Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

TPT, On Your Radio Today!

September 15, 2009

I’ve been asked to Guest Host for Mike McIntee today from 5:00 to 6:00pm on AM-950 KTNF, The Voice Of Minnesota!

Mike put in yeoman’s work over the State Fair’s 12 day run and is taking a deserved break – I’m happy to fill-in for him. Since Mike’s passion is citizen journalism, and his show is called “Quick On The Uptake”, we’re bringing in-studio Jeff Strate, Producer for the DFL’s SD42 cable access TV program, “Democratic Visions” – an all volunteer run program. Below the fold are YouTubes of the Democratic Visions program currently running on Comcast Channel 15 in Hopkins, Minnetonka, Edina, Richfield and Eden Prairie on Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 9 pm; present and past programs are available at the Democratic Visions’ YouTube Channel.

DFL State Rep. and Gubernatorial Candidate Paul Thissen will be calling in at 5:30 pm, and at 5:45 we’ll be joined by MnProgressiveProject’s Grace Kelley to talk more about citizen journalism.

The studio call-in number is 952-946-6205; we will be giving away one copy of Bill Prendergast’s exceptional comic book: False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story (Part 1).

So, tune in the radio today to AM-950, or listen live on your computer, here.

And go beyond the fold; there’s three YouTubes you’re not going to want to miss!

AM950 Radio owner Janet Robert talks about the success of her progressive talk radio station in a format universe that had been dominated by right wing local and national radio talk programs. Blogger Tommy Johnson joins Ms. Robert to weigh in on talk readio and the new media.

State Public Defender John Stuart talks about the challenges confronting Minnesota’s court system prompted by cuts to the number of public defenders serving the poor.

This video memoriam honors the 10th anniversary of the death of state legislator Willard Munger, Minnesota’s “Mr. Environment.” The segment features scenes from a documentary-in-progress about Mr. Munger.

(originally published at

Today's Example Of republiCon Hypocrisy

September 3, 2009

As noted yesterday:

There’s so many examples of republiCon hypocrisy, that it’s becoming hard to keep track of them all.

And that’s true. They have no shame – NONE.

Today, we’re going to talk about republiCon hypocrisy regarding cursing – you know, when someone (cheney)in’ swears.

Let’s go to the WayBack Machine (actually, archives), and look at what happened when two people dropped the F-Bomb (forever after, known as “The (cheney) Bomb”):

What am I referring to? John Forbes Kerry’s interview with Rolling Stone magazine, where – referring to Boy Blunder’s handling of The War Of Choice – John Forbes Kerry asked, and I quote:

“Did I expect George Bush to f— it up as badly as he did? I don’t think anybody did.”

And that IS true; who expected that Boy Blunder would create “The Mother Of All FUBARs?”

What John Forbes Kerry also didn’t expect was how the republiCons would respond. (from “Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) Yourself!!!”

So, how did hypocritical republiCons respond? Let’s look!

Drug Limpstick and the rest of the EchoChamberRadio gang jumped all over it; El Druggo started callin’ him “John F-ing Kerry.”

Andy Card, Boy Blunder’s Chief of Staff, was all over it, too. As reported on

“That’s beneath John Kerry,” the president’s chief of staff, Andrew Card, said in a televised interview.
“I’m very disappointed that he would use that kind of language,” Card said. “I’m hoping that he’s apologizing at least to himself, because that’s not the John Kerry that I know.”

WOW! In 1999, Boy blunder repeatedly drops the F-Bomb, no problemo. In late 2003, John F’ing Kerry drops the F-Bomb, BIG DEAL. With me so far?

Yep – it’s that ol’ republiCon hypocrisy. But wait – there’s more!!!

In his duties as Vice President, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney presides over the Senate. And one day, a few months after the republiCons jumped all over John F’ing Kerry, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney was over at the senate. Now, two things notable happened at the Senate on this day: the Senate passed “The Defense Of Decency Act” which addressed indecent language on TV, and VPOTUS Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney told Senator Patrick Leahy, in the Senate:

“Hey! Senator!! Go F*** yourself!!!”

Or, as I like to say, to point out the blatant hypocrisy of republiCons:

“Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) yourself!!!”

Asked about it on FauxNews, in addition saying it was “appropriate”, and that he “felt better afterwards”, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney said, and here’s the whole quote:

CHENEY: Well, I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.

In that interview with Neil Cavuto, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney also weasels out of breaking a rule by dropping the “(cheney)-bomb” in the senate, on the technicality that the senate wasn’t in session. Other places covered for Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney by noting that, technically, Cheney’s a member of the administration, so rules governing senator’s behavior in the senate, don’t apply to Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney. Hmmm…. republiCons citing “technicalities” to cover THEIR guy….who’da thunk?

Well, “thinking” people “woulda thunk” EXACTLY that.

And again, there’s more!

Now, let’s revisit what Andy Card said when John F’ing Kerry dropped the “(cheney)-bomb”:

“That’s beneath John Kerry,” the president’s chief of staff, Andrew Card, said in a televised interview.
“I’m very disappointed that he would use that kind of language,” Card said. “I’m hoping that he’s apologizing at least to himself, because that’s not the John Kerry that I know.”

What was the official White House line on Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney droppin’ the “(cheney)-bomb”?

Zip. Nada. Crickets.

But, here’s what Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney’s spokesman said:

“Reserving the right to revise and extend my remarks, that doesn’t sound like language the vice president would use, but there was a frank exchange of views.”

republiCons count on people not remembering history, let alone recent events. IMNSHO, here’s why: “Those that forget the lessons of history, tend to vote republiCon.”

OK, that was the hypocrisy of the GreedOverPrinciples party, then. Here’s the “now” – Van Jones called republiCons “@zzholes” (I’m editing what he actually called ’em, to keep this site available at libraries, but: thinking people know what Van Jones really said; GOPers (clueless cretins that they are) can email me for the exact word). Let’s look!!!

And, to no surprise, rightwingnuts are going ballistic.

Well, why – EXACTLY – did Van Jones call republiCons @zzholes? Because, to quote D*ck (cheney)in’ Cheney, on Faux News:

CHENEY: Well, I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.


And this needs to be repeated, over and Over and OVER:

“Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP”

( cross-posted at

T Minus 38 – Joy

December 13, 2008

“I think one of the joyous parts of this war, if there is such a thing as a joyous part of a war, is to see the – is to see what it means for our country and our alliance to free people.” — George aWol Bush, The White House, December 13th, 2001

What a maroon.

Fortunately, in 38 days it will be The End Of An Error, and competent people will take over.

(originally posted at

T Minus 146 – Another Orwellian Bushism

August 26, 2008

“The solution to Iraq — an Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself — is more than a military mission. Precisely the reason why I sent more troops into Baghdad.” — George orWell Bush, Washington, D.C., April 3, 2007 (The White House)

Just another “up is down, war is peace” Orwellian Bushism we’ve come to expect from Boy Blunder. What is disturbing, but predictable, are the “McCain Moments” coming out of the Bushy McSame Campaign.

While clearly January 20th, 2009 will be The End Of An Error, if Bushy McSame is elected January 21st, 2009 will be The Start Of Another.

(originally published at

T Minus 153 – Dumbya's Diplomacy

August 19, 2008

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Do you think that Russia is applying undue pressure and threats to accomplish its goals at NATO on missile defense and stopping the Membership Action Plans of Ukraine and Georgia? And President Yushchenko, what do you think of Moscow’s tactics?

President Dumbya: Just because there was a bunch of, you know, Soviet-era flags in the street yesterday doesn’t — you shouldn’t read anything into that. I — look, this is an interesting debate that’s taking place, and it’s — you know, as every nation has told me, Russia will not have a veto over what happens in Bucharest, and I take their word for it. And that’s the right policy to have. – Kyiv, Ukraine, April 1st, 2008(White House)

Lately, it’s not “Soviet-era flags in the street” — it’s RUSSIAN TANKS. And it’s fitting that Boy Blunder uttered this tripe on April Fools Day — no greater of a fool has entered the White House than The Texas Fence Post Turtle. Fortunately there’s only 153 days until Dumbya exits literally and figurtively for good, as January 20th, 2009 will be The End Of An Error.

(originally published at

T Minus 159 – So Many, All On The Same Day!

August 13, 2008

Today’s a Triple Dose Of Dumbya Day!

“The trial lawyers are very politically powerful. But here in Texas we took them on and got some good medical malpractice.”

“There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we’re going to do it again.”

“I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn’t here.”

– George aWol Bush, speaking at the President’s Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002

Well, let’s toss in another one – Dumbya was on a roll….

“Tommy (Thompson) is a good listener, and he’s a pretty good actor, too.” -George aWol Bush, apparently confusing his Health and Human Services secretary with Sen. Fred Thompson, Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002

Yes, Boy Blunder was on a roll, that day in Waco. He was on a roll before, and since, too. But in 159 days, this misAdministration will be in the history books – as will the Adventures In BushSpeak, and January 20th, 2009 will be The End Of An Error.

(originally published at

T Minus 173 – I'm the Commander Guy

July 30, 2008

“I’m the commander — see, I don’t need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being president.” — George W. Bush, as quoted in Bob Woodward’s Bush at War

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s more of that Napoleonic Complex, from the guy that said it’d be easier if he were he were the dictator, and that he’s “The Decider.”

Only 173 more days, until The End Of An Error

(this post originally published at

“T Minus 179” – Boy Blunder Warns of Himself

July 24, 2008

“America better beware of a candidate who is willing to stretch reality in order to win points.” — George orWell Bush, aboard his campaign plane, Sept. 18, 2000

DOH! But not only was Bush The Lesser willing to stretch reality, he and his misAministration were willing to do it over and Over and OVER again. How many times, just on Iraq? Well, the Center For Public Integrity says 935 times, and here’s how they say it:

”in a widely reported study of orchestrated deception, the Center found that President Bush and seven top officials made 935 false statements leading up to the Iraq war – and offer them in a database for all to see.

Link here and see for yourself, in the searchable database.

But if you really want to see someone willing to stretch reality in order to win points, link here, which describes this guy, here.

Thankfully, there’s only 179 days until January 20th, 2009 – The End Of An Error

(this post originally published at

That Was Then. This Is Now.

March 12, 2008

I personally don’t care who takes Bachmann out; I just want her out. I honestly cannot find one good thing to say about her. Just last week, following in the traditions of John Kline and Mark Kennedy, she blew off the Disabled American Veterans. No surprise there!

Every year, the non-partisan Disabled American Veterans has their annual Mid-Winter Convention in Foggy Bottom. Every year, Minnesota sends its Legislative Committee to talk to Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation, about legislation to help disabled American veterans lead productive lives.

Two years ago, John Kline told these Disabled American Veterans he wouldn’t co-sponsor legislation written by democrats. Period. End of story. When this news was reported, Kline’s reaction was predictable. Last year, he didn’t meet with them. Nor this year.

Thanks, John. NOT.

Two years ago, Mark Kennedy wouldn’t even let the veterans into his office.

Mark Kennedy got his just rewards.

Michelle Bachmann needs to get hers, too. So, really – I don’t care who takes out Bachmann. The reality is, though – whoever does, has to be on their “A” game. And from what I’ve seen so far, that ain’t El Tinklenberg.

Why, the reasonable, concerned citizen might ask? Credibility. And the Tink campaign lost it, for me. Take the issue of “endorsements” – Team Tink has put out in print, and in speech, endorsements they simply do not have.

Yes, “endorsements”. As in “plural”. Two that I know of; one a congressman, the other a well-known former candidate. I called another congressman’s office, two days ago, and asked a real simple question. Here’s the cut ‘n paste:

My name is (the ol’ TwoPutter’s given name); I’m a member of the DFL Veteran’s Caucus and live in (city). I also blog on the website .

I am wondering who, if anyone, Representative Peterson has endorsed in CD-06?

Has Representative Peterson endorsed either Bob Olson, or El Tinklenberg?

Thank you for your response!

(the ol’ TwoPutter’s given name)

I followed it up with a phone call, and was told I’d get a reply, when they got an answer. No answer, last Monday. So I e-mailed and called again, yesterday morning, and again, yesterday afternoon. Still no answer. So I followed up again, this morning. As of this minute, still no answer.

Now, the reasonable citizen might assume that anyone a Congressman has endorsed, the Congressman would be quick to confirm the endorsement. So, is it unreasonable to assume that Tinklenberg did NOT receive the endorsement?

Yesterday, I had a telephone conversation with Tinklenberg’s Campaign Manager, who claimed Representative Peterson in fact “endorsed” Tinklenberg; further, she promised me she’d e-mail me written confirmation of said “endorsement.” No e-mail in the ol’ in-box, yesterday. This morning, I followed up with a voice mail, asking for the promised verification of Representative Peterson’s “endorsement. I followed up with another voice mail. So far, no e-mail in the ol’ in-box.

What is the reasonable citizen to assume?

And quite frankly, I’m not even gonna get into the parsing of words and hair-splitting Tink’s campaign manager engaged in, with regards to Congressman Walz’ NON-endorsement of Tink.

Quite frankly, I felt like she was insulting my intelligence – not that I have a lot. I don’t understand why she didn’t simply state: “Hey – we made a mistake; we’re sorry, we’ll fix it.” And then actually did fix it. Why this campaign put Sergeant Major Walz in the position they did, is inexcusable, IF they didn’t apologize. They haven’t; it isn’t. And I don’t like gettin’ the run-around from a campaign manager from my party. Or, for that matter, the run-around Wodele gave me, yesterday. I expect straight talk. I haven’t gotten it.

In my first post on the race in CD-6, I affirmed I had no dog in the hunt. That was then.

This is now.

I’m not a rocket scientist, and I understand Tink isn’t either, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out taconite does NOT belong in roadways. Period. End of story.

And I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve seen enough to recognize a lobbyist when I see one. Not that there’s anything wrong with lobbyists; there isn’t. As long as they’re upfront. And I have a strong indication who isn’t being up-front.

And I happen to think my wife and daughters are smart enough to know what they should, or should not, do with their bodies. Apparently Tink does not. Or, does. Or, doesn’t. What day is it today?

And I happen to believe in “liberty and justice for ALL.” Not “some”. Not “liberty and justice, if you’re ‘straight’.”

And I happen to believe I should get honest answers, and discussions, from campaign staff.

Therefore I happen to believe Bob Olson is the candidate to take out Michelle Bachmann. With Bob, you KNOW where HE stands.


Previous posts, on the CD-6 race: Jan 30, ’08 Mar 9, ’08 Mar 11, ’08

(originally posted at

Pawlenty Of Balls

December 27, 2007

I was at the Grand Opening for The Quarry golf course, at Giants Ridge. Hey, it was a lousy job, but: someone had to do it!
For those of you that play, you KNOW Giants Ridge is spectacular golf. For those of you that don’t, you’re just gonna have to trust me on this one. The night before ribbon cutting, the 19th Hole was packed. I’m standing with a buddy that grew up in Grand Rapids and Tom Rukavina, and we’re havin’ a great time; and we’re swappin’ jokes. Especially Jesse “The Mind” jokes. Now, before this night, I’d never met Tom Rukavina, but we’re all in a really good mood, so I tell him: “Say, Tom, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I listen to Jason Lewis and Garage Logic, and I have to tell you, you’re not nearly as big an asshole as they say you are!!!”

Now, those of you who have met Mr. Rukavina understand the joke; those that don’t, well, let’s just say Mr. Rukavina is “vertically challenged.”

Mr. Rukavina got the joke, and he laughed, ’cause it was a good joke!

Anyway, there was a LOT of laughin’ and joke tellin’ at the 19th, that night.

And the Governor was there, to cut the ribbon the next day, for the Grand Opening. After all, this course was financed by a state agency, the Iron Range Resource and Rehabilitation Board.

So, before cuttin’ the ribbon, T-Paw grabs the mic, and warms up the crowd. And he tells a joke, as T—Paw is wont to do! After all, he IS a funny guy. I didn’t tape this joke; never thought there’d be a need to. Couldn’t find it via google, either – apparently nobody else saw the need to. So, I’ll paraphrase:

“So, I’m getting’ ready this morning, to come play here. My aide says to me, ‘Hey, Governor, you ready to play? Got your clubs? A glove? Shoes? Balls – do you have enough balls?’ Let me tell all of you here, today – I’m a Republican, standin’ tall up here on the range: I got PLENTY of balls!!!”


Now, I don’t care who ya are; that’s a FUNNY joke! People were laughin’ their asses off!!!

Now, some might be goin’, right ‘round now: “Hey – sure that’s a good joke, but: what’s the ol’ TwoPutter’s point?”

Well, there’s two of ‘em! Here’s the first point: IT WAS A (CHENEY)IN’ JOKE.

Of course, with T-Paw, it also had the added benefit of being true. Because as everyone who has ever had to deal with the Governor knows, T-Paw owns a set. For instance, remember how T-Paw stood up to Bush The Lesser over pharmaceutical reimportation?

Just like IT WAS A (CHENEY)IN’ JOKE that the guy told at the Franken event.

And like T-Paw’s joke, Larry David’s joke also had the added benefit of being true: As I’ve often inferred, the “Smokescreen”, Norm Coleman, is NOT the proud owner of a set. Which is why I refer to him as ‘Norm “Smokescreen” Coleman, R=Lapdog’.

Here’s point numero dos: The second joke – based on the fact Smokescreen lacks a pair – has caused those wusses over at the GOP to get their panties in a wad. They’re wonderin’ just how the (cheney) a joke about “balls” could be funny. Not surprisingly, Brodkorb is weighin’ in, too; rippin’ Al Franken for laughin’ at the joke; a joke told at a private event. .

I wonder what GOPer Ron Carey’s response would be, if some reporter actually asked him for his opinion of T-Paw’s joke?

Would Carey have the balls to issue a press release, paraphrasing the one he just released?


“At a ritzy golf outing, funded by taxpayers, republiCon Governor Tim Pawlenty personally told a joke in language offensive to all Minnesotans. Pawlenty promised he would run a “Family Values” administration, but his coarse and vulgar language again shows why he lacks the maturity, temperament and judgment necessary to be the Governor of the Great State of Minnesota.”



Either the bootlickers are unaware T-Paw told a ballsy joke – probably told on the taxpayer’s dime! or – more likely – they’re doin’ the ol’ republiCon Shuffle, where they’re consistently inconsistent by ignoring it when THEY do it, but castin’ stones when democrats do it.

Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that Norm “Smokescreen” Coleman, R=Lapdog, doesn’t have a set of stones.


(originally published at – )