Archive for the ‘slimed by the M.O.B.’ Category

Mitch Berg – The Poster Boy Of Why Reasonable People Cannot Reasonably Believe republiCons

September 28, 2009

There are a lot of differences between Mitch “Bootlicker” Berg and myself; for instance, Bootlicker Berg is a ChickenHawk while I’m an honorably discharged veteran. I take great pains to be factually correct; Bootlicker Berg simply makes (stuff) up. The biggest difference is that Bootlicker Berg is an (@rse)hole that on occasion, can be a nice guy; I’m a nice guy that on occasion, can be a real (@rse)hole. Today is one of those occasions.

Why would today be one of those occasions? Because as big of an (@rse)hole Bootlicker Berg is (and, he is) lately he’s been going too far. It’s bad enough that he simply makes (stuff) up, as has been documented here and here. There’s more; such as the time Bootlicker Berg claimed on his radio show that Erik “I’m A Moderate In The Mold Of Frenzel and Ramstad” Paulsen “ran as a conservative”; when I called Bootlicker Berg on this delusion of his, Bootlicker Berg simply moved the goal posts by claiming Paulsen ran farther to the right than conventional wisdom dictated.

And Berg twice has attributed things to me that I’ve never said; the first time prompting the following correction on his blog:

UPDATE: In a phone conversation on Monday, Mr. Tommy denied having ever said that Bush was “Selected, Not Elected”. While I was writing more broadly – many of Mr. Tommy’s fellow-travellers and blog-mades certainly did, and do – my sentence as written implies that he has personally made that claim. Since I have no objective evidence that he did, I regret the ambiguity.

Well, like I said, above: occasionally, Bootlicker Berg can buck his natural predisposition to be a complete (arse)hole and do the proper thing. His latest delusional attribution? Bootlicker Berg indicated he stands by it. Bootlicker Berg’s natural predisposition is simply to slime people, which is why I had a special badge prepared to honor those slimed by Berg and his ilk.

And I want to be clear; I am NOT calling Bootlicker Berg a “liar” – calling someone a liar connotates that they know they aren’t telling the truth. It’s a bizarre and pathetic path Berg travels to reach his conclusions, but it appears he actually believes the (stuff) he makes up is true. Therefore, he isn’t a “liar” – he’s a (cheney)in’ whackjob that in the end, simply makes (stuff) up.

Now, some may wonder why Bootlicker Berg hates government so much; I would suggest that it’s because (based on property records) the City in which he resides insists that Bootlicker Berg live like a civilized human being rather than the sloth in a sty Bootlicker Berg would prefer. That’s another difference between Bootlicker Berg and the ol’ TwoPutter; I take pride in my home while Berg treats his like a hovel – but, that’s a tangent.

Bootlicker Berg went on a rant earlier today; not content to trashing this blog, he called the author of a blogpost here on MnPP, MNBearBud, and I quote: “MNBareButt” and “Ms. BareButt” and “BareButt” and “MNBareButt”. I’d provide the link but that would only drive traffic to Berg’s drivel.

Since there are laws concerning public nudity, it’s safe to assume MNBearBud doesn’t run around “bare but” – that Bootlicker Berg, once again’ is simply making (stuff) up. What is fact is there is plenty more that clearly demonstrates Mitch Berg is completely unreasonable; has a history making stuff up; has and will continue to keep taking the cheap shots. IOW, that Berg is a complete (@rse)hole; he can’t help it – it’s simply who and what he is. And for his latest rant directed at MNBearBud, MNBearBud is hereby awared a badge of honor: “Slimed By The M.O.B.”

Notch one up for MNBearBud; notch another one down for Bootlicker Berg.

(cross-posted from MnProgressiveProject)

Nick Coleman Is Awarded A Badge Of Honor

September 15, 2009

When the GOP elected FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike to their State Chair and Deputy Chair positions last June, it was a clear signal that the already mean-spirited GOP attack machine was gonna get even nastier. So, rather than respond, rebut, debunk, and/or fisk every nasty attack from The Small Tent Party, I thought it’d be easier to simply announce who got slimed by whom, and award ’em a badge of honor.

Today, I’m awarding the very first of said badges to Nick Coleman for his opinion piece in last Sunday’s Star Tribune, entitled “Gov peddles as the state budget burns.” Nick was slimed by the notorious M.O.B.ster Mitch Berg; I’d provide the link but that would only drive traffic to Berg’s drivel.

As I wrote here, over a year ago:

Only in the rightwingnut world, is answering the question as asked (“which Supreme Court JUSTICE”) considered “inexperience or (messianic) temperament”, and worse.

Mitch Berg is simply demonstrating, to reasonable people, why reasonable people cannot trust republiCons to tell the truth — and is also demonstrating why GOP now stands for GreedOverPrinciples.

Reasonable people understand that when stuff has to be make up to make a point, the point isn’t worth making. Obama was asked a question; Obama answered the question as asked; but rightwingnuts make stuff up for some gratuitous cheap-shots that allegedly make a point.

There was plenty more in that year clearly demonstrating Mitch Berg is still unreasonable; still making stuff up; still taking the cheap shots. For his latest rant at Nick Coleman, Nick Coleman is hereby awared a badge of honor: “Slimed By The M.O.B.”

Congratulations, Nick – you know you’re doing good work, when your good work gets slimed.

Notch one up for Nick; notch one down for Berg.

(originally published at