Archive for March, 2008

The End Of The Quarter

March 28, 2008

Yes, it’s that time on the ol’ campaign calendar – the rush to get every last dime in the bank. If you’re like me, you’re getting a LOT of requests in your e-mail in-box. Well, here’s a personal appeal: I’m proud to be co-hosting an event on Monday, March 31st for Captain Madia, and I’d like to see you there!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is going to be a great event! Details are as follows:

Please join host Major General Harry Sieben, Jr.,
former Speaker, Minnesota House of Representatives

and several other supporters, to meet
congressional candidate J. Ashwin Madia.


Monday March 31st . 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Nick and Eddie Restaurant Bar
1612 Harmon Place, Minneapolis (on Loring Park)

Host Committee
Barbara Anderson . Jessica Anderson . Victoria Ames . Scott Benson . Tom Berg . Dennis Bless . Brian Thorson
Patricia Bloodgood . Chris Cleveland . Jane Bremer . Bill Davis . John Derus . Katherine Doerr . Linda Eller
Marna Ericson . Dan Eulberg . Collin Foulds . Tommy Johnson . Charlie Leck . Lee Lynch . Darwin Lookingbill . David Potter . Virat Madia .
Ken Martin . Doré Mead . Gene Merriam . Laura Nelson . Laura Nevitt . Natalie Parsons . Tony Parsons . Christian Sande . Gary Schiff . Carla Smith . Steve Silton . Heidi Silton . Shivanthi Sathananda . John Sullivan . Gavin Sullivan . Bob Walser . Darrell Thompson . David Waterbury . Ruth Waterbury

A Political Newcomer

With little fanfare, Ashwin Madia,
an Iraq War veteran and attorney,
entered the race for the DFL endorsement in the 3rd Congressional District on Oct. 23, 2007.

He emerged as a top-tier challenger after a well-received performance in a December foreign policy debate.

Set a Fundraising Record

Ashwin Madia set a state record for a first-time candidate, raising $166,000 in the final two months of 2007. But his status as a “political unknown” didn’t last long. His fundraising success has continued in 1Q08, and he will announce a strong number in April.

Leading in Endorsements

Madia has won the backing of the DFL Veterans Caucus,,, U.S. Rep. Mike Honda,
State Sen. Mee Moua, State Sen. Satveer Chaudhary, State Rep. John Lesch, Teamsters Local 120, the Minnesota United Auto Workers Union and countless activists from throughout the 3rd District and the Twin Cities metro area.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to be very clear – I personally did not care who got the CD-3 endorsement to take on and take out Erik “The Hustler” Paulsen. Mayor Jim Hovland, State Senator Terri Bonoff, and Captain Madia are all fine candidates, each with unique strengths that would give the DFL a win in November, had they gotten the endorsement.

It is clear to me, that by winning all those Senate Districts; by building the grass-roots team; Captain Madia will be the endorsed candidate.

So I’m now firmly in the ranks of Madia’s Marauders.

I hope you join up, and are at this event on Monday, March 31st.

Come help celebrate Captain Madia’s candidacy, and add to his 1st Quarter Totals!

And one of the highlights of this event? We don’t have to ask Gavin Sullivan to cover it; he’s a Co-Host!!!

Congratulations, Nick Coleman!

March 28, 2008

Nick Coleman has the audacity to call it like he sees it. This, of course, is not acceptable to the “right”, which reserves the “right” to honor those – and only those – veterans it approves of. Nick’s Forest Lake/”Vets For Freedom” column, yesterday, unleashed the fury of the “right.” So I sent Nick an e-mail.

Great column, Nick – and one way to tell for sure, is the outrage from the usual suspects.

Here’s what gets me, Nick – the Disabled American Veterans are chartered by an act of Congress as a non-partisan group; formed way back by some World War 1 veterans who came back from “The War To End All Wars” disabled and maimed after bein’ gassed, etc etc etc.

Every year, Minnesota’s DAV sends a legislative team to Foggy Bottom to discuss legislation with Minnesota’s congressional delegation 2 senators and 8 congressmen. Been doin’ it for years and years and years.

Two years ago, John Kline told the non-partisan DAV he wouldn’t co-sponsor some legislation to help wounded warriors, because said legislation was written by democrats.

Thanks, John – NOT. So much for non-partisanship, from you.

Last year, Kline didn’t bother meeting with the DAV – apparently, Kline doesn’t like it when veterans tell the truth about him; so he figured the best way to handle that is simply not meet with them.

This year, no difference. Well, actually one difference – Michelle Bachmann followed Kline’s lead.

Which brings me to Forest Lake. While Bachmann doesn’t have the time to meet with non-partisan veterans to discuss actual legislation that actually affects veteran’s lives, she DOES have time to meet with the White House influenced, if not backed, “Vets For Freedom” at Forest Lake High School.

Which, of makes perfect sense, in Michelle world, where it’s all about the image.

Keep up the good work, Nick.


Yesterday's Smokescreen

March 27, 2008

If you don’t agree with Norm Coleman on an issue today, don’t worry – sooner or later you will. Not because you’ve changed, but because ol’ Smokescreen has changed colors, once again.

And at his campaign announcement yesterday, ol’ Smokescreen threw the assembled crowd a curve ball – at times he sounded like a democrat! Norm’s got spending plans for actual people; Norm says public work is honorable and Minnesotans respect public service – what kind of republican is that??? Lucky for Norm he’s not getting challenged for endorsment; that’s talk the base simply don’t abide.

Claiming to be a voice of optimism in a cynical time, he claimed that labels don’t matter, results do. Even more outlandish was ol’ Smokescreen’s pronouncement that “We need uniters, not dividers.”

Amazing. Simply amazing, coming from the guy that was Bush’s attack chihuahua in 2004, a proud member of the GOP “Truth Squad.” Of course, that was then and this is now.

Now, he’s claiming he’s bi-partisan. His press kit contained a whole page of “bi-partisan examples.” Let’s look:

* I-35 bridge; after GOPers became the minority party.

* “Veterans Benefit Outreach Act” – Coleman co-authored it in May 2007

*Flood Relief, SE Minnesota – again, 2007

* Extending Oversight In Iraq, when Boy Blunder wanted to end it. Again, 2007

Now, let’s look at the Low Income Heating Assistance Program, where ol’ Smokescreen, just yesterday, tried to claim his work was “bi-partisan.” Here’s what his press release said, back in January, 2006:

“I am pleased that families in Minnesota will have access to an additional $4 million in funding to help heat their homes this winter,” said Coleman. “Given the high cost of energy, we need to do all that we can to ensure families are not left in the cold. I applaud the Bush Administration for recognizing the positive impact this funding will have on the quality of life in our communities.”

Last month, Coleman, along with Senators Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME), and Susan Collins (R-ME) obtained a commitment from Senate leadership for a separate vote on an emergency supplemental bill to provide $2 billion in additional funding for LIHEAP, early this year.

link, here

Doesn’t sound real “bi-partisan” to me…of course, back in January 2006, republiCons were still planning on a “Permanent Republican Majority” – and when you’re permanently the majority, contemporary republiCon thought went, who needs bi-partisanship?

And let’s look at that claim Coleman made about Iraqi oversight. Back when ol’ Smokescreen was in the majority, and the Chair of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, the LAST place Coleman looked was Iraq. Actually, that’s not accurate, while ol’ Smokescreen wouldn’t look at corruption in Iraq by, say, Halliburton, he did look at Iraq with regards to the Oil For Food scandal. You know, French companies? Russian companies? Oh, and specifically, Norm looked at a British Member of Parliament, George Galloway, who proceeded to humiliate Norm (hence, the “ol’ Smokescreen” nickname), and who was never convicted of anything. That was when ol’ Smokescreen was in the majority. Now, that Norms in the minority, he’s in favor of oversight of Iraq?

The point I’m trying to make here, is that ol’ Smokescreen sure has changed his colors – several times.

In 2002, The Accidental Senator said: “I’m up for re-election in six years, judge me on what I did.”

And anyone looking objectively at Coleman’s record will see a smilin’ guy with all the best intentions of Elizabeth Taylor at the wedding altar. And as many trips there, too.

Norm "Smokescreen" Coleman, R=Lapdog

March 18, 2008

I’m not a big fan of cut ‘n paste; personally, I think that doin’ that is prima facie that the ol’ liquor cabinet is gettin’ a little low.

But, that’s just me!

Because, on the other hand, there are other times that ya gotta go with what they say, and what they say is best said by what they said with no commentary required!!!

So, without any more ado, here’s what Team Smokescreen sent out to the True misBelievers, in an e-mail blast:

Dear Friends,

In recognition of Al Franken’s second appearance on “The Late Show with David Letterman” since relocating to Minnesota to run for the Senate, we here at Team Coleman thought we’d borrow a favorite from Dave. Without further ado…

From our home office in St. Paul, Minnesota here are the “Top Ten Reasons To Donate To Senator Norm Coleman’s Campaign:”

10) Because Norm Coleman spent 30 years getting things done for Minnesota.

9) You want to help us add to our double-digit lead over comedian Al Franken (KSTP-TV Poll, March 16, 2008).

8) Unlike Al, you DO think people would notice a 5-10 cent increase in the gas tax.

7) We don’t have friends in the media like David Letterman to give us a free, 30 minute commercial
on national television.

6) You want Norm to keep fighting the Democrats’ efforts to pass the largest tax hike in American

5) You actually know your own views on Iraq and can express them clearly and consistently, unlike
Al Franken.

4) We pay our workers’ compensation insurance.

3) What’s a ‘satirist’ doing on a ‘comedy’ show anyway?

2) We need your help to send Norm Coleman back to Washington so he can fight for quality,
affordable health care that the government doesn’t manage.

1) Norm Coleman brings people together to get things done!

Seriously though. We need your help, and unfortunately we don’t have friends in Big Entertainment to help us out. Whether it’s $10 or $1,000, please consider giving to our campaign, and help Team Coleman spread Senator Coleman’s positive vision for Minnesota throughout our great state!


Team Coleman

“Seriously though.”

Seriously, Norm “Smokescreen” Coleman, R=Lapdog, needs some new writers….and Norm “Smokescreen” Coleman, R=Lapdog, needs to be retired.

While he thinks makin’ fun of Al Franken’s appearance on Letterman is funny, what is not funny is ol’ Smokescreen’s complete abdication of congressional oversight while chair of the permanent subcommittee on investigations.


The Cage Match

March 17, 2008

Substance versus style was on display yesterday, at Anoka City Hall. Neither side won.

I’ll admit it; I’m not a big Tinklenberg fan. I’ve seen him a lot, but I’ve never talked to him, even though the last four times I’ve seen him are: a fundraiser for a Minnesota Congressman in January in a small room; standing in line for “refreshments” at the Blue State Ball; at the SD 56 Convention; and yesterday at The Cage Match. I’ve never had a discussion with El Tinklenberg. Yesterday, I was sitting two chairs away from Bob Olson’s wife, and prior to the “debate” Tinklenberg was working the crowd in Tinklenberg fashion – greeting those he apparently knows. Well, and ignoring some he knows, too: He ignored Bob’s wife, even though he was but two feet away and looking in her direction. So, when I attribute Tinklenberg to the “style” side in this story, I use the term loosely.

I’ve met and talked to Bob Olson several times. I’ve seen him speak, publicly, a few times. Yesterday was not his “A” Game, and several questions I’d be hard pressed for a “C”. That said, Bob represented “substance”. He was consistent, dogged, and determined – usually. A couple of answers he rambled; he rambled on his intro. Tinklenberg was smooth to the point of slick. He started out using Sunday’s Strib as a prop, and the story by Larry Jacobs as the point: “Whatever happened to starting small”? about Mike Ciresi as an attack on Bob Olson and his lack of previous electoral experience. Tinklenberg later took a shot at Olson, who by profession is a tax lawyer and banker. Olson talked about taxes and those making over 300K a year; in his rebuttal Tinklenberg suggested Olson has a LOT more experience with making more than 300 grand than he did.

Which I found ironic, coming from a lobbyist. What was more ironic was Tinklenberg, later in the debate, decrying the lack of civility, and then immediately going back to the Strib to take another shot at Olson.

And let’s be frank – for all his waffling, Tinklenberg is a lobbyist. As I understand it, lobbying is the essence of his firm. There are plenty of documents from various cities discussing hiring Tink to lobby for them. When asked by Olson about this, Tinklenberg stated there’s the general meaning of words, and there’s the legal meaning of words, and legally, he’s not a lobbyist.

So, I guess Tinklenberg is not a lobbyist, depending upon what the meaning of “lobbyist” is.

Tink waffled on the issue of a primary, too. In closing claimed he’d abide by the endorsement only if the process was honorable and fair. “Honorable”??!? By whose standards? His?

The question of endorsements came up. Tinklenberg became visibly angry. Quite frankly, his answer was misleading. A Tinklenberg staffer clearly stated in an e-mail blast, and I quote:

We are so proud to count Rep. McCollum as a supporter, and we have now received endorsements (emphasis added) from every Democratic member of the Minnesota delegation. From Tim Walz and Keith Ellison down South to Colin Peterson and Jim Oberstar up North, Democrats in Minnesota are working to send El Tinklenberg to Washington and send Michele Bachmann home.

Folks, there’s an “endorsement” in there, that Tinklenberg flat-out did not receive.

Tinklenberg shouldn’t have gotten angry. Embarrassed, perhaps? Contrite? Time to offer on up a Mea Culpa or two is more like it.

And this wasn’t the first time Tinklenberg would become visibly angry, at questions and in challenging rulings of the moderator and challenging the debate rules his campaign agreed to. All in all, Tinklenberg reacted angrily to questions 4 times, in addition to his closing.

Quite frankly, it’s apparent that Tinklenberg will get the endorsement. Whether he’s earned it, is subjective. However, the delegate counts speak for themselves, and the math is fairly simple. Fortunately for Tinklenberg, a Bachmann Tracker wasn’t there taking video – at least, not that I could tell.

If quoting Tinklenberg’s previous statements, and then comparing them to later statements is an “attack” in Team Tink’s view, they ain’t seen nuthin’. If questioning Tink’s lobbying background is an “attack”, wait until “real” lobbyists, working on Bachmann’s behalf, take aim at Tinklenberg. If questioning taconite tailings in roadbeds and embankments is an attack, wait until some Karl Rove protégé jumps on this one.

I personally believe the questioning I’ve heard from Team Olson is, without a doubt, legitimate campaign questioning; and part of the normal vetting process.

Be that as it may, it’s apparent this race is all but over, and Team Tinklenberg will be carrying the DFL Standard for CD-6. What remains to be seen, is who they can rally to march behind it.

A Day In SD 49

March 16, 2008

Jeanine Allen sought endorsement for State Rep in 49B, for a rematch with Kathy Tingelstad. And she has worked hard – did the house parties, banged on the doors, yada, yada, yada. Then, the unexpected happened: Tinglestad became a member of the infamous (to the GOPer Faithful) “Override Six.”

Unless you’re just getting back from, say, the Iditarod, where you were working in the interior with no internet connections, you’re aware that retribution and punishment for Tinglestad, and the rest of the Override Six, was immediate and severe. Recently,Tinglestad was not endorsed for re-election; furthermore, GOPers undoubtedly will be endorsing someone else.

This created a huge opportunity, one that Jerry Newton found too appealing to pass by. At the SD49 Convention yesterday, both Jeanine Allen and Jerry were nominated for endorsement. Both gave passionate speeches with compelling reasons to receive support; both gave thoughtful and informed answers to questions presented. Obviously, as a veteran, I was drawn to Jerry due to his military background. However, Jeanine’s discussion of the potential threat to our Iraqi veterans from Depleted Uranium demonstrated beyond a doubt her knowledge of issues and genuine concern for veterans.

Clearly, Jeanine Allen is a worthy candidate. Unfortunately for her, the results of the first – and only – ballot were not in her favor.

Jeanine Allen took to the podium, asked that her name be removed from consideration, and requested Unanimous Endorsement for Jerry, by acclimation.

The dignity and class displayed by Jeanine Allen is a story that needs to be told often. She worked hard. Last cycle, she came close. This cycle, could have been much, Much, MUCH different. But the delegates chose someone else.

Recognizing the inevitable, Jeanine put party over self. She fought the good fight, but put party interests over hers. Ladies and gentlemen, we all owe Jeanine Allen our thanks and appreciation for throwing her hat into the ring, putting herself out on the line, and then accepting the results with chin held high and a high level of grace.

I’m proud to be a Democrat – proud to be in the DFL – because of people like Jeanine Allen. It’s important to remember above all, we are all Democrats.

Earlier, Senator Mark Dayton underscored this importance. Taking the stage, he reminded delegates of the importance of Democratic unity in the fall He asked if we wanted four years of (President) John McCain? “NOOOOOOOO!” Then he asked if we wanted a Vice President Tim Pawlenty or a Governor Carol Molnau? “NOOOOOOOOO!”

Then he said, “That’s the Republican philosophy of government. She ruins one state agency; they want to put her in charge of all of them. He fails one state; they want to put him in charge of the whole country!”

Senate District 49 is a bit different than most, because it’s roughly half in Congressional District 3; half in Congressional District 6. As I opined a week ago, the race in the 3rd is over – so I covered SD 49 as the drama for the honor of taking out Michelle Bachmann played out with the additional benefit of watching the inevitable in CD3.

Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of watching Rick Nelson’s efficiency in running the Senate District 42 Convention. At SD 49, I had the privilege of watching J.P. Barone’s running the CD-6 side of the district. Now, I admit I’m easily amused. While that is true, it changes not a bit J.P.’s masterful performance in guiding the convention. J.P. clearly explained not only the agenda steps; he explained the “why” of the agenda steps in a way that sometimes went beyond witty to downright funny. J.P. used humor as a tool to help delegates – especially new delegates – understand what was happening and why. The reactions I got from first time delegates was overwhelmingly favorable, and helped make what often can be monotonous procedural issues interesting. Both Rick and J.P. are experts in running a convention and the DFL is fortunate they volunteer their time and talents. This should be the point in this story when I begin to talk about who ran the Convention, on the CD-3 side. However, this citizen/blogger doesn’t have a report on Victoria Reinhardt, for two reasons – I wasn’t there, and I neglected to ask those delegates. This, however, only goes to show that this citizen/blogger simply isn’t perfect…

The results of the CD-6 side of the Convention clearly went El Tinklenberg’s way. There were 13 self-nominated subcaucus with Tinklenberg named in 6; Olson was named I three. At the end of the first round, two of Olson’s subcacuses weren’t viable, with Tinklenberg only losing one.

The final results for the delegate count are Franken 5, JNP 2, Uncommitted 2 at the senate level; Tinklenberg 4, Olson zero, Uncommitted 5 at the Congressional level. However, one subcaucus called ”Uncommitted Labor” clearly was leaning Franken and unabashedly pro-Tinklenberg. All in all, it was a very good day for Teams Franken and Tinklenberg at Senate District 49. The impressions on delegates from the March 16th Tinklenberg / Olson debate will be very important.

Congratulations are due to Ted Butler for his endorsement for his State House race in 49-A and to Jerry Newton for his endorsement in 49 – B, and a special mention is again due to Jeanine Allen, for meritorious service to party.

That Race Is SO Over.

March 16, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The battle for endorsement in Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District is over; Madia’s Marauders have prevailed. The only thing remaining is ratification of the victory at the Convention, on April 12th.

Ok, sure – Captain Madia doesn’t have the 96 necessary delegates – he’s only got 84.5 of the caucus attending elected delegates marching in his formation. The point is, those 84.5 delegates represent way more than 60% of the elected delegate total.

For Senator Bonoff to win endorsement, she has to convince superdelegates to ignore the will of the people; convince the superdelegates to ignore the election results that are on paper and in the record books. And that’s just for starters.

Just as that will NOT be acceptable to Democrats in the Presidential race, that will NOT be acceptable to Democrats in the 3rd Congressional district. I am guessing the superdelegates will be inundated with e-mails and phone calls, telling them that the people have spoken, they have spoken loudly, and they have spoken convincingly. The message they will be conveying is in cases like this, it’s the superdelegate’s duty to ratify the will of the people.

I admire Senator Bonoff. She’s won two tough races in this district. But the people have spoken. Louldly. Clearly. Frequently. Convincingly.

The race was over, one week ago. The results yesterday merely confirmed that. The Convention on April 12 will only make it official.

The endorsement race is over. It’s time to rally the troops, and prepare for the next battle.

Greetings From Viet Nam

March 13, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Whether you believe the war in Iraq was justified or not, what you must believe is the cost of that war includes care of those fighting it, for years and years and years after the shooting has stopped. Care of those who answer their nation’s call to duty has nothing to do with partisan politics.

Today, I’m posting an update from Scotty Cameron, who travelled back to Viet Nam, and travelled back in time to the day he was shot, 39 years ago – Scotty’s “Alive Day.”

Here’s Scotty’s report:

Hello everyone.

Well, my 39th “Alive Day” is over and I have left Vietnam and am now in Phnom Penh. I left Chau Doc, Vietnam and took a “slow boat” up the Mekong to here. I leave Vietnam with very mixed feelings. It is no longer the country that I so vividly remember, but a country that is looking to the future, rather than dwelling on the past. I had a mental picture of a country that was exactly like it was 39 years ago, and have found that it has moved on with the rest of the world.

The only ones that have remained in that distant time were me and the many veterans like me. What a shock! I went to my old base camp expecting to see an old rock tower with a 50 caliber machine gun , built by the French that I pulled many an hour of guard duty in while drying out and getting a little rest in Sa Dec. Instead I find it is now a Vietnamese military installation and the tower is gone. I have vivid memories of being shelled while in that tower and to stand and look where I served and see that it is no longer jungle along the river, but built up to over 1 million people.

Over 90% of the people that are now living in Vietnam were not alive when the war was going on, and the realization that I’m getting old hit me hard. When your an 18 year old soldier, you think your invincible and don’t comprehend change at this magnitude, and I find this realization very personally disturbing. I also found a memorial in Sadec, and to my surprise found out that Ho Chi Minh’s father was born there. The Mekong Delta now has literally millions of people living there, and as I traveled across the Delta it seemed like one continuous line of villages that have grown into each other.

There is now a bridge across the Mekong at Vinh Long, where before everything was by boat. There are roads everywhere, when before the only transport was by boat. I did see more of a military presence there than other parts of the country I’ve visited and I inquired about it. It seems after the fall of Saigon in April 1975, the cadre of the NLF (National Liberation Front, or Viet Cong) where replaced by officers from the North and there is still much resentment today. The Viet Cong where hurt very badly during the 1968 Tet offensive, consequently the North sent North Vietnamese Regulars to the delta.

I do remember finding them after firefights, but only in the same capacity I was in, that of an advisor. I don’t think I would advise any veteran that has PTSD to travel to Vietnam alone, as for myself this has been one of the most trying things I’ve ever done in my life. I have been fortunate in traveling with another Vietnam Vet who has been back 11 times, and it made a major difference. He was able to talk me down when I’d get uptight, and pick me up when I was getting depressed. I had someone to reminisce with who understood what I’d been through.

This trip has brought back things I’d totally forgotten about, some of them so traumatic I wish I would have left them there. I visited a French Orphanage that I used to take food to. It’s still there, but in a different location. Minnesota Veterans for Progress, a veterans organization in Duluth gave me money to donate here and that’s just what I did, as it’s much needed. One of the things that has hurt me more than anything else is the plight of the soldiers I fought with. In Vinh Long and Sadec, they took bulldozers and leveled their cemeteries and built over them. They are treated very badly by the government because , in the eyes of the victors, they had turned against their brothers and family.

I stayed with a Viet Cong husband/wife team on my “alive day”, and was quite disappointed as to their lack of any English. The husband I feel intentionally kept his wife hidden, but he was a very nice and kind gentleman. It seems I am not the first veteran to return to him with the same message, as he has pictures of other groups of veterans that have come there also. I guess in short I did accomplish what I set out to do here, but I have more questions now than when I first came here. I am going to return to Vietnam and it will be sooner rather than later this time.

I didn’t find the peace I thought I would after this tour, but I feel I’ve made a good start. I keep thinking of all the people of my generation that died here, some of who I’d forgotten about until I came back. It was really disheartening to pick up an English language newspaper and read that in the US documents had been declassified that proved the “Tonkin Gulf Incident” NEVER happened. That was what got us into the Vietnam War, or as the Vietnamese call it, “the American War”. In my opinion, those still alive, such as Dr. Henry Kissinger should be tried as the war criminals they are, as they cost the lives of over 58,000 young American kids and knew about and perpetuated the lie

Then I think of all the disabled and homeless still walking the streets of America today, some as disillusioned as myself. I think of people like Denny, one of a number of my personal vet friends that have committed suicide over the years. I think of all the loss to our country as a whole because of the intellectual loss. I wonder if possibly one of the “fallen heros” may have found the cure for cancer or possibly AIDS.

I guess we’ll never know, but one thing I do know is that if we don’t study and learn from history, it has a tendency to repeat itself. I think our present political position is a good point in fact. The similarities I see between the Nixon administration and the Bush administration speaks volumes, but this is not the time or place to debate that now. I have to sign off now as I have a volunteer opportunity to teach English for 2 hours to some Buddhist Monks at their temple and it’s something I want to do.

Take care and stay tuned as there’s so much more to talk about, such as PTSD in Vietnam, the effects of war on children and the ongoing effects of Agent Orange we sprayed here so long ago which is still being dealt with to this day and I’ll leave you with a question. Who should be ultimately responsible for the land mines left behind and the horrible effects of Agent Orange???

Scott Cameron


For those of you reading this far, I’d like to thank you.

Please remember – 40 years from now, many of those that answered their nation’s call to duty, and served in Iraq and Afghanistan will still be alive.

We – as a nation – owe them a debt of gratitude we cannot ever repay.

We – as a nation – can make sure their health needs are met.

Please support veterans.

Thank you.


It’s A Great Day To Be A Veteran

That Was Then. This Is Now.

March 12, 2008

I personally don’t care who takes Bachmann out; I just want her out. I honestly cannot find one good thing to say about her. Just last week, following in the traditions of John Kline and Mark Kennedy, she blew off the Disabled American Veterans. No surprise there!

Every year, the non-partisan Disabled American Veterans has their annual Mid-Winter Convention in Foggy Bottom. Every year, Minnesota sends its Legislative Committee to talk to Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation, about legislation to help disabled American veterans lead productive lives.

Two years ago, John Kline told these Disabled American Veterans he wouldn’t co-sponsor legislation written by democrats. Period. End of story. When this news was reported, Kline’s reaction was predictable. Last year, he didn’t meet with them. Nor this year.

Thanks, John. NOT.

Two years ago, Mark Kennedy wouldn’t even let the veterans into his office.

Mark Kennedy got his just rewards.

Michelle Bachmann needs to get hers, too. So, really – I don’t care who takes out Bachmann. The reality is, though – whoever does, has to be on their “A” game. And from what I’ve seen so far, that ain’t El Tinklenberg.

Why, the reasonable, concerned citizen might ask? Credibility. And the Tink campaign lost it, for me. Take the issue of “endorsements” – Team Tink has put out in print, and in speech, endorsements they simply do not have.

Yes, “endorsements”. As in “plural”. Two that I know of; one a congressman, the other a well-known former candidate. I called another congressman’s office, two days ago, and asked a real simple question. Here’s the cut ‘n paste:

My name is (the ol’ TwoPutter’s given name); I’m a member of the DFL Veteran’s Caucus and live in (city). I also blog on the website .

I am wondering who, if anyone, Representative Peterson has endorsed in CD-06?

Has Representative Peterson endorsed either Bob Olson, or El Tinklenberg?

Thank you for your response!

(the ol’ TwoPutter’s given name)

I followed it up with a phone call, and was told I’d get a reply, when they got an answer. No answer, last Monday. So I e-mailed and called again, yesterday morning, and again, yesterday afternoon. Still no answer. So I followed up again, this morning. As of this minute, still no answer.

Now, the reasonable citizen might assume that anyone a Congressman has endorsed, the Congressman would be quick to confirm the endorsement. So, is it unreasonable to assume that Tinklenberg did NOT receive the endorsement?

Yesterday, I had a telephone conversation with Tinklenberg’s Campaign Manager, who claimed Representative Peterson in fact “endorsed” Tinklenberg; further, she promised me she’d e-mail me written confirmation of said “endorsement.” No e-mail in the ol’ in-box, yesterday. This morning, I followed up with a voice mail, asking for the promised verification of Representative Peterson’s “endorsement. I followed up with another voice mail. So far, no e-mail in the ol’ in-box.

What is the reasonable citizen to assume?

And quite frankly, I’m not even gonna get into the parsing of words and hair-splitting Tink’s campaign manager engaged in, with regards to Congressman Walz’ NON-endorsement of Tink.

Quite frankly, I felt like she was insulting my intelligence – not that I have a lot. I don’t understand why she didn’t simply state: “Hey – we made a mistake; we’re sorry, we’ll fix it.” And then actually did fix it. Why this campaign put Sergeant Major Walz in the position they did, is inexcusable, IF they didn’t apologize. They haven’t; it isn’t. And I don’t like gettin’ the run-around from a campaign manager from my party. Or, for that matter, the run-around Wodele gave me, yesterday. I expect straight talk. I haven’t gotten it.

In my first post on the race in CD-6, I affirmed I had no dog in the hunt. That was then.

This is now.

I’m not a rocket scientist, and I understand Tink isn’t either, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out taconite does NOT belong in roadways. Period. End of story.

And I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve seen enough to recognize a lobbyist when I see one. Not that there’s anything wrong with lobbyists; there isn’t. As long as they’re upfront. And I have a strong indication who isn’t being up-front.

And I happen to think my wife and daughters are smart enough to know what they should, or should not, do with their bodies. Apparently Tink does not. Or, does. Or, doesn’t. What day is it today?

And I happen to believe in “liberty and justice for ALL.” Not “some”. Not “liberty and justice, if you’re ‘straight’.”

And I happen to believe I should get honest answers, and discussions, from campaign staff.

Therefore I happen to believe Bob Olson is the candidate to take out Michelle Bachmann. With Bob, you KNOW where HE stands.


Previous posts, on the CD-6 race: Jan 30, ’08 Mar 9, ’08 Mar 11, ’08

(originally posted at

That Was Then. This Is Now.

March 12, 2008

I personally don’t care who takes Bachmann out; I just want her out. I honestly cannot find one good thing to say about her. Just last week, following in the traditions of John Kline and Mark Kennedy, she blew off the Disabled American Veterans. No surprise there!

Every year, the non-partisan Disabled American Veterans has their annual Mid-Winter Convention in Foggy Bottom. Every year, Minnesota sends its Legislative Committee to talk to Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation, about legislation to help disabled American veterans lead productive lives.

Two years ago, John Kline told these Disabled American Veterans he wouldn’t co-sponsor legislation written by democrats. Period. End of story. When this news was reported, Kline’s reaction was predictable. Last year, he didn’t meet with them. Nor this year.

Thanks, John. NOT.

Two years ago, Mark Kennedy wouldn’t even let the veterans into his office.

Mark Kennedy got his just rewards.

Michelle Bachmann needs to get hers, too. So, really – I don’t care who takes out Bachmann. The reality is, though – whoever does, has to be on their “A” game. And from what I’ve seen so far, that ain’t El Tinklenberg.

Why, the reasonable, concerned citizen might ask? Credibility. And the Tink campaign lost it, for me. Take the issue of “endorsements” – Team Tink has put out in print, and in speech, endorsements they simply do not have.

Yes, “endorsements”. As in “plural”. Two that I know of; one a congressman, the other a well-known former candidate. I called another congressman’s office, two days ago, and asked a real simple question, Here’s the cut ‘n paste:

My name is (the ol’ TwoPutter’s given name); I’m a member of the DFL Veteran’s Caucus and live in (city). I also blog on the website .

I am wondering who, if anyone, Representative Peterson has endorsed in CD-06?

Has Representative Peterson endorsed either Bob Olson, or El Tinklenberg?

Thank you for your response!

(the ol’ TwoPutter’s given name)

I followed it up with a phone call, and was told I’d get a reply, when they got an answer. No answer, last Monday. So I e-mailed and called again, yesterday morning, and again, yesterday afternoon. Still no answer. So I followed up again, this morning. As of this minute, still no answer.

Now, the reasonable citizen might assume that anyone a Congressman has endorsed, the Congressman would be quick to confirm the endorsement. So, is it unreasonable to assume that Tinklenberg did NOT receive the endorsement?

Yesterday, I had a telephone conversation with Tinklenberg’s Campaign Manager, who claimed Representative Peterson in fact “endorsed” Tinklenberg; further, she promised me she’d e-mail me written confirmation of said “endorsement.” No e-mail in the ol’ in-box, yesterday. This morning, I followed up with a voice mail, asking for the promised verification of Representative Peterson’s “endorsement. I followed up with another voice mail. So far, no e-mail in the ol’ in-box.

What is the reasonable citizen to assume?

And quite frankly, I’m not even gonna get into the parsing of words and hair-splitting Tink’s campaign manager engaged in, with regards to Congressman Walz’ NON-endorsement of Tink.

Quite frankly, I felt like she was insulting my intelligence – not that I have a lot. I don’t understand why she didn’t simply state: “Hey – we made a mistake; we’re sorry, we’ll fix it.” And then actually did fix it. Why this campaign put Sergeant Major Walz in the position they did, is inexcusable, IF they didn’t apologize. They haven’t; it isn’t. And I don’t like gettin’ the run-around from a campaign manager from my party. Or, for that matter, the run-around Wodele gave me, yesterday. I expect straight talk. I haven’t gotten it.

In my first post on the race in CD-6, I affirmed I had no dog in the hunt. That was then.

This is now.

I’m not a rocket scientist, and I understand Tink isn’t either, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out taconite does NOT belong in roadways. Period. End of story.

And I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve seen enough to recognize a lobbyist when I see one. Not that there’s anything wrong with lobbyists; there isn’t. As long as they’re upfront. And I have a strong indication who isn’t being up-front.

And I happen to think my wife and daughters are smart enough to know what they should, or should not, do with their bodies. Apparently Tink does not. Or, does. Or, doesn’t. What day is it today?

And I happen to believe in “liberty and justice for ALL.” Not “some”. Not “liberty and justice, if you’re ‘straight’.”

And I happen to believe I should get honest answers, and discussions, from campaign staff.

Therefore I happen to believe Bob Olson is the candidate to take out Michelle Bachmann. With Bob, you KNOW where HE stands.