Archive for the ‘republiCon’ Category

His One – ONE – Free Town Hall Over, It's Back To Pay-Per-View For Paulsen

September 17, 2009

On the day Erik Paulsen, R=TargetCorp, announced his candidacy to run for Congress, Paulsen claimed he was a moderate in the mold of Bill Frenzel and Jim Ramstad.

Yeah, “right.”

Anyone paying attention knows the LAST thing the former State House Majority Leader is, is a “moderate.”

And Paulsen’s inaction on holding Town Halls clearly indicate he’s anything but out of Ramstad’s mold. Here’s what Jim Ramstad said in an interview, before he left office:

“I have had regular town meetings all 18 years I have been in office.” (

Which is true. Twice a year, Ramstad would hold a series of Town Halls in different cities at different times and usually on different days so everyone – EVERYONE – got a chance to see and hear and maybe even get to ask their Congressman a question.

So, when Paulsen didn’t hold any Town Halls last spring, there was muttering. When Paulsen didn’t schedule any before starting the August Recess, there was more.

Then along came MudSlingerMike, Deputy Chair of the Minnesota GOP, making it worse for Paulsen. Brodkorb ripped Democrat Colin Peterson for not holding a Town Hall – even though, at that time, neither Michele Bachmann nor John Kline nor Erik Paulsen had scheduled any. It was hypocrisy epitomized – so, let’s watch it again!!!

“If you don’t want to be asked questions, if you don’t want to interact with the public, if you don’t want the opportunity to get a tough question, don’t run for office.” – MudSlingerMike, 29 July 2009

After MudSlingerMike spouted off, criticism got heavy, especially from bloggers like Gavin Sullivan and Dusty Trice and, of course, yours truly – the ol’ TwoPutter.

Still, no Paulsen Town Halls. Sure, pawlenty plenty of closed events; such as the one at an auto dealer where a citizen journalist was refused entry – but, no Town Hall.

Dusty caught up with Paulsen at the State Fair – and “right” after (coincidence? I think NOT), Paulsen announced a Town Hall, held last Friday. Now that that one is out of the way?

“Business” as usual – take care of the base! Gotta dance with them that brought ya, doncha know?

From the Bloomington Chamber Of Commerce:

Governmental Forum: Mr. Paulsen Goes to Washington
Friday, September 18, 2009
7:30 AM to 9:30 AM

Price: Member $20 Non-Member $40

So, if you can get the time off of work, for a mere forty smackers you, too, can watch Paulsen perform for the Captains of Industry – them that bought brought him.

(crossposted at MnProgressiveProject)

Today's Example Of republiCon Hypocrisy

September 3, 2009

As noted yesterday:

There’s so many examples of republiCon hypocrisy, that it’s becoming hard to keep track of them all.

And that’s true. They have no shame – NONE.

Today, we’re going to talk about republiCon hypocrisy regarding cursing – you know, when someone (cheney)in’ swears.

Let’s go to the WayBack Machine (actually, archives), and look at what happened when two people dropped the F-Bomb (forever after, known as “The (cheney) Bomb”):

What am I referring to? John Forbes Kerry’s interview with Rolling Stone magazine, where – referring to Boy Blunder’s handling of The War Of Choice – John Forbes Kerry asked, and I quote:

“Did I expect George Bush to f— it up as badly as he did? I don’t think anybody did.”

And that IS true; who expected that Boy Blunder would create “The Mother Of All FUBARs?”

What John Forbes Kerry also didn’t expect was how the republiCons would respond. (from “Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) Yourself!!!”

So, how did hypocritical republiCons respond? Let’s look!

Drug Limpstick and the rest of the EchoChamberRadio gang jumped all over it; El Druggo started callin’ him “John F-ing Kerry.”

Andy Card, Boy Blunder’s Chief of Staff, was all over it, too. As reported on

“That’s beneath John Kerry,” the president’s chief of staff, Andrew Card, said in a televised interview.
“I’m very disappointed that he would use that kind of language,” Card said. “I’m hoping that he’s apologizing at least to himself, because that’s not the John Kerry that I know.”

WOW! In 1999, Boy blunder repeatedly drops the F-Bomb, no problemo. In late 2003, John F’ing Kerry drops the F-Bomb, BIG DEAL. With me so far?

Yep – it’s that ol’ republiCon hypocrisy. But wait – there’s more!!!

In his duties as Vice President, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney presides over the Senate. And one day, a few months after the republiCons jumped all over John F’ing Kerry, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney was over at the senate. Now, two things notable happened at the Senate on this day: the Senate passed “The Defense Of Decency Act” which addressed indecent language on TV, and VPOTUS Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney told Senator Patrick Leahy, in the Senate:

“Hey! Senator!! Go F*** yourself!!!”

Or, as I like to say, to point out the blatant hypocrisy of republiCons:

“Hey! Senator!! Go (cheney) yourself!!!”

Asked about it on FauxNews, in addition saying it was “appropriate”, and that he “felt better afterwards”, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney said, and here’s the whole quote:

CHENEY: Well, I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.

In that interview with Neil Cavuto, Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney also weasels out of breaking a rule by dropping the “(cheney)-bomb” in the senate, on the technicality that the senate wasn’t in session. Other places covered for Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney by noting that, technically, Cheney’s a member of the administration, so rules governing senator’s behavior in the senate, don’t apply to Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney. Hmmm…. republiCons citing “technicalities” to cover THEIR guy….who’da thunk?

Well, “thinking” people “woulda thunk” EXACTLY that.

And again, there’s more!

Now, let’s revisit what Andy Card said when John F’ing Kerry dropped the “(cheney)-bomb”:

“That’s beneath John Kerry,” the president’s chief of staff, Andrew Card, said in a televised interview.
“I’m very disappointed that he would use that kind of language,” Card said. “I’m hoping that he’s apologizing at least to himself, because that’s not the John Kerry that I know.”

What was the official White House line on Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney droppin’ the “(cheney)-bomb”?

Zip. Nada. Crickets.

But, here’s what Dick (cheney)in’ Cheney’s spokesman said:

“Reserving the right to revise and extend my remarks, that doesn’t sound like language the vice president would use, but there was a frank exchange of views.”

republiCons count on people not remembering history, let alone recent events. IMNSHO, here’s why: “Those that forget the lessons of history, tend to vote republiCon.”

OK, that was the hypocrisy of the GreedOverPrinciples party, then. Here’s the “now” – Van Jones called republiCons “@zzholes” (I’m editing what he actually called ’em, to keep this site available at libraries, but: thinking people know what Van Jones really said; GOPers (clueless cretins that they are) can email me for the exact word). Let’s look!!!

And, to no surprise, rightwingnuts are going ballistic.

Well, why – EXACTLY – did Van Jones call republiCons @zzholes? Because, to quote D*ck (cheney)in’ Cheney, on Faux News:

CHENEY: Well, I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.


And this needs to be repeated, over and Over and OVER:

“Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP”

(originally published at

Another Example Of republiCon Hypocrisy

September 2, 2009

There’s so many examples of republiCon hypocrisy, that it’s becoming hard to keep track of them all. As Congress readies to go back to W.D.C. without John Kline nor Erik Paulsen holding a Town Hall, it’s important to remember that this summer, in the Great State Of Minnesota, one of the most amazing acts of hypocrisy ever – EVER – was performed, and Michael Brodkorb performed that feat in a mere 9 seconds! Let’s look!!!

Now, when Congress convenes after the August recess, be ready and waiting for more republiCon hypocrisy! Here’s Rachel Maddow, explaining the hypocrisy of republiCon Judd Gregg, R=Hypocrite, with Gregg’s amazing hypocrisy concerning the fillibuster – let’s look!

As Rachel explained: “It’s O K When A Republican Does It” – although I personally prefer:

“Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP”

(originally published at

MudSlingerMike Tweets It

July 29, 2009

So, I see the tweet, from MudSlingerMike:

mbrodkorb The bad press continues for Congressman Collin Peterson;; #mngop #mn2010

So, I link on the tinyurl, and read this:

But Republicans on Tuesday saw the gaffe as an opportunity to make headway in Peterson’s conservative Seventh Congressional District, which he has securely held for many years. In 2008, he won 72 percent of the vote.

Got that? Less than a year ago, DFLer Colin Peterson won 72% of the vote.

So, what does the intrepid Deputy Chair of the GreedOverPrinciples Party say about Colin Peterson?

“This has really I think energized activists in the area and is going to lend [itself] to a first-tier candidate coming forward to run against him next year,” said Minnesota GOP deputy chair Michael Brodkorb, adding that there has been an “absolute explosion” of interest in the seat in the past 24 hours.” (Strib)

Say, Brodkorb? An “absolute explosion” of interest in taking on a guy that just won with 72 percent of the vote??!?

Yeah, “right.”

And a “first tier” candidate to boot? Not gonna happen – no “first tier” candidates remain in today’s GreedOverPrinciples party. T-baggers and “birthers”? You got pawlenty. “First tier”? Not so much.

Oh, noticed this tweet, from MudSlingerMike, too:

RT @MinnPostRSS: Minnesota GOP ready to launch ad campaign against Peterson remarks:

Say, Mikey? Good luck with that “ad buy” you’re tryin’ to sell. When you say “five figure ad buy” that really means “$999.99 or less” – yes?

Although personally, I wish the GOPers would dump a coupla hundred thousand into the 7th, between now and the new year….

(crossposted from <a href=";MnProgressiveProject)

GOPer Party Official Trashes Veteran Joe Repya And Is Rewarded

July 28, 2009

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Joe Repya is, by any standard, an American Hero. People may not like his conservative political philosophy, but few (if any) have served this great country with the courage, valor, integrity and distinction Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya has. Colonel Repya served in combat in Vietnam, the Gulf War in 1990, and in 2004 – at age 58 – came out of retirement to serve again in Iraq. How Colonel Repya missed The Balkans has to be an interesting story; a story I’d like to follow up on – but, that’s a tangent.

Colonel Repya challenged then-incumbent MN-GOP Party Chair Ron Carey in 2007, on a “reform the party” platform – because, clearly today’s GreedOverPrinciples party needs to be cleaned up. For this, Colonel Repya was essentially smeared called an “enemy of the party” by then-GOP Party Chair Ron Carey. An important point is Ron Carey’s campaign manager was current GOP State Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb.

Everybody got that? Challenge the party chair’s “stewardship” and get trashed as essentially an “enemy of the party”, by the guy (Ron Carey) who’s campaign Michael Brodkorb ran.

Fast forward, to last month. Tony Sutton, the GOP party’s Treasurer under Carey, is elected Party Chair. Sutton was “the man” while a whole bunch of the GOP Party’s FEC problems were unfolding – link here to read the Tostenson Memo. Michael Brodkorb, who’s plotical tactics Joe Repya has condemened, is elected GOP State Party Deputy Chair.

So, when FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike were elected Chair and Deputy Chair, Colonel Repya had had enough – he wrote an Op/Ed in the Pioneer Press titled “Why I’m leaving the Minnesota GOP.” While that Op/Ed is no longer available on the PiPress website, comments on that Op/Ed are. Nathan Hansen, GOP Deputy Chair of CD-4, did comment – here’s what he had to say:

I am Deputy Chair of the Fourth Congressional District and one of the newer anti-war Republican activists. It’s difficult for words to describe how happy I am that you are leaving our Party. The roots of your “neconservative” philosophy lie in Straussian Trotzkyite Communism. “Corporate money” influencing our Party? Nothing compared to the damage your military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) has wreaked on our Party and our Country.

I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists. Your days of endless illegal wars and military industrial complex domination of our party are over.
Obama is ramping up his War in Afghanistan and continues to illegally bomb Pakistan. Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust. (emphasis added) (PiPress)

Lieutenant Colenel (Retired) Joe Repya a communist??!? A neo-con??!? “…satiate bloodlust…” – WT(C)? Colonel Repya is a warmonger, too??!?

So, one might wonder how the new regime of FEC Tony and MudlsingerMike responded to an elected GOP Party Official – Deputy Chair of the 4th CD – trashing a bona fide American military hero? How did FEC Tony and MudslingerMike respond to an elected GOP Party Official essentially spitting on Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Joe Repya?

By rewarding GOP CD-4 Deputy Chair Nathan Hansen with a plum assignment within the State GOP.

Which really isn’t surprising, when you think about it – it’s a page “right” out of the GOP Playbook.

In today’s GreedOverPrinciples Party, “led” locally by Tony Sutton and Michael Brodkorb, you can expect anyone they don’t like to be slimed, smeared, and spit on.

It’s really rather pathetic – and just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, it’s predictable, too.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul And Dirty Tricks – Part 1

July 17, 2009

The recent election of FEC Tony and MudSlingerMike to Republican Party of Minnesota Chair and Deputy Chair was a clear signal that the GOP was going to keep playing down and dirty – or worse. And apparently, Steele County Republican Party Co-Chair Dave Thul got the message – LOUD AND CLEAR. Before we get into how down and dirty Dave Thul is willing to play, let’s go into the archives and review how down dirty republiCon GOPer John Kline plays:

(crossposted from <mnProgressiveProject)

Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP

July 13, 2009

Eric Cantor, R=Hypocrite, was on Fox News yesterday, trying – TRYING – to make the argument that after being elected on a “Family Values” platform, getting caught in, say, an “unFamily Values affair” doesn’t much matter in today’s GreedOverPrinciples Party. Let’s watch!

(h/t to

What makes this performance by Eric Cantor, R=Hypocrite, even more hypocritical, is the smear campaign directed at GOPer Laura Brod – allegedly masterminded by high-level state GOPers.

Transcript of Cantor’s We-a Not-a Culpa and a couple of thoughts:

WALLACE: Finally, when you’ve got Republican leaders like Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina or Nevada Senator John Ensign admitting to extramarital affairs and staying in office, questionable use of either private funds or state money, in the case of Sanford, doesn’t the GOP, with all its talk of family values, risk looking like a bunch of hypocrites?

CANTOR: Look, I mean, is anyone happy to see all that have happened? No. I mean, it’s not good. But listen. We have our thoughts with their families and they themselves.

However, look. The party is not just about personalities. It’s about ideas. It’s about our ability to go out and prove that yes, we can lead this country again. So we have got a plan. We are talking about the solutions that actually can address some of the problems that working people in this country are facing, and we’re going to do that over the course of the next 16 months.

WALLACE: But if you’re going to talk the talk, why not walk the walk and say, “You know what? They should step down?”

CANTOR: Well, listen. I mean, again, I say in the instance of the people in South Carolina and Nevada, it is up to them, and those are the elected individuals by those states.

And again, it’s not about, necessarily, these personalities. The direction of this country — and the challenges that we face are enormous. And we ought to be talking about how to go about creating jobs again. We ought to be talking about the things that matter most to people in this country.

WALLACE: Congressman Cantor, we want to thank you. Thanks for coming in today and please come back, sir.

Everybody catch that? Let’s do that again:

We ought to be talking about the things that matter most to people in this country.

Two Points:

One – if the situation were reversed, does anyone really think that Cantor would be saying the same thing about a Democrat that got caught with the proverbial pants around the ankles? and…

Two – while Cantor, a national high-level GOPer is defending Sanford and Ensign at the national level, it’s allegedly state high-level GOPers trashing Laura Brod at the state level.

Hypocrisy, Thy Party Is GOP.

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

"Hikin' the ol' Appalachian Trail!" and other current misdeeds of….

June 24, 2009

…today’s GreedOverPrinciples party.

It’s been a tough day for the GOPers. Fortunately for Kurt Zellers, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford – who turned down Federal Stimulus – got caught gettin’ some international stimulus:

Chris Cillizza Political Blogger
Wednesday, June 24, 2009; 3:30 PM

Gov. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) admitted in a press conference in Washington today that he had an extramarital affair with a woman in Argentina and that he will resign his position as president of the Republican Governors Assocation. (Washington Post)

Yep – a “Family Values” republiCon, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, wasn’t “hiking the Appalachian Trail” as aides first claimed; he was down in Argentina – “catching up on foreign affairs”.

Which is good for Zellers; that diverts attention away from his history of campaign finance screwups. Well, and the video Dusty Trice found and posted today – the video of Zeller trashing former Governor Arne Carlson just last May. Let’s look!

That’s Kurt Zellers, trashing former two-term Governor Arne Carlson. Way to make the small tent smaller, Kurt!

And speakin’ o’ the Small Tent Party, Lieutenant Colonel Joe Repya split ranks from the likes of Zellers, Sutton, Brodkorb, et al. In today’s Pioneer Press, Colonel Repya explains why:

“Over the years I have raised tens of thousands of dollars for GOP coffers, donated many thousands of dollars to local and national GOP candidates, worked many hours at the grass-roots level and been asked repeatedly to run for state or federal office by Minnesota GOP officeholders. So why on Earth have I decided to leave the Minnesota GOP?

Simple: When a political party becomes so dysfunctional that it no longer can operate without tyrannical domination over the grass-roots, it is time to stop enabling bad behavior from that party. I have come to the conclusion that a majority of Minnesotans and many Republicans no longer trust the message of the Minnesota GOP.

After years of ineffective party leadership resulting in a record number of defeats, lack of transparency in party dealings, alleged financial impropriety by former party employees, and numerous Federal Election Commission problems, can you really blame the electorate for abandoning the Minnesota GOP?”

OK, now I’ll surmise that the “…alleged financial impropriety by former party employees,…” has something to do with this:

Read the “confidential memo” from the Minnesota Republican Party that is the basis of CREW’s FEC complaint

(Submitted by crew on 16 July 2007 – 1:26pm. FEC Minnesota Republican Party)

CREW filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint today against the Republican Party of Minnesota and its former treasurer, Marina Taubenberger, alleging multiple egregious violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) and FEC regulations. The complaint is based primarily upon a February 15, 2007 confidential memorandum from former Republican Party of Minnesota finance director Dwight Tostenson to the Party’s Executive Committee. You really have to read that memo. Here it is:

OK, so what happened when Colonel Repya tried to ask about the alleged financial impropriety” at the state convention? Let’s watch!!!

Way to go, Tony Sutton, a/k/a “Mr. Lost Credibility”!!! Oh, and in the comments section, of the PiPress? A guy by the name of Nathan Hansen has this to say:

I am Deputy Chair of the Fourth Congressional District and one of the newer anti-war Republican activists. It’s difficult for words to describe how happy I am that you are leaving our Party. The roots of your “neconservative” philosophy lie in Straussian Trotzkyite Communism. “Corporate money” influencing our Party? Nothing compared to the damage your military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) has wreaked on our Party and our Country.
I hope you will find a happy home among your fellow communists. Your days of endless illegal wars and military industrial complex domination of our party are over.
Obama is ramping up his War in Afghanistan and continues to illegally bomb Pakistan. Perhaps you can join him to satiate your bloodlust. (emphasis added)

ROFLMAO!!! The Deputy Chair of the GOP’s CD-4 not only told Colonel Repya “don’t let the door smack ya on yer arse” — he called Joe a “commie”, too!!!

Ya really gotta admire how those in current GOPer party leadership positions honor the troops, doncha??!?

Ever hear that those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it? Well, an astute Regular Reader (thanks, Ricardo!) sent me a link demonstrating how today’s GreedOverPrinciples party’s leaders are doing just that, in an e-mail entitled “The Current State of the GOP Party”! Let’s watch!!!

Oh, and think today was bad for the local GOPers? Watch what happens if ol’ Smokescreen gets his walking papers tomorrow!

Stay tuned!!!

(crossposted from MnProgressiveProject)

Not Content To Simply Slime Sonia, RightWingNuts Go For A New Low

May 30, 2009

What do rightwingnuts call a non-profit that’s backed by a whole bunch o’ corporate sponsors, from Allstate Insurance, American Airlines, and AT&T to UPS, Verizon and Wall-Mart?

“La Raza, the militant, left-wing, Hispanic hate group. La Raza is essentially the Ku Klux Klan of Hispanics.”

Yep – “The Admiral” over at Lake Minnetonka Liberty said that, just yesterday, in a post that tried to trash not only Sonia Sotomayer, but an established and respected civil rights organization, too.

To be fair, and so as to not take “The Admiral” out of context, he followed that up with:

I know the loony left will be jumping all over this one. I’m not comparing them with the Klan of old, but with todays Klan. The 1950’s and ’60’s are over with, that’s not what we are talking about here. Let’s not make me point out the chaos they caused a few years ago with the stated purpose of disruption of commerce, looting, etc… which by the way, they accomplished.

Yeah, “right.”

Now, keep in mind Sonia Sotomayor was first appointed to the federal bench by Bush The Elder – and confirmed by the Senate; she was subsequently promoted to the Appellate Court by Bill Clinton, and AGAIN confirmed by Senate vote. And her membership in La Raza was well-known, back then.

Yesterday, “The Admiral” asked: Does anybody think she’s not biased? Anybody think she’s not a racist? Anybody think she doesn’t have an agenda?

Yes, but unlike “The Admiral”, they live on Terra Firma.

Oh – and they also aren’t the bedrock of today’s GreedOverPrinciples party. Sadly, “The Admiral” appears to be “mainstream” – “mainstream” that is, in today’s republiCon party.

(h/t to Spotty, over at The Cucking Stool; h/t to Daily Kos for the following YouTube)

(crossposted from

Paulsen Admits It – He's a republiCon

August 26, 2008

Yesterday, Paulsen told the Associated Press he wasn’t sure if he’d accept an invitation make a speech at the Republican National Convention; today he tells the Associated Press he will.

Now, with as much time as Paulsen’s spent running from the republiCon brand, stepping in front of a microphone at the RNC is a big step for Paulsen.

I just checked Paulsen’s website, and used the search feature for the term “Republican.” On Paulsen’s website, the term “Republican” exists exactly 7 times. Not on the home page; not on any of the sub-pages; but buried in 4 stories (three of which were about GOP endorsement conventions) and 3 documents.

After a political career that includes Majority Leader for the Republican Party, Paulsen is certainly hiding the brand. It’s not on his campaign signage, nor literature, either.

But there’s a lot of things Paulsen doesn’t like to talk about; his being a republiCon is only one. Erik Paulsen, Republican-Endorsed candidate, has no position on Iraq. His website is pretty much bereft of any content, and has been since I posted this way back in January. Then, as is now, this picture is worth a thousand words:

(originally published at