb, you can expect anyone they don’t like to be slimed, smeared, and spit on.

It’s really rather pathetic – and just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, it’s predictable, too.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul & Dirty Tricks, Part 4: the e-mail account

July 22, 2009

Yesterday, in Part 3: “When Soldiers Speak Out” it clearly was stated the issue isn’t Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul’s right to speak out; the issue is following established military rules, regulations, and protocol while doing so. And Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 was mentioned.

Today, we’re going to take a specific look at that Directive, and it’s applicability to Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul’s use of his official email account.

There is no doubt that Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul used his official account for partisan political purposes; Political Muse first noticed this use back in April. Also, a quick google search (just enter “Dave Thul”) of blogs results in two hits on the very first page – this one:

They can’t ignore you if you show up in person
17 Jul 2009 by (redacted) (Dave Thul)
Written by Dave Thul. Friday, 17 July 2009 09:17. Since I have yet to receive a phone call or email back from Congressman Walz’s office about the still unexplained photo of him claiming to be an Afghanistan veteran, I decided to visit …
True North – Pointing Minnesota in the… –….
[ More results from True North – Pointing Minnesota in the… ]

and this one:

Minnesota’s own phony soldier
12 Jul 2009 by (redacted) (Dave Thul)
Everyone who follows politics must remember the political uproar over Rush Limbaugh’s ‘phony soldier’ comment in 2007, referring to the media’s fondness for quoting ‘soldiers’ against the war in Iraq whose service and military records …
True North – – References
[ More results from True North ]

Yes, gentle readers, that’s Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul calling Congressman Tim Walz a “phony soldier.” And that BS about the photograph? COMPLETE BS. Of course, would anyone expect anything else from the party of Tony Sutton and Michael Brodkorb? But, that’s a tangent, albeit a tangent we’ll get to later. For now, back to Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul and his use of his official email account.

Department of Defense Directive 1344.10, like most Defense rules, regulations, and protocols, is dry reading. On the other hand, they usually are very clear, and DoDD 1344.10 is no different.

Paragraph 4, in it’s entirety, states:


It is DoD policy to encourage members of the Armed Forces (hereafter referred to as “members”) (including members on active duty, members of the Reserve Components not on active duty, members of the National Guard even when in a non-Federal status, and retired members) to carry out the obligations of citizenship. In keeping with the traditional concept that members on active duty should not engage in partisan political activity, and that members not on active duty should avoid inferences that their political activities imply or appear to imply official sponsorship, approval, or endorsement, the following policy shall apply:

That last sentence is the important one with respect to Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul; clearly, if Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul were on active duty, or was on-duty full-time with the National Guard, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul could have the book tossed at him for all the rules, regulations, and protocols he could have possibly and probably violated. If Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul were on active duty, or in an on-duty, full-time status with the National Guard, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul easily “could end up in jail” – to use Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul’s own words (we’ll get to the significance of those words in a later episode). So, for the sake of argument, we’ll assume Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul is NOT in an on-duty, full-time status with the National Guard. If anyone knows differently, let me know.

So, let’s review that last sentence, in Paragraph 4, before we get into the sub-paragraphs:

“…and that members not on active duty should avoid inferences that their political activities imply or appear to imply official sponsorship, approval, or endorsement…”

Now let’s look at this sub-paragraph, of paragraph 4:

4.1.4. Subject to any other restrictions in law, a member of the Armed Forces not on active duty may take the actions or participate in the activities permitted in subparagraph 4.1.1., and may take the actions and participate in the activities prohibited in subparagraph 4.1.2, provided the member is not in uniform and does not otherwise act in a manner that could reasonably give rise to the inference or appearance of official sponsorship, approval, or endorsement.

“reasonably” – “reasonably.”

Is it reasonable for someone to infer that a blogpost critical of the President, or a Congressman, bearing an official was approved by someone serving in official capacity within the US Army?

Yes, it is – unless, of course, you’re a partisan political hack and the President and Congressman being ripped is from a party other than your own.

That sub-paragraph is followed by this subparagraph:

4.1.5. Activities not expressly prohibited may be contrary to the spirit and intent of this Directive. Any activity that may be reasonably viewed as directly or indirectly associating the Department of Defense or the Department of Homeland Security (in the case of the Coast Guard) or any component of these Departments with a partisan political activity or is otherwise contrary to the spirit and intention of this Directive shall be avoided.

“…shall be avoided.” Not “should” be avoided; “shall” be avoided. Got it? “Clear, Sergeant, AIRBORNE!” would be the response I would have given, upon being read/told/DIRECTED (we’re quoting a “Directive” here), back in the day.

Clearly, by using his email account, that shows up on google searches and probably google alerts, too, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul is, or appears to, apply official military approval and/or endorsement.

Clearly, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thu’s use of his official, email account was wrong. Period. End of story.

Well, not exactly “end of story” – part 5 is coming – stay tuned!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul & Dirty Tricks, Part 3: "When Soldiers Speak Out"

July 21, 2009

Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul has been discussed in the blogosphere quite a bit lately, concerning his use (mis-use?) of his email account. Political Muse began writing about this back in early April. Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul recently exacerbated the issue by launching an ambush on Congressman Tim Walz – as discussed yesterday in Part 2 of this series.

The issue isn’t Dave Thul’s right to speak out; the issue is following established military rules, regulations, and protocol while doing so. In today’s edition, we’re going to look at an article from US Army War College, written by noted Army lawyer Major John Kiel, an expert in military free speech issues. The name of that article is “When Soldiers Speak Out: A Survey of Provisions Limiting Freedom of Speech in the Military”.

“When Soldiers Speak Out” was published in the August 2007 issue of Parameters while the national debate about the war in Iraq was intense. This debate was beginning to include active duty soldiers, as Major Kiel explains:

Remarks against the President (Bush) have become more prevalent among service members because they communicate through a host of mediums unfathomable to yesterday’s generation of fighting men and women. Soldiers frequently post digital journals, cell phone photos, and music videos on popular Internet sites such as YouTube and MySpace. A few techno-savvy troops even manage their own milblogs, or online personal diaries where they can communicate in cyberspace about virtually anything to virtually anyone.

That sure sounds like Major Kiel could be directly referring to Dave Thul, his personal blog, and his comments about President Obama and Congressman Walz, doesn’t it?

Major Kiel goes on to describe in his 14 page article specific cases and specific rules, regulations, and protocols involving troops speaking out while on active duty.

In his article, Major Kiel discusses but doesn’t link to Department of Defense Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces. That Directive can be linked to, here.

In Dave Thul’s case, while on active duty is key. Clearly, according to this article published at the US Army’s War College, Dave Thul would be in some serious hot water over his actions — were he on active duty. Were he on active duty, Dave Thul could potentially face Courts Martial for his actions. The question is how these rules, regulations, and protocols affect members of the National Guard NOT on active duty – such as National Guard member and Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul.

So far, I have been unable to find rules, regulations, or articles about these questions.

Therefore, the questions raised have been brought to the attention of the Minnesota National Guard’s Public Affairs Office for clarification.

Stay tuned!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul And Dirty Tricks, Part 2: A New Low

July 20, 2009

Last Friday, we reviewed an investigation into the dirty politics of John Kline, R=GreedOverPrinciples. The story focused on “transparency” – more specifically, lack thereof – and “accessibility” – and again, lack thereof – and John Kline.

And as disgusting as John Kline and his paid staff’s actions were, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul actually acts worse. Yes indeed, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul set a new low in the dirty tricks department last week.

For the very first time (that I’m aware of), an elected Republican official – Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul – actually did the dirty deed himself. And not only did Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul stage the ambush attack himself, he did it inside the office of his target.

As pathetic and disgusting as it was for someone on the John Kline gravy train to stand outside a Coleen Rowley campaign event and yell racial slurs – Mike Osskopp – or crash a Steve Sarvi campaign event and badger the candidate – Diana Bratlie – at least John Kline could maintain some kind of plausible (cough, cough) deniability: “Hey, it was just some staffers.”

Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul went lower than that: he did the deed himself, and he did it in Congressman Tim Walz’ offices.

Let’s look at the YouTube Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul shot, and then analyze exactly how UNtransparent Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul was.

Now, before we talk about how Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul’s attack was completely UNtransparent, it’s important to note that GOPers tried to SwiftBoat Tim Walz’ military record in his 2006 race against Gil Gutknecht AND in 2008 against Brian Davis. “tried” – as in failed, because the smear didn’t work.

Blue Man wrote about this just two days ago:

The attacks on Congressman Walz have started again. This time, a tool named Thul is attacking the Congressman on his military record, saying that Walz did not serve “in support of” Operation Enduring Freedom.

Yep, we went through this stuff back in 2006 too…and the response is the same. (Blue man in a Red District)

And Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul’s allegation regarding the picture is just as bogus, as I (tried) to explain to Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul last week; the sign does NOT read “Enduring Freedom Veterans” followed by “for Kerry” – the sign reas “Enduring Freedom” followed by “Veterans for Kerry.”

This discussion came up due to my investigation into Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul’s use of a email account for political purposes; a subject to be addressed in the coming days…stay tuned! For a quick background on the origins of this issue, link here.

At any rate, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul is as wrong about the picture as he is about Tim Walz’ record. That said, let’s look at Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul’s ambush attack at the Mankato offices of Congressman Tim Walz:

OK, let’s reveiw how and when Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul identifies himself during his ambush attack:

Start: I’m Dave Thul, …

0:32, I’m Dave Thul …

0:47, I’m Dave Thul, …

5:23. “I’m also a blogger…”

OK, remember at the beginning of that investigation of John Kline? You know, “transparency”? Was Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul transparent?

No (cheney)in’ way was Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul anywhere close to “transparent.”

Not once does Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul identify himself to Walz’s staff as an elected GOP official (Co-Chair of the Steele County Republican Party) even though there are four chances for him to do so in that 5 1/2 minute film.

Four chances, and not once – NOT ONCE – does Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul disclose his partisan party position.

That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is dirty politics – laying a political ambush and lying by omission – and even John Kline hasn’t stooped that low.

There’s more to this story, and it has to do with what Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul said at the 3:15 mark: “…we’re both National Guardsman ourselves…”

Stay tuned!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)