Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

"Look Up To The Heavens, like you, you curse GOD!"

October 2, 2009


Was that “Vick’s VapoRub” that she applied under Glen Beck’s eyes??!? Let’s look!!!

And at the 2:17 mark: “Look Up To The Heavens, like you, you curse GOD!”


Ya know what else is funny? Back in February, GOP National Chair Michael Steele told Glenn Beck, on Beck’s show:

“You have absolutely no reason – none – to trust our words or our actions at this point.”

You Couldn’t Trust The GOP Then, You Still Can’t Now, And Tomorrow Won’t Be Any Different

(cross-posted at MnProgressiveProject)

Those Who Forget The Lessons Of History, Tend To Vote GOP

September 30, 2009

Joe Bodell got the post up before I could, so I’ll comment on it there. In the meantime, I’d like to direct your attention to a 2007 article that appeared in Vanity Fair concerning what six Generals did during the misAdministration of Boy Blunder And The Plunderers:

The Night of the Generals

The six retired generals who stepped forward last spring to publicly attack Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s handling of the Iraq war had to overcome a culture of reticence based on civilian control of the military. But while each man acted separately, all shared one experience: a growing outrage over the administration’s incompetence, leading some of the nation’s finest soldiers to risk their reputations and cross a time-honored line.

by David Margolick April 2007

“Those who forget the lessons of history, tend to vote GOP”

Mitch Berg – The Poster Boy Of Why Reasonable People Cannot Reasonably Believe republiCons

September 28, 2009

There are a lot of differences between Mitch “Bootlicker” Berg and myself; for instance, Bootlicker Berg is a ChickenHawk while I’m an honorably discharged veteran. I take great pains to be factually correct; Bootlicker Berg simply makes (stuff) up. The biggest difference is that Bootlicker Berg is an (@rse)hole that on occasion, can be a nice guy; I’m a nice guy that on occasion, can be a real (@rse)hole. Today is one of those occasions.

Why would today be one of those occasions? Because as big of an (@rse)hole Bootlicker Berg is (and, he is) lately he’s been going too far. It’s bad enough that he simply makes (stuff) up, as has been documented here and here. There’s more; such as the time Bootlicker Berg claimed on his radio show that Erik “I’m A Moderate In The Mold Of Frenzel and Ramstad” Paulsen “ran as a conservative”; when I called Bootlicker Berg on this delusion of his, Bootlicker Berg simply moved the goal posts by claiming Paulsen ran farther to the right than conventional wisdom dictated.

And Berg twice has attributed things to me that I’ve never said; the first time prompting the following correction on his blog:

UPDATE: In a phone conversation on Monday, Mr. Tommy denied having ever said that Bush was “Selected, Not Elected”. While I was writing more broadly – many of Mr. Tommy’s fellow-travellers and blog-mades certainly did, and do – my sentence as written implies that he has personally made that claim. Since I have no objective evidence that he did, I regret the ambiguity.

Well, like I said, above: occasionally, Bootlicker Berg can buck his natural predisposition to be a complete (arse)hole and do the proper thing. His latest delusional attribution? Bootlicker Berg indicated he stands by it. Bootlicker Berg’s natural predisposition is simply to slime people, which is why I had a special badge prepared to honor those slimed by Berg and his ilk.

And I want to be clear; I am NOT calling Bootlicker Berg a “liar” – calling someone a liar connotates that they know they aren’t telling the truth. It’s a bizarre and pathetic path Berg travels to reach his conclusions, but it appears he actually believes the (stuff) he makes up is true. Therefore, he isn’t a “liar” – he’s a (cheney)in’ whackjob that in the end, simply makes (stuff) up.

Now, some may wonder why Bootlicker Berg hates government so much; I would suggest that it’s because (based on property records) the City in which he resides insists that Bootlicker Berg live like a civilized human being rather than the sloth in a sty Bootlicker Berg would prefer. That’s another difference between Bootlicker Berg and the ol’ TwoPutter; I take pride in my home while Berg treats his like a hovel – but, that’s a tangent.

Bootlicker Berg went on a rant earlier today; not content to trashing this blog, he called the author of a blogpost here on MnPP, MNBearBud, and I quote: “MNBareButt” and “Ms. BareButt” and “BareButt” and “MNBareButt”. I’d provide the link but that would only drive traffic to Berg’s drivel.

Since there are laws concerning public nudity, it’s safe to assume MNBearBud doesn’t run around “bare but” – that Bootlicker Berg, once again’ is simply making (stuff) up. What is fact is there is plenty more that clearly demonstrates Mitch Berg is completely unreasonable; has a history making stuff up; has and will continue to keep taking the cheap shots. IOW, that Berg is a complete (@rse)hole; he can’t help it – it’s simply who and what he is. And for his latest rant directed at MNBearBud, MNBearBud is hereby awared a badge of honor: “Slimed By The M.O.B.”

Notch one up for MNBearBud; notch another one down for Bootlicker Berg.

(cross-posted from MnProgressiveProject)

Nick Coleman Is Awarded A Badge Of Honor

September 15, 2009

When the GOP elected FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike to their State Chair and Deputy Chair positions last June, it was a clear signal that the already mean-spirited GOP attack machine was gonna get even nastier. So, rather than respond, rebut, debunk, and/or fisk every nasty attack from The Small Tent Party, I thought it’d be easier to simply announce who got slimed by whom, and award ’em a badge of honor.

Today, I’m awarding the very first of said badges to Nick Coleman for his opinion piece in last Sunday’s Star Tribune, entitled “Gov peddles as the state budget burns.” Nick was slimed by the notorious M.O.B.ster Mitch Berg; I’d provide the link but that would only drive traffic to Berg’s drivel.

As I wrote here, over a year ago:

Only in the rightwingnut world, is answering the question as asked (“which Supreme Court JUSTICE”) considered “inexperience or (messianic) temperament”, and worse.

Mitch Berg is simply demonstrating, to reasonable people, why reasonable people cannot trust republiCons to tell the truth — and is also demonstrating why GOP now stands for GreedOverPrinciples.

Reasonable people understand that when stuff has to be make up to make a point, the point isn’t worth making. Obama was asked a question; Obama answered the question as asked; but rightwingnuts make stuff up for some gratuitous cheap-shots that allegedly make a point.

There was plenty more in that year clearly demonstrating Mitch Berg is still unreasonable; still making stuff up; still taking the cheap shots. For his latest rant at Nick Coleman, Nick Coleman is hereby awared a badge of honor: “Slimed By The M.O.B.”

Congratulations, Nick – you know you’re doing good work, when your good work gets slimed.

Notch one up for Nick; notch one down for Berg.

(originally published at

An Op/Ed The PiPress Didn't Run

September 11, 2009

(The following Op/Ed was submitted to the Editorial Page Editor of the News Media Group’s Pioneer Press on Tuesday, September 05, 2006 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of 9-11. At that time, virtually all “news” organizations were focusing on Iraq – they, too, had taken their eye off the ball. Three years ago, Afghanistan’s heroin prouction had reached 90% of the world’s supply. Today, not surprisingly, Afghanistan still produces 90% of the world’s heroin supply. As we mourn the lives lost 8 years ago, this Op/Ed written three years ago demonstrates that old saying: the more things change, the more they stay the same.)

The RumsFailed Doctrine

On September 11th, 2001, our country was attacked. President Bush rightfully issued ultimatums that the Taliban ignored, and he made the correct decision to send troops into harm’s way. Americans united and the world stood with us as American forces led coalition troops into Afghanistan.

The initial results were spectacular. Our volunteer military performed with valor and distinction in this war of necessity. In little more than two months, our enemies had been driven from power and the interim Afghani government was sworn in. The Taliban, Osama Bin Laden, and al-Qaeda were on the run.

The Battle of Tora Bora in Afghanistan’s White Mountains marked the change in U.S. military doctrine. The replaced Powell Doctrine called for overwhelming air and ground forces and a specific exit strategy. But this is the era of the Rumsfeld Doctrine. Indigenous troops staged the direct assaults backed by American air support but only a few American Special Forces Teams. The perimeter of Tora Bora was left unsecured. Most experts now agree that this strategic decision allowed the majority of trapped al-Qaeda fighters to escape.

Then the colossal error by Rumsfeld and others to more or less cut and run from Afghanistan to Iraq was made.

The lack of boots on the ground in Afghanistan prevented the country from achieving stability and peace. Whatever progress had been made quickly began to erode. The Taliban and Al Qaeda, far from being eliminated, have now regrouped, rearmed, and recommenced insurgency operations. Schools that were built have been attacked; many have closed. Newly-built roads now provide ambush opportunities for the Taliban.

Poppy fields flourish. Afghanistan now produces around 90% of the world’s heroin. The drug trade accounts for half of the country’s economy. Despite the connection between narcotics and terrorism, the Bush administration, with a compliant Republican-led Congress, has not devoted the proper attention to Afghanistan’s drug problem. For example, the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) began a multi-national law enforcement program in 2002, with a goal of breaking the link between drug trafficking and terrorism. But the continually increasing Taliban and Al Qaeda violence (fueled by narco-dollars) shows this hasn’t worked. U.S. and NATO forces are now in fact engaged in intense fighting amid Afghanistan’s deadliest spate of violence since U.S. led forces toppled the hard-line Taliban regime.

As in Iraq, there is no obvious exit strategy in Afghanistan. The limitations of the ‘War On The Cheap’ Rumsfeld Doctrine as exemplified at Tora Bora, are evidenced in the prosecution of both the war of necessity in Afghanistan and the war of choice in Iraq. The results of cutting expenses on the front end has incurred incredible expenses on the back end. Congress’ inaction speaks for itself. In our system of representative democracy, Congress serves as the check and balance to ensure change when change is needed. Over the last five years, Congress has unquestioningly given the administration everything it has wanted with no oversight. In fact, this year’s Republican-led Congress is eerily reminiscent of the 1948 ‘Do Nothing Congress’.

Either it is time to go back to the Powell doctrine, or to implement a new doctrine based largely on input from the officer corps of the United States Armed Services, not armchair warfare think tank civilians. However, the implementation of a new military doctrine is the prerogative of the new president to be elected in 2008. This mid-term election is about whether Congress, as an institution, will exercise its constitutional duty to serve as a check and balance against ineffective executive policy, a duty the current Congress has abdicated. Certainly those who marched lockstep with this administration need to be held accountable for that abdication this November.

(co-written by Coleen Rowley, a retired FBI Agent and Candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 2nd District, and Tommy Johnson, an Army Paratrooper veteran who served with the 7th Special Forces Group – Airborne; September 05, 2006)

The 2008 election of President Obama has occurred; it is now President Obama’s perogative to determine doctrine. Like it or not, this now is his war.

According to the Minnesota National Guard, “More than 20 Soldiers and/or Airmen are currently deployed to Afghanistan” and “More than 1600 Soldiers are currently deployed to Iraq.”

May God Bless, and Godspeed, to each and every one of ’em.

Eight years after the horrific attack on America, Afghanistan is still a mess. From CBS News, today:

Sept. 11, 2009
Eight Years Later, War’s End Not in Sight

Americans are Increasingly Frustrated With the War in Afghanistan, and President Obama Can Offer No Easy Answers
By Brian Montopoli

It was supposed to be swift and decisive response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: Operation Enduring Freedom, the U.S. led invasion of Afghanistan, launched less than a month after the attacks and designed to destroy al Qaeda and the Taliban government that harbored the group.

Eight years later the conflict continues — and the endgame seems elusive. Insurgent Taliban forces have gained ground; coalition troop casualties have steadily risen; and Americans have grown increasingly weary of the war, which some critics have begun to describe as a potential quagmire.

Criticism of U.S. policy on Afghanistan from the president’s own party, meanwhile, has grown louder. Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold is calling for a “flexible timetable” for bringing the troops home, arguing that “we’ve become embroiled in a nation-building experiment that may distract us from combating al Qaeda and its affiliates.” House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey of Wisconsin, another Democrat, said Congress could cut war funding in the spring if things haven’t gotten significantly better.

And the criticism is not confined to the left. Last week, conservative columnist George Will offered a much-discussed column calling for the U.S. to pull troops out of Afghanistan and instead “do only what can be done from offshore, using intelligence, drones, cruise missiles, airstrikes and small, potent Special Forces units.”
(More, at

When our soldiers come home, make sure they are given a hero’s welcome. Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later.

(originally published at

Breaking! Paulsen Bows To Liberal Blogger's Pressure; Schedules Town Hall!

September 9, 2009

So, I’m reading/watching Dusty Trice’s blogpost, about Erik Paulsen ducking Dusty’s questions about a “free and open Town Hall.”

As Dusty noted, Paulsen “Spokesman” Luke Friedrich says, “right” at the beginning of the YouTube:

“We don’t do questions from the liberal blogs. Sorry.”

Imagine that; Paulsen NOT taking questions….

Anyway, Dusty’s pressure must have gotten to Paulsen, because this one was just posted!!!

Town Hall Meeting
Town Hall Information

Who: Congressman Erik Paulsen/3rd District Constituents

What: Town Hall Meeting

When: Friday, September 11th, 2009
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Where: Maple Grove High School Auditorium
9800 Fernbrook Ln N, Maple Grove, MN

QUESTIONS? Contact me at


Well, all “right”!!! Won’t take questions from “liberal bloggers”, but: will bow to a “liberal blogger’s” pressure!!! Way to go, Dusty!!!

(originally published at

Today's Example Of republiCon Hypocrisy

September 3, 2009

As noted yesterday:

There’s so many examples of republiCon hypocrisy, that it’s becoming hard to keep track of them all.

And that’s true. They have no shame – NONE.

Today, we’re going to talk about republiCon hypocrisy regarding cursing – you know, when someone (cheney)in’ swears.

Let’s go to the WayBack Machine (actually, archives), and look at what happened when two people dropped the F-Bomb (forever after, known as “The (cheney) Bomb”):

What am I referring to? John Forbes Kerry’s interview with Rolling Stone magazine, where – referring to Boy Blunder’s handling of The War Of Choice – John Forbes Kerry asked, and I quote:

“Did I expect George Bush to f— it up as badly as he did? I don’t think anybody did.”

And that IS true; who expected that Boy Blunder would create “The Mother Of All FUBARs?”

What John Forbes Kerry also didn’t expect was how the republiCons would respond. (from “Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) Yourself!!!”

So, how did hypocritical republiCons respond? Let’s look!

Drug Limpstick and the rest of the EchoChamberRadio gang jumped all over it; El Druggo started callin’ him “John F-ing Kerry.”

Andy Card, Boy Blunder’s Chief of Staff, was all over it, too. As reported on

“That’s beneath John Kerry,” the president’s chief of staff, Andrew Card, said in a televised interview.
“I’m very disappointed that he would use that kind of language,” Card said. “I’m hoping that he’s apologizing at least to himself, because that’s not the John Kerry that I know.”

WOW! In 1999, Boy blunder repeatedly drops the F-Bomb, no problemo. In late 2003, John F’ing Kerry drops the F-Bomb, BIG DEAL. With me so far?

Yep – it’s that ol’ republiCon hypocrisy. But wait – there’s more!!!

In his duties as Vice President, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney presides over the Senate. And one day, a few months after the republiCons jumped all over John F’ing Kerry, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney was over at the senate. Now, two things notable happened at the Senate on this day: the Senate passed “The Defense Of Decency Act” which addressed indecent language on TV, and VPOTUS Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney told Senator Patrick Leahy, in the Senate:

“Hey! Senator!! Go F*** yourself!!!”

Or, as I like to say, to point out the blatant hypocrisy of republiCons:

“Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) yourself!!!”

Asked about it on FauxNews, in addition saying it was “appropriate”, and that he “felt better afterwards”, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney said, and here’s the whole quote:

CHENEY: Well, I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.

In that interview with Neil Cavuto, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney also weasels out of breaking a rule by dropping the “(cheney)-bomb” in the senate, on the technicality that the senate wasn’t in session. Other places covered for Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney by noting that, technically, Cheney’s a member of the administration, so rules governing senator’s behavior in the senate, don’t apply to Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney. Hmmm…. republiCons citing “technicalities” to cover THEIR guy….who’da thunk?

Well, “thinking” people “woulda thunk” EXACTLY that.

And again, there’s more!

Now, let’s revisit what Andy Card said when John F’ing Kerry dropped the “(cheney)-bomb”:

“That’s beneath John Kerry,” the president’s chief of staff, Andrew Card, said in a televised interview.
“I’m very disappointed that he would use that kind of language,” Card said. “I’m hoping that he’s apologizing at least to himself, because that’s not the John Kerry that I know.”

What was the official White House line on Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney droppin’ the “(cheney)-bomb”?

Zip. Nada. Crickets.

But, here’s what Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney’s spokesman said:

“Reserving the right to revise and extend my remarks, that doesn’t sound like language the vice president would use, but there was a frank exchange of views.”

republiCons count on people not remembering history, let alone recent events. IMNSHO, here’s why: “Those that forget the lessons of history, tend to vote republiCon.”

OK, that was the hypocrisy of the GreedOverPrinciples party, then. Here’s the “now” – Van Jones called republiCons “@zzholes” (I’m editing what he actually called ’em, to keep this site available at libraries, but: thinking people know what Van Jones really said; GOPers (clueless cretins that they are) can email me for the exact word). Let’s look!!!

And, to no surprise, rightwingnuts are going ballistic.

Well, why – EXACTLY – did Van Jones call republiCons @zzholes? Because, to quote D*ck (cheney)in’ Cheney, on Faux News:

CHENEY: Well, I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.


And this needs to be repeated, over and Over and OVER:

“Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP”

(originally published at

TPT And Dusty Trice – On Your Radio, Today!

September 1, 2009

There was a lot – a LOT! – going on last weekend, and yours truly – the ol’ TwoPutter – and Dusty Trice will be talking about it today 5 to 6 pm on AM-950 Radio, “The Voice Of Minnesota!”

We’ll again be guest hosting for Mike McIntee’s “Quick on the Uptake” show. Dusty was in St. Cloud on Saturday covering Bachmann MotorMouth Overdrive’s “Town Hall” and subsequent T-Bag Event – I look forward to talking with Dusty about what happened. Feel free to call in and ask Dusty a question yourself! For a sample of what Dusty saw, click on the YouTube, below!

Plus, one lucky caller will win a copy of Bill’s exceptional comic book: False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story (Part 1). The AM-950 call-in number is (952) 946-6205! Well, maybe two callers will win – ya never know!!!

So, tune in your radio today to AM-950, The Voice of Minnesota!

Or, link here to listen to it via computer!

Well, as long as we’re watching one of Dusty’s YouTubes, and as long as the subject is Michele Bachmann, let’s watch another!!!

(originally published at

A New Episode Of DFL SD-42's "Democratic Visions"

September 1, 2009

There’s a new episode of “Democratic Visions”, produced by DFL SD-42 in the southwest ‘burbs – you can tune in Comcast Channel 15 in Hopkins, Minnetonka, Edina, Richfield and Eden Prairie on Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 9 pm. This new episode features Janet Robert of AM-950 radio (“The Voice Of Minnesota!”), State Public Defender John Stuart, and a segment honoring the 10th anniversary of the death of state legislator Willard Munger – Minnesota’s “Mr. Environment.” Or, you can just watch, below the fold – let’s look!

AM950: Minnesota’s Progressive Talkers

Minnesota’s Public Defender Crisis

Willard Munger Legacy

Link here for previous episodes, featuring guests such as:

Steve Kelley
Amber Greves
Mark Dayton
Maria Ruud
Ron Case
John Marty
Paul Thissen
Terri Bonoff
Ahmed Tharwat
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer

“Democratic Visions” – watch it!

(originally published at <a href=";

Then And Now: D*ck Cheney Channels The Ghost Of Nixon

August 31, 2009

Then – Richard Nixon interviewed, in 1977:

David Frost: “Would you say that there are certain situations – and the Huston Plan was one of them – where the president can decide that it’s in the best interests of the nation, and do something illegal?”

Richard Nixon: “Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.” (

Now – D*ck Cheney interviewed, 2009:

WALLACE: So even these cases where they went beyond the specific legal authorization, you’re OK with it?

CHENEY: I am. (

Ladies and Gentlemen, just another example of when the Party Of Nixon breaks laws, they say laws don’t matter.

(originally published at