Archive for the ‘D*ck (cheney)in' Cheney’ Category

Then And Now: D*ck Cheney Channels The Ghost Of Nixon

August 31, 2009

Then – Richard Nixon interviewed, in 1977:

David Frost: “Would you say that there are certain situations – and the Huston Plan was one of them – where the president can decide that it’s in the best interests of the nation, and do something illegal?”

Richard Nixon: “Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.” (

Now – D*ck Cheney interviewed, 2009:

WALLACE: So even these cases where they went beyond the specific legal authorization, you’re OK with it?

CHENEY: I am. (

Ladies and Gentlemen, just another example of when the Party Of Nixon breaks laws, they say laws don’t matter.

(originally published at

The GOP Playbook: "She/He really isn't a ___ (fill in the blank)"

July 24, 2009

D*ck Cheney is still in the news; the subject is the outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame and Bush The Lesser’s refusal to pardon Scooter Libby for Scotter’s role (something Bush got right). David Corn has an article on about his appearance on Chris Matthew’s Hardball show on MSNBC discussing that issue and Time Magazine’s story concerning the last days in the misAdministration of Bush The Lesser.

That’s not the point of this post; the point of this post is how the GOP deals with their “enemies”.

And former Ambassador Joe Wilson was considered an enemy of the GOP for his speaking out about the Niger yellowcake BS. So, what play out of the GOP playbook did they run? The ol’ smear play, directed at his wife:

“Valerie Plame wasn’t really a CIA Agent; whe was just a secretary.”

Remember that? The GOP played that one over and Over and OVER, and to this day there are rightwingnuts that still firmly believe Valerie Plame “wasn’t really a CIA Agent; she was a secretary, no, wait – just a glorified coffee go-fer.”

Take the Not-So-SwiftBoat veterans: “John Kerry isn’t really a Purple Heart recipient; all it took were some bandaids.

Disgusting. Then again, coming from GOP “leadership” – it’s to be expected.

These days, the smear machine is going after President Obama:

“He really isn’t an American; he was born in the slums of Kenya.”

Unbelievable. You really have to watch:

GOP Party “Leadership” doesn’t care that it’s simply not true; what they care is that voters think it is.

The GOP Party “Leadership” uses surrogate mouthpieces like G. Gordon Liddy to spread their filth.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

republiCons Want It Both Ways

August 23, 2008

I just googled “biden plagiarsm” – because I knew it was coming. EVERYONE knew it was coming, because that’s the way republiCons are. Over forty years ago, but WT(C)? For republiCons, what’s forty years, when it’s an opportunity to trash the opposition? And I do mean it, when I entitled this post “republicons Want It Both Ways.” Remember when Cheney told Senator Leahy, in the senate, “Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) yourself!!!”? “felt good” and “needed to be said” was Cheney’s explanation, and republiCons – hypocritical bootlickers that they are – agreed. Fast forward, and now consider the attack on Franken’s “foul language” – “unfit for the senate!” is republiCon answer. Ladies and gentlemen, republiCons want it both ways.

So here’s the very first result upon googling “biden plagairsim” and then hitting “news”. That link appeared just 15 minutes ago, and here’s what it looks like:

August 23, 2008
Joe Biden’s plagiarism problem
Thomas Lifson(American Thinker)

“American Thinker” my (backside). “American Bootlicker” is more like it. These bootlickers are claiming that an alleged plagiarism incident from 1965 – FORTY-THREE (cheney)IN’ YEARS AGO – is a problem??!?

And here’s the “republiCons want it both ways” on this one, about an issue THIRTY years ago: McCain’s serial aduterous behavior needs no explanation, because – according to McCain – that was 30 years ago.

According to republiCons, plagiarism is a deep character flaw, but serial adultery by todays’ standard bearer for “The Party Of Family Values” is no problemo; an incident 43 years ago is worthy of discussion but 30 years ago is way in the past.

Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t fall for that pile of republiCon horse(apples).

From here on out, the first two words in Bushy McSame’s name is “Serial Adulterer.”

As in “Serial Adulterer Bushy McSame spoke last night at…” or as in “Serial Adulterer John McCain was on Fox News and…”

Ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s distasteful to stoop to the level republiCons thrive in, but serious times demand serious action. If you want to make the republiCons stop swimming in the sewer, you have to make it hurt – you have to make them feel the pain of trying to have it both ways. You have to hit back, and hit back hard.

To clearly demonstrate Bushy McSame’s Serial Adultery, watch this:

And then remember that to every one you talk to, it’s “Serial Adulterer John McCain did/said/etc….”

(originally published at

T Minus 152 – Dumbya, On The Veep

August 20, 2008

“I think that the vice president is a person reflecting a half-glass-full mentality.” — George aWol Bush, interview on National Public Radio, Jan. 29, 2007

Which, of course, is half a glass fuller than Boy Blunder’s mentality; and which, of course, explains once again why January 20th, 2009 will be The End Of An Error.

(originally published at

For Paulsen, It's All About The Dough

August 12, 2008

On January 10th, 2008, it was noted that Candidate Erik Paulsen had his new website up and running, but: while there was a distinct lack of information, they made it plenty easy to send dough. They didn’t tell you, back then, why you should send dough; they just told you to send it.

And it has been noted on several occasions on several blogs over these last several months that apparently, to Erik Paulsen, Iraq does not exist – that when “Iraq” is entered into the search field of Paulsen’s website, “No items contained the text “iraq” is the result.

Looking at Paulsen’s website, this is still true, – as of this very moment.

On the other hand, at this very moment, on Erik Paulsen’s home page, Team Paulsen touts this item:

Paulsen Over $1.3 Million For Campaign

Funny, isn’t it? That sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same? The change is the time since January; what is the same is Paulsen still doesn’t have anything to say about Iraq, but still is talking about the dough.

Of course, Paulsen really doesn’t have to say a lot about anything on is website, on virtually any issue – excepting, of course, dough. And he really doesn’ have (nor, want) to say anything where some those $1.3 million chunks of dough came from – such as the fundraiser with Cheney, or the dough raised at the strip-club in Vegas.

The most ironic statement on Paulsen’s website, is this:

“Minnesotans want leaders to understand that America is at a crossroads. Our economy, our domestic security, and our standing as a world leader all deserve something more substantial than governing by sound bites,” said Paulsen.(emphasis added)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Paulsen’s website, since January, has been nothing but soundbites; and it still is.

This, of course, only goes to show that when Paulsen declared last January that in this race he wouldn’t be out-hustled, he really meant he’d hustle everyone to win this race.

Look on Paulsen’s webpage – rather than talking about Iraq (or, for that matter, Afghanistan), Paulsen talks about money. This money includes cash raised at a strip-club in Vegas; money raised at a strip-club in Vegas that, by comparison, makes the money Paulsen took from a Cheney fundraiser look relatively clean.

Make no mistake, Ladies and Gentlemen – when it comes to money, Paulsen’s been taking a blind eye – just as he takes a blind eye with regards to Iraq. If you like George W. Bush and D*ck Cheney, you’ll love Erik “The Hustler” Paulsen.

(cross-posted from The Eden Prairie News)

(originally published at

Thirty Four Years Ago, Tonight

August 8, 2008

I remember that August night, back in 1974. It was 34 years ago, tonight, that Richard M. Nixon addressed the nation from The Oval Office, and announced he was resigning. My father put his head in his hands, and said “Oh, my God – he IS a crook.” “Dad” I replied, “that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” Nixon resigned, 34 years ago, because good and decent Republicans had had enough.

Good and decent Republicans called their elected representatives in the GOP Party, and those good and decent elected Republicans told Nixon’s Administration that enough was enough; it was time for the corruption to stop. Make no mistake; it wasn’t the Democrats in Congress that ended the Nixon Presidency; it was the good and decent Republicans in Congress that ended the cancer in government that Nixon represented.

Unfortunately, that cancer has returned to government, as the misAdministration of Bush The Lesser clearly demonstrates. Also unfortunately, it’s the Republicans in Congress that have allowed that to happen. Republicans in Congress by and large have abdicated their oversight responsibility and placed the Executive Branch and Republican Party’s interests over the Legislative branch’s and America’s interests. I’ve had the duty as a parent, to tell my children, that when I was a kid, our country’s president, Nixon, was a liar and a crook – as is the president of their childhood, George W. Bush. And unfortunately, Bush will end his term without resignation or impeachment; because today’s good and decent Republicans are silent as to this President, as are today’sr Republican Members of Congress.

Jim Ramstad is one of the most honest and ethical representatives to ever walk the halls and enter the chambers of the United States House of Representatives. For this, Republican Congressional Leadership rewarded him with back-bench status.

Now, one of the most partisan members to ever walk the halls and enter the chambers of the Minnesota State House, Erik Paulsen, seeks to replace Jim Ramstad – the good and decent Republican. I find it impossible to believe that not one good and decent Republican considered himself/herself worthy of replacing Ramstad. A congressional district where the winner of this year’s open seat can reasonably expect to serve a long career, as long as they serve honorably and ethically as Ramstad did, and Bill Frenzel before Ramstad, and Clark MacGregor before Frenzel, yet Paulsen goes unchallenged?

A lesson of Watergate and Nixon is that it was the good and decent members of the Republican Party that forced Nixon to resign. It’s too bad that lesson was lost, and today, on the 34th Anniversary of Nixon resigning, Erik Paulsen is the GOP candidate for Minnesota’s 3rd district. If you liked Richard Nixon; if you like George W. Bush and D*ck Cheney, you’ll love Erik Paulsen. The rest of us will be waiting for good and decent Republicans to reclaim leadership of that once “Grand Old Party.”

(cross posted at The Eden Prairie News)

(originally published at