Archive for April, 2008

Bounced Out, On The Prairie

April 30, 2008

Last night, the Eden Prairie GOPers held their 42-B Endorsing Convention (they haven’t found a sacrificial lamb for 42-A yet). And they didn’t like our fellow blogger (and friend!) Gavin Sullivan bein’ there – so they bounced him. And rather unceremoniously, at that.

The video o’ Gavin, bein’ shown the door, is available, here:

(Gavin Sullivan’s Page)

After you read Gavin’s account about Jenifer Loon (“if you liked George W. Bush, you’ll LOVE Jenifer Loon!!!”) bein’ endorsed, and ya watch the video of the GOPer Prairie Dogs discourteously showin’ Gavin the door, go down a few threads and read Gavin’s trials and travails to get a simple response from his duly elected representative, Erik “The Hustler” Paulsen….

(this post originally published at

Running And Hiding

April 29, 2008

Well, over on Minnesota Democrats Exposed, they’re doin’ they’re damndest to sling mud. But, it seems that they got plenty of room to have it slung right back!

And they’ve been takin’ body blos, er, ‘scuse me, “blows”, what with the controversy about Laurie Coleman’s potential undisclosed income from her business wheelings and dealings. Plus, it turns out ol’ republiCon Ron has led the MN GOP into some FEC paperwork problems that some are callin’ shoddy.

So, what does an intrepid GOPer do, when they want to take a cheap shot at a DFL Candidate, but their chief spokesman (republiCon Ron) has credibility problems when it comes to paperwork, and their candidate’s wife is lookin’ at some possibly serious reporting probems?

Get the New York GOP to take the cheap shot!!!

Folks, I’m not makin’ this up – it seems as if the local MN GOP is on the run, with all the potential problems they got, so M.D.E. is hypin’ a New York GOP Press Release!!!

Man, it has to be a rough week for the Minnesota GOPers, when they gotta get New Yorkers to bail ’em out….

…then again, it ain’t called “The Norm Coleman Weasel Meter” for nothin’!!!

(this post originally published at

Roughing It, In The 82nd Airborne

April 29, 2008

[Update: Kare 11 announced this story and that all barracks world wide are going to be inspected – good job you all! – Kelly]

Charley Company spent 15 months in the mountains of Afghanistan. Then it was back to Bragg. One father took pictures of what they returned to, and it doesn’t exactly look like “your tax dollars at work.”

(this post originally published at

Unreported Business Income

April 28, 2008

Well, the republiCons are busy, tossin’ crap up against the wall, to see what sticks.

Hey – sounds like fun!

Wait’ll the state o’ California gets my letter!!!

Selvi Stanislaus, Executive Drirector
California State Franchise Tax Board
P. O. Box 1565
Rancho Cordova CA 95741

Dear Ms. Stanislaus,

A couple of months ago, it was widely reported that Laurie Coleman, wife of Minnesota Republican Senator Norm Coleman, was actively engaged in selling Blo ‘n Go’s in the State of California.

I invite your attention to Laurie Coleman’s website:

Senator Coleman’s United States Senate Financial Disclosure Form doesn’t list Laurie Coleman’s involvement in selling these Blo jobs.

Click to access c001057.pdf

Clearly, the number of these Blo jobs Laurie Colemen has sold, and how much money she has made from said Blo jobs, is unaccounted for.

This will require significant investigation to determine Laurie Coleman’s involvement in selling Blo jobs.

Your prompt attention is appreciated.


TwoPutt Tommy

(this post originally published at

America's Future Defenders Of Freedom

April 26, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I had the honor and privilege of observing the 2008 Spring Awards Luncheon of the 420th Air Force ROTC Detachment at the University of Minnesota – Duluth today. And an honor and privilege it was, to break bread with our Future Defenders Of Freedom.

There are those that recognize the ol’ TwoPutter frequently refers to the Current Occupant Of The Oval Office by names such as Bush The Lesser and Boy Blunder, among others. These are the young men and women who will be defending my right, as an American, to do so.

Over 40 of these fine young Americans (along with family, friends, and supporters) gathered to celebrate the end of the year and recognize those who earned and deserve special recognition. Awards included Meritorious Service for outstanding performance for exemplary acts of achievement, Academic Honors for carrying a high GPA, and Physical Fitness (self explanatory). Community sponsored awards varied from the Veterans Of Foreign Wars, Military Order Of The Purple Heart, and American Legion to Daughters Of The American Revolution and Society of the War Of 1812 Award. Those chosen and honored displayed high academic achievement, and exceptional moral and ethical performance.

Above all, all understand they will be charged, upon commissioning as officers in the United States Air Force, to supporting and defending the United States Constitution – the document that allows me, a veteran and American citizen, to state without qualification (or fear!) that the ChickenHawk-In-Chief, George aWol Bush, should be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. This, these fine young ladies and gentlemen clearly understand. They know their duty is to follow orders while old folks and young folks use their constitutional rights – such as to peaceably assemble and petition our government for redress of grievances, among others. Theirs is not to question why; that’s the job of agitators such as I. And, hopefully, you.

Prior to the Presentation of Awards, Detachment 420 performed the POW MIA Ceremony. This is a ceremony that never fails to move me, and reinforces my remembrance of “There but by the Grace Of God, go I.”

To make this story short, in every Veterans Of Foreign Wars post, there is one special table. It is a small table, with special settings, and it represents those soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who are Prisoners of War and/or Missing In Action. They cannot join us; we will not forget them. Their place is waiting for them upon their return.

I looked on YouTube for a performance similar to the ceremony I witnessed today. This ceremony recognizes the sacrifice some have paid; some are paying, and – unfortunately – the sacrifice some of those in Air Force ROTC Detachment 420 may someday pay. These young men and women willingly have volunteered to defend our country – defend our way of life – knowing that they may make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives; that they may make the sacrifice of becoming a POW or becoming MIA – and the ceremony some of them participated in today, the ceremony they all witnessed today, may someday be a ceremony for them.

Please take the time to witness the POW MIA Ceremony, very similar to the Ceremony performed in Duluth today, by linking here:

YouTube, POW MIA Ceremony

Ladies and Gentlemen, these fine young Americans deserve our respect, support, and admiration. They are America’s Future Defenders Of Freedom.

(this post originally published at

Deja Vu All Over Again

April 25, 2008

Al Ries and Jack Trout were marketing pioneers; we all now know about “positioning” and “branding”. Their premise is that, for instance, it doesn’t matter if “Pillsbury’s Best” flour is better than “Gold Medal”; it only matters that the customer thinks its better. Their mantra is marketing is not a battle of product – it’s a battle of perception.

What I’ve seen is the GOP taking this theory, and applying it to politics: it doesn’t matter if the policy is any good; it only matters that the voter thinks it’s good. As a result, we’ve ended up with policies like the “Clear Skies” initiative, that allows more pollution – not less, and “Healthy Forests” which is really healthy if you own a lumber company.

The GOP does this over and over and over. Today, we’re seeing it again, and today’s version is the Swiftboating of Al Franken. The GOP is throwing slime at Al Franken’s greatest strength, and they don’t care if it’s true or not; they only care that voters think it’s true.

I just got back from a long road trip to play a whole bunch of golf. The highlight was a memorial tournament for an old boss of mine. Keeping in the nostalgia mood, I brought along a copy of Al Franken’s “Lies – And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them” for a re-read. A couple of thoughts hit me as I went through the book; one of which is the more things change the more they stay the same.

In Al’s chapter called “Who Created The Tone?”, Franken discusses how candidate Bush talked about changing the tone in Washington, D.C.; about being a uniter and not a divider. Meanwhile, GOPer surrogates were providing plenty of nasty tone. For instance, they were providing the push-polling used against John McCain in South Carolina – it doesn’t get much nastier than that. Fast-forward to today, and Norm Coleman is saying “We need uniters, not dividers” while his surrogates are doing everything they can to divide, and as divisively as they can.

Later, in Al’s Chapter called “I Grow Discouraged About The Tone”, Al discusses how divided – partisan, if you will – Washington, D.C. had become. And we all know it has become and not just in Washington, D.C.; for instance, a high school friend accused me of being a “TRAITOR!” for opposing Iraq. I had to remind him that I was the one that had enlisted for service; not him. Is anyone reading this actually encouraged about the tone in politics, today?

Later in the book, Al discussed the Wellstone-Coleman campaign of 2002, and how the GOP went extremely negative. Coleman tried to position himself above the fray; distancing himself from his surrogate’s dirty work. Sound familiar?

Throughout the book, Al clearly demonstrates the mendacity, the lies, that are so coldly and calculatedly tossed out by the GOP. In the beginning, Al lays out a pathology of the smearing of Al Gore. Today, they’re smearing Al.

And it is a Swiftboating; Al’s well-know for his honesty. So, they attack his strength. That’s the essence of a Swiftboating; attack the strength with reckless disregard for the truth. Honesty is out the window in today’s GOP, as their operatives only care that the voter thinks the smears are true. It’s wrong; it must be stopped – and the only way to stop it is at the ballot box. This latest attack on Al Franken has only steeled my resolve to beat Norm Coleman.

(this post originally published at

And For Those Really Dedicated Democrats…

April 18, 2008

..the CD-3 GOPers are holding their endorsing convention at the Ramada Mall Of America (used to be the Thunderbird) this Saturday, April 19th.

As many reading this know, the DFL was gracious and welcoming to GOPer guests to the DFL CD-3 endorsing convention; we even let the GOPers film the event. It would be interesting to hear how friendly (or not) the GOPers are.

I’d go, but I’m goin’ to play golf. A lot of golf. Days of golf. You get my point.

Anyway, doors open at 8:30; registration closes at 9:30, and one of the agenda items is, and I quote:

“1. Consideration of endorsement for Third District Congress”

Now, this is interesting – “consideration”??!?

Yes, “consideration.”

It seems the ol’ Hustler, Erik Paulsen, isn’t feeling quite sure about his endorsement. At least, that’s one conclusion on why the endorsement for his state representative seat wasn’t on the order of business when the SD-42 GOPers met earlier. The actual endorsement for the state rep. seat isn’t until April 29th – and, just for giggles, let’s look at what the GOPers got, on their webpage:

Upcoming Conventions

HD42B Endorsing Convention, Eden Prairie High School, Tuesday, April 29, 2008 – Convention begins at 7 pm (Registration from 6pm to 7:15 pm). We are endorsing for the seat that is being vacated by Representative Erik Paulsen. The two announced Republican candidates are Jenifer Loon and Kathy Veurink. For more information:

So, speculation is that the ol’ Hustler wanted to make sure he got the endorsement to challenge for The Rammer’s seat, BEFORE they gave away the endorsement for his old job. At least, that’s the way I see it.

I mean, how embarassing would that have been for The Hustler; to give up his state seat and then get denied for the new seat??!?

Oh – and one more thing that sticks out on that GOPer notice – the endorsing convention is only for 42-B; seems the GOPers haven’t been able to marshall up a sacrificial pachyderm in the 42-A race. They got two that want to take a run for The Hustler’s seat, but no one brave enough to take on Maria Ruud?

So, there we go – for sheer entertainment value, we got the GOPer CD-3 tomorrow, and the GOPer SD-42 on the 29th. I can’t make tomorrow, but I’ll be there on the 29th!!!

(this post originally published at

The WaterBoard Express

April 17, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the misAdministration of George orWell Bush, “up” is “down”, “Saddam had ’em” means “he didn’t”, “believe us” means “don’t”, and “we don’t” means “we did.”

For another example, watch this from Brave New Films:

“No, Seriously – This Time I Mean It!”

April 7, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We’ve heard a lot about Iraq from the misAdministration. And believe it or not, some of it is actually true. For instance, Iraq actually is located in the Arab world. Beyond that, pretty much everything they say should be viewed with skepticism.

Let’s take a look at two recent stories about Iraq. First, we have the ultimatum:

Al-Maliki Commands Basra Gunmen To Disarm Or Else

The Associated Press
Published: March 27, 2008

BAGHDAD – Iraq’s prime minister warned gunmen in the oil port of Basra to surrender their weapons by Friday or face harsher measures, as clashes between security forces and Shiite militia fighters spread throughout the south and in Baghdad.

Next, we have the response:

U.S. forces drawn deeper into faceoff with militias

By By McClatchy Newspapers and Los Angeles Times
Published March 29, 2008

BAGHDAD – As U.S. forces plunged deeper into the bloody showdown between Iraqi security forces and Shiite militiamen, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki extended a deadline yesterday for fighters to disarm after nobody responded to his first one.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this demonstrates the problem in Iraq succinctly: al-Maliki has a credibility problem. In the militias, nobody cared, much less worried, about al-Maliki’s threatening “or else”. This should be of no surprise to anyone paying attention. Beginning with pre-invasion war planning, the misAdministration of Bush The Lesser has consistently erred on Iraqi policy. Al-Maliki is simply a continuation of these failed policies, and the locals there recognize that.

General Petraeus is preparing to testify this week. Fortunately, has kept silent, so focus this time might actually be on what The Good General has to say. Last time The Good General testified, the misAdministration was lucky that ad ran, because what General Petraeus said was highly critical of the misAdministration. Most telling was General Petraeus’ “I don’t know” answer to the question “Does the fighting in Iraq make us safer?”

This answer clearly demonstrated that General Petraeus was bound and determined to do his duty and answer questions truthfully, even though some of his answers clearly were at odds with misAdministration pronouncements. For all President Bush’s bluster that he “listens to the commanders on the ground”, he doesn’t. It’s a shame created a situation where the focus was on their ad, and not The Good General’s testimony. Clearly, Bush benefited from this.

So, here we are, into Year Six of the war that the main architect, Donald RumsFailed, said wouldn’t last six months; the top General tasked with prosecuting the war doesn’t know if the war makes us any safer, and the Iraqi President is ignored by the militias.

It is important to remember this election season, that the party responsible for creating this FUBAR is the Republican Party; that their candidate in the 3rd district is Erik Paulsen, and that Erik Paulsen will be listening to those politicos as he parrots his “thoughts” on Iraq this electoral season.

By a wide margin, most of the decisions this misAdministration has made in Iraq have turned out badly at best. But, seriously, this time they mean it, John McCain will continue it, and here in the 3rd District, Erik Paulsen is their guy.

The GOP’s collapse of credibility continues.