Archive for the ‘DFL Events’ Category

Tee It Up With TwoPutt!

July 25, 2009

OK, I got my foursome together, and we’re teein’ it up at the DFL SD 42&43’s “Divots For Democrats” event in two weeks, on Saturday August 8th.

And you can, too!

Registration info is here: Divots For Democrats

Again, registration info is here: Divots For Democrats

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

There's A Lot Going On

July 13, 2009

It’s a busy week – as usual. Lots of stuff coming up; including The National Civic Summit on Thursday and Friday and the 7th Annual Pigstock at Windbeam Farm.

I’m especially looking forward to the Camp Wellstone Alumni Reunion this Thursday during the National Civic Summit; fellow Camp Wellstone Alumni can register here

Where does a concerned citizen, that wishes to participate, go to keep up with all the festivities? Well, the ol’ TwoPutter knows one such place – let’s look!

Here’s that link from the video.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Tee It Up With TwoPutt!

July 10, 2009

Yes indeed, it’s summer, which means: it’s fundraising time again! I’m happy to report that the DFL SD42 and SD43 combine for their golf outing on August 8th – 9 holes with dinner to follow. I don’t play a lot, what with all my ailments, yada yada yada, but: I’m playing in this one. And, I’m looking for 3 Regular Readers of MnProgressiveProject to play with. Here’s the deal: I’ve never had a bad round of golf. I’ve had some really (bad) scores; but: NEVER a bad round. Play with me, and you’ll have fun. Probably won’t win, but: you’ll have fun! Plus, you’ll be helping the DFL’s SD42, home district of State Rep Maria Ruud! So, watch the following YouTube, and then decide if you want to tee it up with the ol’ TwoPutter or without the ol’ TwoPutter….and that miss? That was my FIRST putt; I sunk the second…..

(registration info, here: Divots For Democrats)

(crossposted from MnProgresiveProject)

Tee It Up With TwoPutt!

June 4, 2009

Yes indeed, it’s summer, which means: it’s fundraising time again! I’m happy to report that the DFL SD42 has their golf outing on August 8th – 9 holes with dinner to follow. I don’t play a lot, what with all my ailments, yada yada yada, but: I’m playing in this one. And, I’m looking for 3 Regular Readers of MnProgressiveProject to play with. Here’s the deal: I’ve never had a bad round of golf. I’ve had some really (bad) scores; but: NEVER a bad round. Play with me, and you’ll have fun. Probably won’t win, but: you’ll have fun! Plus, you’ll be helping the DFL’s SD42, home district of State Rep Maria Ruud! So, watch the following YouTube, and then decide if you want to tee it up with the ol’ TwoPutter or without the ol’ TwoPutter….and that miss? That was my FIRST putt; I sunk the second…..

(registration info, here: Divots For Democrats)

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Just Last Sunday

June 3, 2009

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, just 4 days ago, a lot of DFLers took the time to help Paul Thissen celebrate the opening of his campaign office. And I mean ” a lot.” I was surprised by the turnout. Some of them are already confirmed and dedicated Thissen supporters, such as the couple that made the trip down from Duluth. Others were curious about Paul, and what they told me is that they are finding out that Paul Thissen is a serious guy running a serious campaign. One of my questions was how a metro area DFLer would do in Greater Minnesota; I was told a YouTube addressing that very issue would be posted on Team Thissen’s website. Since it now is, let’s take a look!

With yesterday’s “developments”, the race is wide open. Running hard is Paul Thissen. Team Thissen is a team to watch.

(crossposted from MnProggressiveProject)